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Everything posted by siteunseen

  1. 240zrubber.com or something close to that. I'm using a smart and am not too smart. Sorry
  2. The bumper ends face each other. This would be passengers side with the vertical leg opposite 7. Facing forward
  3. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" said the 240Z.
  4. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Well deserved and funny moniker, Sirfuxupalot.
  5. Can I take that back??? I looked a little closer, they have the actual Christmas theme barricaded pretty darn well. In one of the towns around here they put the Nativity Scene up in front of City Hall like they have all my life. Somebody complained to a anti-religious group in Wisconsin, they wrote an e-mail and the city took it down. For 30 minutes!!! The community raised hell and they put it right back up. http://www.gadsdentimes.com/article/20141218/NEWS/141219786
  6. Ehh, I'm on the fence on that. If it was a display only, leave it be but letting customers pull the boxes themselves? Sounds like an easy lawsuit for
  7. Advance Auto's coupon code TRT30, 30% off most everything. I use that at least once a week. The guys there know me so well that they'll let me get whatever I need then go home and pay online saving that 30%. My favorite chain auto parts store!
  8. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    There's your answer.
  9. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    I did a double take on pic #2, that reflection of the ceiling on the hood looks cool. Cars looks great!
  10. I could use one in my FI 280 with a tunable CTS via the potentiometer I have then another in my carbed 240. OR figure a way to temporarily install just one for both cars? Or buy 2. More ideas than time.
  11. These are cheaper than I thought, http://www.amazon.com/APSX-D2-Digital-Wideband-Controller/dp/B00NBYSTSC/ref=sr_1_sc_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1418901382&sr=8-7-spell&keywords=os+wideband+sensor+gauge&pebp=1418901406687
  12. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I don't know if this will help but when I rebuilt my combo switch the dash lights were tied into the switch. I had to look and see, it's a green wire with a white stripe. When I put 12v on the solder blob it lit up the dash.
  13. Sticker was never removed on mine.
  14. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Wait until you see the front!
  15. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Finally got them back. Happy, Happy.
  16. Those "nail head" connectors are hard to find. I opened up spade connectors and covered everything with liquid electrical tape, Shade Tree, but it worked out great.
  17. I'll remind you guys about Z Con in Memphis, http://zccazconvention.com/conventions/2015/ We have to meet up.
  18. I'm in Northeast Alabama, Etowah County, 2 hours from the ATL either way. I-20 or 411 to I-75, better scenery on 411 to Cartersville. That ZX swap really woke my 240 up, the points were all screwed up and I know nothing about setting points. I bought a Crane PS 20 coil from amazon.com, the ZX dizzy needs the ZX coil and that Crane has the 1.5 OHMS, same as the ZX coil. Very happy with my set up.
  19. That looks great! I've sealed 2 with Red-Kote, it's much easier and cheaper than the Por-15 sealer. $30 at local auto parts store, O'Reilly's, or you can get off e-bay.
  20. Look at this and you'll see the mounts are different. You'll need a ZX mount. http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/distributor/index.html
  21. Congratulations, it's a good feeling when things work out.
  22. Welcome to Classic Zs. One of the best tricks I've learned from this forum, mix half Acetone and half ATF in a spray bottle for frozen bolts. It works great and is cheaper than anything you'll find. I'm so impatient I usually just wait 10 minutes or so and they'll break free but the best thing is to spray whatever the night before.
  23. I was referring to the OP's comment on 2 vacuum lines, not the picture you posted. I read a lot on the internet and remembered reading this on ratsun.net, post #23 http://community.ratsun.net/topic/40030-how-to-nissan-sentra-electronic-ignition-for-your-l-series/page-2
  24. Me too. It worked great even without a helper and those communication headsets. Blue and his camera make my life easier almost daily. Now if he would make a tip page for the rest of my life's crap I'd be forever grateful.
  25. It was an experience for sure, one I've never had or seen. The oil pan was so full of gas it overflowed the drain pan. The gas smell was so strong I got a little scared and got my hose pipe out in case of a fire. But I have a 2.4 on an engine stand. What about some paint remover and brass wire brushes on a drill? Xenon's had a formula for the paint on 240s hub caps but no luck on the Iron Crosses, http://www.xenons130.com/wheeldifferences.html

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