Everything posted by siteunseen
Ramp recommendation?
I have those Rhino Gear Ramps for $40 from local parts store. My 240's lowered an inch and has a front spoiler, no problem but I kick them under the tires before I drive up, they slide on my garage floor if I don't. I've pretty much started raising it up with a floor jack and then putting them under the tires. I just measured them and the flat spot at the high end is 6 1/2" off the ground. http://www.amazon.com/RhinoGear-11909-RhinoRamps-Vehicle-Capacity/dp/B006EGAIII/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1411834931&sr=8-1&keywords=rhino+gear+ramp
Hello from South Florida!
I buy alot from Advance and Rockauto online with coupon codes, Advance you can buy online and pick up in their stores without paying shipping and usually get 30% off your order. Motor Sports Auto is like a Z car candy store, they have everything you desire but for a premium shipping price from West coast to the East. When you buy from them be sure and take advantage of our clubs 10% discount, it's your member ID, CZCC-30835. You'll be surprised at the parts still available from Nissan locally. I'm not sure the year their computers start but on my older Zs I always have to find the part number before I go in, pimple face part boy thinks my 240Zs are 240SXs. Anyway, there's more information for these cars on-line than you could ever read. google.com is the all knowing master.
Any one sell fuel hose kits for a fresh tank install?
You know I haven't read anything from Dogma in a long time. Maybe the fumes got him?
Hello from South Florida!
Congratulations on your Time Machine! Mine is a '77 280Z #305 light blue, my first automobile purchase was a '76 light blue Z. My Dad kept my 1st car from me as punishment and I stayed in trouble, alot! So I emptied my savings account, $1,000, and bought my own car. He was PISSED. Mom got a kick out of it.
Fiberglass bumpers
I've been e-mailing with John Washington at Reaction Research and he's going to make my bumpers for me for a good price. I'll be sure and let everyone know how things turn out. Reaction Research Automotive
Early '72 wheel cylinder problem
Success! Swapping the hard lines from one side to the other really did help. Very little bending, I promise.
2014 - The Year of the great Zed Rebuild
Looks really good!
Early '72 wheel cylinder problem
Thank you zKars & Blue, that's my back up plan. After a few beers and a better attitude I went back and swapped the driver's side to the passenger's side brake lines. I only have to straighten out a "c" bend to an "r" and it'll run behind the strut. Lucky idea but too many beers to fool with it tonight. I'll put up some pictures tomorrow. Thanks Guys! I googled Happy Lemon. They have a "Lemon Honey with Jelly Balls", my bulldog's name is Jelly.
Ability to buy first restoration car (280z) for REALLY cheap, need advice
Mr Cunningham on Happy Days sold paint cheap but the brushes were high as a giraffes arse.
Any one sell fuel hose kits for a fresh tank install?
Here ya' go, http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/tech-pubs-howto/19034-treating-inside-outside-gas-tank-por15-products-removing-evaporation-tank.html
Do i need to replace the rear suspension springs? Car too low in the rear?
Or save yourself some money and add a front spoiler. https://www.google.com/search?q=Xenon+3124&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Wj8jVJ7oK9jFggTo84GoCw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=1280&bih=620#tbm=isch&q=Xenon+3124+on+240z&imgdii=_ Or spend some money and get these, Tokico HPK Kit NISSAN 260Z
Early '72 wheel cylinder problem
Kinda hits on my problem and maybe offers an idea. Maybe I could combine the new cylinders with the older housing and not have to bend my lines???? I originally was wondering if I do bend them, should I go behind the strut towards the rear of the car or bend them around towards the front? I really don't like the idea of going anywhere around the square 4 bolt hub? which would happen if I went towards the front of the car. Also there'd be a sharp bend at the housing where the line screws in if I went forward. I could shape a piece of clothes hanger and have 2 made I guess. Decisions, decisions, but these are MY lifes worst at the moment.
Early '72 wheel cylinder problem
I've bought 2 new ones from rockauto.com but the hardline position is off from the OE ones. I'm going to try and figure a way of making mine screw in by bending the ends that go in the wheel cylinders. If someone had a picture of the routing they used I would appreciate being able to see how it's best done. Hopefully it's an easy job but I've never bent a brake line on purpose so I need help on this. Thanks, Cliff
Sheen of spoilers
Does your's have the flattened out part on the right for the emblem? Mine doesn't but the 240Z emblem fits pretty flat.
Sheen of spoilers
That's great Mr Blue, thanks! I'm going with the satin sheen of the rear finisher.
Sheen of spoilers
I'm getting my front and rear spoilers painted black on my orange 240. I like a low sheen finish but the painter called and said after he got started on them they were originally done with black gel coat. Could someone who wasn't in diapers in 1972 tell me the sheen as they remember? Gloss, semi-gloss or a satin finish? Thanks for any help, Cliff
This must be the car I missed out on earlier this year that sold for 1300.00..
I knew I'd seen that car in an earlier post. The site unseen wording got my attention. $1,300 to over $10,000, DAMN!
'78 280z fuel filler hose nightmare
Maybe Z Car Source, Datsun 280Z Gas Filler Hose, 1977 1978 - Z Car Source
- Flat spot?
Any one sell fuel hose kits for a fresh tank install?
I bought all the fuel hose and clamps from O'reilly's for around $60. I had the PEX brass fittings but you could get them at any hardware or plumbing supply shop. You'll also need the plastic rivets for your rear interior panels if you want new ones, Nissan #90909-E4100. Take your time, it's a big job if you do it right.
Any one sell fuel hose kits for a fresh tank install?
Here's good thread, http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/tech-pubs-howto/25857-rating-factory-240z-fuel-vent-hoses.html
Raw Gas Smell Inside the Car While Driving
On my '77 there's a round plate covering the fuel gauge sending unit in the hatch, by the spare tire. 3 screws I think to remove it and check to make sure the sending unit is locked in place. It also has an o-ring that could be missing or distorted.
Aluminum Radiator Swap a Good Idea?
I put a ZX radiator in my 240, got it from Advance with a coupon code for $150. Brass and copper 3 row. Works great.
Nissan's Leaf 'Pickup' Project Car
I was hoping it ran off leaves. Got plenty of those, now especially.
Engine woes-just had to walk away
You'll be "walking away" now for sure.