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Everything posted by siteunseen

  1. $8 per gallon, WOW! That would turn America upside down.
  2. ChriZtine is what I'll name her.
  3. Those Opeckers!
  4. Well it's not the '73, I downloaded it and it's this It's in the '72 FSM though,
  5. ozdat.com says Haynes Manual for the 240Z has the tranny info, http://ozdat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=31419 Here's the FSM download page, http://www.xenons30.com/reference.html, I forgot about this. I downloaded the on for a '77 and it had the transmission chapter.
  6. Here's the microfiche, http://www.carpartsmanual.com/datsuns30/DatsunZIndex/Engine240Z260Z/AirCleaner240Z(L24)/ToJun-72/tabid/1579/Default.aspx If it's #11, I googled the part number and a few places had them. Hope this helps. A lot of times I can call my local Nissan parts department and give them the number and they can get the parts, sometimes the next day. They don't like going back as far as our cars, they have to get out their microfiche, their computers don't go back that far.
  7. Without the wrist corsage this is pretty close.
  8. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I bought an Exmark commercial mower a few years ago. At the end of the season, getting leaves up it would die when I tried to engage the blades. Scared I'd torn it up already I carried it to where I bought it, they put a new air filter in and I've blown it out once a month since then. It's ran without any problems ever since. *Egg on my face emoticon*
  9. Taiwan is what I read somewhere. They come in a fancy box that says"'70 to '73 240Z Bumper" packaged and wrapped up nicely. I tried to find a scratch, none whatsoever. They polish up like the mirrors in jail.
  10. Hey Greg. I'm about to do the same as you but I'll be putting my old rusty front bumper on my '77. I found a 1/4" thick shelving bracket at Lowes that's the right width and long enough to make 2 brackets. There's a lot of info out there. This guy makes them but it's more than I want to spend before trying something DIY, http://www.zccjdm.com/catalog.php/azcarbum/dt93862/pd1790406/280Z_TO_240Z_FF__RR__BUMPER_CONVERSION_BRACKETS_ They used to have pictures but not now, I guess people were copying his brackets themselves. They pop up on e-bay occasionally. Maybe we can figure something out.
  11. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Carrion? Vultures were storing their baggage in there and riding in the cabin with you?
  12. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I've had the model for 20 years, now I've got 2 of the real deal. The models are much cheaper!
  13. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    It has to be louder. I have a 6 into 1 header with 2.5" exhaust, so it's loud anyway but I can say that after doing that it is really pulling some air in. My plastic snorkel had a few cracks in the accordion part, got rid of that. Chipmunks were storing acorns in my air filter box, got rid of that also.
  14. Heres's what I ended up getting, http://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS-Performance-Products/555/83770/10002/-1?parentProductId=2895853#moreDetails 1/4" are trying to twist in the square hole on the bumper ends so 5/16" will have to work. I'll have them in a few days.
  15. New taillights ordered!!! The rehabbed ones will go on the red and white car. Thanks futofab.com
  16. I got a rough quote to weld up the existing holes for the bumperettes and rechromeing my OE bumpers, $500 each.
  17. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    That's all I can find for the 240s and they're HIGH DOLLAR.
  18. You will be happy, guaranteed. I'm finding the bolts for the rear bumper now, Nissan Hardbody pickup has the same chrome 3 piece bumpers. Jegs has a bumper bolt kit for $6.99 but it's a 5/16". I'll post up what I end up getting today.
  19. That's the new chrome center strip and direct plug in, right?
  20. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Aftermarket
    I'm reading all I can about cams and cam kits and somehow or another came across this post on hybridz.org, http://forums.hybridz.org/topic/25807-improved-l6-valve-stem-seals/ What do you think? I want to do mine the right way but if I could save some trouble and money, I'd like to.
  21. I've ALMOST decided to get rid of my '77 280. Fresh N42 block and cylinder head with an oiler cam, can't remember the stamped letter right now, with MSA's ceramic header and premium 2.5" exhaust, completely new fuel system. Bosch pump, all new injectors, tank cleaned and sealed. It needs painting but so does the other 240 I have. So I'm thinking I'll keep two 240s instead of 1 and the 280. I'm mad at it right now! Removing the non working automatic antenna and busted my egg on the hatch's edge. Six staples. You don't want to see the before stapling photo, it's nasty.
  22. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Aftermarket
    Why can't you just buy the shorter valve seals? https://www.google.com/search?q=Fel-Pro+%23+SS72686+seals&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=MlF7VP_hE8qeggTBm4KQDg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=1280&bih=620
  23. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Interior
    I never knew that voice had a name. "Bitchin' Betty" is perfect. My friend was beating his Mom's ZX turbo around a curve when the rears got off in the grass then caught a driveway culvert. Upside down and swimming in beer and cooler water, we started laughing when all we heard was "your lights are on, DING, your lights are on, DING, your lights are on".... She got a Buick Regal Turbo next. Ahh yeah, the 80s!
  24. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I took the plastic snorkel off, then put some screen in the opening of my air box. Pretty much the same thing without the cost. It's already in front of the radiator.
  25. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I cut two pieces 1.5" long off a heater hose I found in my hoard pile, drilled 1/2" holes through them. It's a little thick but works great. Also cut a couple of square pieces for the inside nuts and washers. I was so excited to have these new bumpers I had to make do with what I had here. I'm going to get all the right stuff someday. Shade Tree .

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