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Everything posted by siteunseen

  1. Here's some stuff I did with a cheap blasting keg and round glass beads. After I cleaned it it was sealed with Eastwood satin clear.
  2. Have you tried running your Z without a thermostat? They definitely have a purpose but you could try it. Don't get too far from home though in case it over heats on you. Also you could try putting some kind of reducer in the hose coming off the head. It is possible the pump is pulling the coolant through too fast resulting in those black plugs you've shown us. It's a balancing act, not too fast but also not too slow. I still think you could put a thermometer in the radiator while the car is parked, no wind flowing besides the radiator fan and give us a temp reading. No "stuck in traffic" reading. Just sitting still in your garage.
  3. American Southerns mash words together but get their point across. It's too damn hot down here to talk proper, we're in a hurry.
  4. @cgsheen1 @cgsheen
  5. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    They have a pretty dumb television show about that game. One girl is kinda cute, that's the only reason I watched it for 5 minutes.
  6. Cool song, about sums it up for me.
  7. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My first one...
  8. I don't rember capping anything and it seems like only a small amount of fluid came out, just leave the reservoir cap on. I bled the air out for sure afterwards. I would use the dot 3 fluid too. The newer dot 4 doesn't play well in older cars/motorcycles from what all I've read.
  9. That's a 280Z above. Here is the 240Z's...
  10. I had to bend my short hardlines to use the newer ones. Wasn't too much trouble for the price difference. https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/58728-early-late-wheel-cylinders/
  11. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I was reminiscing on past internet speed, 56K and Napster. I could que 100 songs before I left for work and 8 hours later I'd have maybe 50. I had an early Dell with the CDR drive that I could burn disc with. That was a lot of fun since nobody had them and they had to like my downloads. It went from the Statler Brothers to Danzing' "Mother". My first internet was '93 or '94 with Web Tv through my television around the time Tivos came out.
  12. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I've been having a hard time with my computer, slow to connect to czcc and everything else too. I read about the newer routers and they reccomend a new one about every 5 years. Mine was bought in 2007! I "straight wired" it with some Cat 5 wire and RJ 45 connectors I had from Y2K roll out I was a part of. It went from 10 MBPS upload to 62. I pay for 50 MBPS from Comcast so it's like I have a new computer. Happy new years present to me the dummy. So I'll be back posting dumb stuff again, prepare yourselves. HAPPY NEW YEAR my best friends. Can't wait for ZCON 2022, right down the road in Birmingham, Alabama. Roll Tide too!
  13. These are more like OE. https://www.ebay.com/itm/403077170180?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=403077170180&targetid=1263104805766&device=c&mktype=&googleloc=9012727&poi=&campaignid=14859008593&mkgroupid=130497710760&rlsatarget=pla-1263104805766&abcId=9300678&merchantid=101700549&gclid=CjwKCAiA8bqOBhANEiwA-sIlN42V_XziCWmOS-Q-036aB9hg8MK3IZnEMngEvh-YJtVBxWZuCphkdBoCmeEQAvD_BwE google search... https://www.google.com/search?q=240z+carb+banjo+fitting&rls=ig&sxsrf=AOaemvI2q8ucjgPsig0RfgQEHB8piUrLTw%3A1641000958271&source=hp&ei=_q_PYd-VDqeFwbkPiNeN4As&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYc--DnGSpDwWb36lAXIaLVNyyMO-Ia9D&ved=0ahUKEwjfjMT5tI_1AhWnQjABHYhrA7wQ4dUDCAo&uact=5&oq=240z+carb+banjo+fitting&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQghEKABOg0IIxAnEIsDEKgDEKYDOgcIIxAnEIsDOggILhCABBCxAzoICAAQsQMQgwE6BQgAEIAEOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoICAAQgAQQsQM6BAgjECc6CwguEIAEEMcBEKMCOg0IABCABBCHAhCxAxAUOhAIABCABBCHAhCxAxDJAxAUOgUIABCSAzoFCAAQsQM6BQguEIAEOgoIABCABBCHAhAUOgYIABAWEB46BQghEKsCOggIIRAWEB0QHlAAWOFkYO1taABwAHgAgAGFAYgB9RCSAQQxNS44mAEAoAEBuAEC&sclient=gws-wiz Also the rear is bent towards the radiator from I remember but I think you could use the same ones front or rear. ztherapy.com has some I'm sure. They're not on the web page but if you call them they would be able to sale you some I'd bet.
  14. I've had good luck with one of these on small stuff. Baking soda is cheap but you need an air compressor and spray gun.
  15. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Here's something I thought about a few years ago to clear a 17ft. boat. Looks to be reusable in different ways. https://www.amazon.com/Carport-Removable-Sidewalls-Portable-Resistant/dp/B09CD5QRFN/ref=asc_df_B09CD5QRFN/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=533225113103&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15847663098318804838&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=21143&hvtargid=pla-1414376079039&psc=1
  16. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I need a new "wiper bag" mine's sagging after 50 years. And the rear clunk when changing gears is just as it sounds, I've changed gears and have a clunk. Maybe a new rubber mount would work? but going through TSA would be a bitch.
  17. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I need to put some MT-90 in my knees and elbows, then S.E.M upholstery paint my faded hair and carpet.
  18. This is a cool song. Merry Christmas from your "Redneck Friend".
  19. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    The only thing I've kept, without crashing, worth anything are my two Zs.
  20. I have some close up pics of those. They're chrome and had a short piece of rubber pop riveted on the bottom.
  21. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Yeah, run 2 short hoses from the bleeders up into the reservoirs and pump away.
  22. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Maybe use this if all else fails.
  23. Congratulations, you're a bonafide Z mechanic now. I wonder if you'll get a Badge? You could lower the motor on an old tire to be safe until you get your bolts.
  24. It be tough to bend one I think but here's the different ones.

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