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Everything posted by siteunseen

  1. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Nice car to pass along to a friend. You're a fine man.
  2. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    This may be why I have black plugs!
  3. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I bought all my hose at an O'Reilly's Auto Parts store. They had all the way up to 5/8" on hand. Hoses and clamps were around $60, quart of Red Kote tank liner was $30. I have hundreds of PEX fittings, so $100 and a week of time. If I can find some of the pics. Don't forget a Fram G2, $3 bucks, coming out of the tank's supply side. That picture isn't my 240s G2, thats a 280 with the G3. Nissan still has the fuel sending unit, $50. The wires going to it are what they call "nail head" connections and they are a PAIN. When you get them on slather them up with liquid electric tape. Picture: I used a 1/2" pex 90 degree for the small vent line above the sending unit. You'll need two 3/4" pex 90s for the 180 turn on the top of the tank, it's the 5/8" hose connection. I'll find a picture of that somewhere, I know it's on my computer! That box has the Nissan part number for the sending unit. You'll also need an O ring, p/n 17342-18000 Gotta go, more when I get time. Cliff
  4. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    After taking some dramamine I watched the whole DVD. I quickly figured out why both my car's consoles are broken. The nozzles are stuck. Best money I've spent and my hands aren't even greasy, yet. Thanks Bruce and Steve.
  5. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Here's some Sta-Bil fogging oil for winterizing engines, it should work for your tank. I've never used it but it got 5 stars from amazon.com https://www.google.com/search?q=STA-BIL%2FFogging+oil&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&oq=STA-BIL%2FFogging+oil&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i58j69i60j69i61l2&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8
  6. Well there's my dilemma, 2.8 or 2.4? I've got both. A 2.8 bored .030" over with dished pistons or a 2.4 with flat pistons. I'm thinking of putting the E31 on a 2.4, then working that early E88 head I bought a few months ago to put on the 2.8. Decisions, decisions.
  7. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Look at this thread, http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/6320-are-early-gas-tank-vent-systems-simpler/ The early ones had the "T" and no tank according to this.
  8. Man that looks good! I've got a long way to go but plenty of time to get there. Need more grinding bits and some Mother's Polish.
  9. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    #16, http://www.carpartsmanual.com/datsuns30/DatsunZIndex/Engine240Z260Z/FuelTank/ToAug-74/tabid/1587/Default.aspx
  10. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I don't know where you'd find that coupling but when I did mine I used brass "PEX" fittings. Any plumbing supply or hardware store should have them. https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=3%2F4%22%20pex%20coupling
  11. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    That's about as Obvious as I've ever read, thank you Captain!
  12. I was going to do an E88 head but decided to go ahead and use the E31 that already had the 1.73 & 1.38 valves installed. For some reason I thought I'd save it?? Madkaw I'd love to see your's. I can get the valves out pretty easy now if I need to for the unshrouding. Might go ahead and put some shorter valve seals on there anyway, just in case the reground cam needs the room. I just got my Z Therapy rebuild kit yesterday, yea! Winter projects are moving along just fine.
  13. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I can't seem to find any old threads, "404 Not Found", keeps showing up this morning but there's alot of info on that. I cleaned my tank and replaced all those hoses a few months ago. Mine were original and hard as a rock, all cracked on both ends. There's only 1 you can get to easily, 1/2" that comes out the top driver's side of the tank. The others are a PITA but doable with the tank out. here's the only one I can find, http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/24181-rating-the-factory-240z-fuel-vent-hoses/ I think replacing the hatch gasket would be my 1st attempt at getting the smell out of the cabin.
  14. I've been smoothing the intake and exhaust ports and will be matching port sizes as soon as my gasket comes in. Does it look like the valves were unshrouded before the bigger valves were installed? I don't know myself, all I've done is read and looked at pictures so I'm guessing they were? EDIT: the E-31 was with a project car I bought so I know nothing about what was done before I got it. Thanks for looking, Cliff
  15. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I bought a Cardone remanufactured distributor from amazon.com that didn't have any numbers on the moduale. The only ones I've seen are '79 to '81 which is the E12-80 that has only one 2 spade connection on the top. The '82 & '83 has the E12-93 which has the top connection as well as another one on the side. The 2nd connection was for some sensors or something, not sure. http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/36786-zx-distributor-adapter/ look at post #11 for pictures http://community.ratsun.net/topic/56630-e12-92-retard-or-no-retard/ post #2 for pics too.
  16. Goats! And to think I get pissed when a cat gets on one of my cars.
  17. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    With only 2 terminals on the black box, I'd guess ZX E12-80 too. Should have one of these numbers stamped on the side somewhere. D6K8-02 D6K8-03 D6K8-05 D6K8-06 D6K8-07 D6K8-22
  18. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Well now that Maxwell House is turning the gears and not Bud Light, I see this maybe isn't too good an idea.
  19. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I've read where you like high RPMs Mr Beck. That's what I'm after.
  20. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    You're the Man! 7,500 RPM! I always forget about that ozdat thing. Oh yeah, I have an E31 with big valves newly installed. I'm thinking of a Schieder regrind on my oiler B cam. Top end of their stage II, almost 3rd class specs, and all the other components. Schneider guy was a really helpful.
  21. This is my 1st upload on the new design, it's different. Thickness is 3/16".
  22. Yes! I'm bored. Give me a minute.
  23. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I'm trying but I think I must be missing something. All those numbers are causing (helping) me to drink more. L28 block L24 crank L24 rods L28 pistons
  24. Ha! That's what I was thinking too. Probably a Depends moment.
  25. Wow! He's got a set of huge macadamias.

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