Everything posted by siteunseen
Tough Tuning Question
It's like taking before pictures, I don't think about it until it's too late.
Empi Syncrometer And Ste Syncrometer Did Not Measure The Same
My cheapo EMPI buries the needle on the 3,000 RPM test.
Tough Tuning Question
I had to put my 17mm crows foot on an impact wrench, compressor at 130 psi, then use a propane torch on each and every one. I don't think the valves had been adjusted since new, 1977.
Banjo Bolt Filters
I've been reading the past hour on those filters. I'm leaving mine off. Thank you Blue for the fix. If the valve gets clogged and starts leaking out the vent barb I'll put them back on.
Banjo Bolt Filters
Does everybody use these or throw them away? My rebuild kit didn't have new ones but I cleaned the old ones up and they still look squashed together. I'm thinking of putting filters before the fuel inlet on each carb and not using the old "last chance" filters. Am I making a mistake? Thanks for any replies, Cliff.
Horrible Running L24 Not Fault Of Sus!
Good to hear it was an easy fix. That's the only good thing about being scatterbrained, I can't stay focused on one thing too long.
What I Did Today
It's so easy to apply and then wipe off I could clean them up every now and again. I now see that the carbs will need a periodic once over anyway. I thought everything was clean until the Never Dull came back darker and darker.
Just Ordered Black Bumpers!
December 1st, 15% off everything except wheels which will have free shipping only. I may get a new set of tail lights myself, they're not getting cheaper as time goes by.
What I Did Today
I'd never heard of that stuff, now I'll never forget about it. It's exactly what I needed for the "final touch". Thank you, thank you!
What I Did Today
Yes I am. After watching the DVD I thought I had the wrong float valves, they weren't Grose Valves like in the DVD. So after a quick Google search I learned they were no longer available. At first I was going to rebuild a spare set I bought but when I realized how badly they'd been messed with I decided to go ahead and rebuild the original ones that were on the car. After taking them apart I can see I was driving half of a 240Z. About to watch the DVD one more time and go put them together this morning.
Stock Compressor Bracket For Sanden 508
Here's that compressor installed on post #13, http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/27963-installing-the-gen-ii-mini-ac-into-my-240/ Make your own decision.
What I Did Today
I'm laughing my face off!
Just Ordered Black Bumpers!
No go on the black bumpers. Talked with Dave and the rears were of bad quality to him so he's not selling them. Offered a full refund or the chromes for Cyber Monday's price so I gladly went with chrome. Can't wait to see them on my car. I appreciate his attention to quality.
Wheels... Beating A Dead Horse
Here's what I'm waiting for, http://www.discounttiredirect.com/direct/findWheelDetail.do?bp=4-114.30&fl=&pc=45470&counter=1&wd=15&rw=7 They've been out of stock for a month at least but promised me they will have them before Christmas. I'm sure MSA would have 0 offset too. Call them, ask about their holiday sales. They're doing a 3 part sale.
What I Did Today
Thank you. Took them apart and soaked them in lacquer thinner for a day. Then blasted the grime off with air. Found a video on youtube that had a very simple solution to the soda blaster I'd built but didn't work very well. He put a small nut inside the pick up end to reduce the volume of soda it sucks up. Worked like a champ and only used 6 lbs of soda! That's $3 for 6 boxes at Dollar General. Then slowly blend everything together with 0000 steel wool.
What I Did Today
Just Ordered Black Bumpers!
Will do, thanks. They have to be better than fiberglass and that's where I was headed. Actually I bought them before I found futofab's powder coated steel bumpers.
Farewell To My Z
Is it April already?
SU's suddenly running rich
You won't want to leave! Traffic sucks though.
Just Ordered Black Bumpers!
Talked to Dave Patten at futofab.com, he said the black powder coated bumpers were a satin finish. Perfect!!! Can hardly wait to receive them and will post up pictures as soon as I can. $543 for both front and rear to Alabama.
Fuel Tank Vent Lines
Her 280 doesn't have all that mess, fuel injected. Finally found a good thread with pictures for reference, http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/17542-treating-insideoutside-of-gas-tank-with-por15-products-and-removing-evaporation-tank/ He's deleting the tank though but still has some useful info. Here's another picture that'll make you cringe.
Brake Booster Double Check
I bought one from rockauto.com about 2 months ago, $106 with $27 core charge so it was $92 after paying the shipping back to NY of $13. The top left nut inside the cabin took me longer to remove than installing the whole thing. You can lay a short peice of wood across the inspection lid to the front of the wipers making a triangle to hold up the brake cylinders while you're working. I had to unbolt that brake line manifold down at the bottom too. It's tough the 1st time but if I ever have to do another one I'll know the tricks. Looks like rockauto doesn't have them now, here's the part I bought. https://www.google.com/search?q=A1+Cardone+Remanufactured+Power+Brake+Boosters+53-5246&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&oq=A1+Cardone+Remanufactured+Power+Brake+Boosters+53-5246&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8 You'll want to paint it black as it comes raw metal grey.
What Is This Pipe I Broke? (L28E)
Seems like when I deleted mine there was a small hose going to the BPT valve? then from there to the side of the throttle body, driver's side. I had to plug that at the throttle body. Yellow circle in the attachment.
How To Get Out Of Used Car Deal (Suspected Freud)
He's in Oslo, Norway. Buying the car from California's scammer. "I'm about to import a 240z from California to Norway."
Birmingham, AL
I am pretty sure that article was written when Mr Gibbs son Kevin reopened the place. Now most of the cars are on their side with the catalytic converters cut out. He's crushing them pretty fast, clearing out everything to sale the land. I think it's 70 acres of oil and antifreeze soaked soil. He can't afford to clean it up so the rumor is he's talking with the county about buying it to make a transfer station for garbage, like a "dump". When I went a few years ago to look for Zs I was hiking around and out of nowhere there's this 280 sitting on top of an old 70's hippie van. I took some pics with my phone but before I could transfer them the phone fell out of my shorts pocket while mowing. You can guess what happened next, LG mulch.