Everything posted by siteunseen
Differential Insulator Mount
We have a satellite U.D.S.T school down here. I put my pistons in the block 3 times. Notch forward, dimple up, gap at 10 2 and 4 etc. I used my PHD Saturday planting some Knockout Roses for a neighbor. She paid me back.
Unbelievable wheel and polish, to me
He has worked for the same dealership for 40 years cleaning up trade ins. Him, my Dad and the guy that owns the dealership grew up fooling with cars together.
83 280ZX won't start, won't fire. Just turns over.
On our carbureted motors with a mechanical fuel pump there's an off center cup looking thing on the cam's nose in front of the timing sprocket that moves the pump's arm every time the cam turns. Ehh here's something I found on google, How A Fuel Pump Works
Update on state of tune and a question on turning over the engine.
Bump starter, especially for adjusting the valves. $15 at Auto Zone.
83 280ZX won't start, won't fire. Just turns over.
That's the way I learned without a light. Get it real quiet then back it up a tad. Good luck!
Unbelievable wheel and polish, to me
I paid a 71 year young man to polish this 42 year old paint. It's not perfect by any stretch of that word but WOW! Slick as a button and I won't have to get it painted for many years. He said it was like "cutting a new paint job". He tried to buy my car but settled on $250, lucky for me. Look how close it came to where the hood emblem has been.
83 280ZX won't start, won't fire. Just turns over.
Yes it is. Barely loosen the distributor hold down plate, put a golf tee in the vacuum hose off the vacuum advance and crank it. Turn it which ever way makes the valve train noise quietists then turn it counter clockwise about a 1/4" or so, if I recall correctly.
83 280ZX won't start, won't fire. Just turns over.
How old is the fuel filter? They're $15 at chain parts stores and always better than the one you have now.
Hesitation Off Idle
Raising the needle leans it, clockwise. Richening is counter clockwise, turning the knob outward toward the fender.
Rear hatch seals
MSA says they weren't made properly and failed quickly. Now they have an "excellent quality" reproduction. Motorsport! Rear Deck Inner Weatherstrip, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z Coupe - The Z Store! Nissan-Datsun 240Z-260Z-280Z-280ZX-300ZX(Z31/Z32)-350Z-370Z Parts Lot's of weather stripping adhesive available, https://www.google.com/#q=auto+weather+stripping+adhesive. I used the 3M Black Super Adhesive from Autozone to hold the torn original together until I get new stuff.
Datsun 240Z shirts
Koning Rewinds would make perfect nipples.
Last try on this issue
From Blue's Tech Tips, "It should be easy to see that the resistance decreases as the engine warms up. It is also worth noting that the FSM says the amount of fuel injected decreases as the engine warms up." http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/tempsensorpot/index.html If they were loosely getting contact, air from the fan as Blue said, it would do what your's has been doing. Clean them, put dialectic grease on them and crimp them together tight. Take your phone along for an hour drive around the neighborhood.
- Carb + Timing Issues
New SU Carbs on Ebay
On carpartsmanual.com the 16010-E4302 number is a twin carburetor assssembly for an AUTOMATIC, to August 1971. 16010-E4301 is for the MANUAL transmission. Those on e-bay are E4302, or the box is. Datsun 240Z Carburetor L24 (To Aug.-'71)
Removing glue from vinyl trim and interior surfaces - What works best?
In Alabama, narcotic officers would be waiting on you outside.
RPM is dropping from 1,100 to 600-500
What PSI is the "recently installed Electric Fuel Pump! So this should not be the issue!" set at? You know, the fuel pressure regulators that come with " I want perfect and powerfull flow for my car."
New SU Carbs on Ebay
That part number is still good, average price is a little over $1,700. https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=16010-E4302
HellFire Status & release date annouced
Clutch Replacement Suggestions Please...
I bought the cheapest kit I could at the time, so much money on the rebuild I was tapped out. I've read nothing but positive things about the OE Nissan kit so I put one in my Hardbody pick up and it works great. I pull a trailer with an Exmark mower on it, 1,500 lbs and it's super strong. I have a Findaza? aluminium 225mm that's going in with the wide ratio ZX 5 speed out of a 2+2. Winter's around the corner so all my projects are coming up soon, damn it.
76 Z starts but will not idle.
Have you cleaned your grounds yet? It really helps! http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/electricalconnections/index.html
Clutch Replacement Suggestions Please...
Read post #9 if you haven't already, http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/check-out-my-ride/53162-2014-year-great-zed-rebuild.html#post465133
2014 - The Year of the great Zed Rebuild
OK, learned something new today. Thanks
I need an AFM
I know where 5 280s are, an old junkyard, and every one of the AFMs are gone.
Clutch Replacement Suggestions Please...
I use a Craftsman motorcycle lift for my transmission work. It has 2 flat rubber coated lifting points that the transmission fits right down in between. Another helpful thing I've found is a rubber cap for the transmission so the fluid won't dump out all over you. That one on the shifter ears is for nothing, I put it on before power washing. I used an Exedy clutch kit on mine but will buy a Nissan kit next time.
2014 - The Year of the great Zed Rebuild
Is the Maxima flywheel a 225mm, or something better? Just curious.