Everything posted by siteunseen
Bought some carburetors...
It's a '73 but the head has been serviced before. Also had the round mouth carbs installed when the head was done. It has one of those "heat buttons" siliconed on the end casting plug that has "Birmingham CHS- VOID IF REMOVED".
Bought some carburetors...
That header's too far gone. What would those bungs have been for? Thanks.
Bought some carburetors...
New member introduction and a problem
Another good source for 240's heater hose, Datsun 240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 280ZX & Mazda RX7 iCatalog - Black Dragon Auto I just looked at MSA's prices, a good bit cheaper! Plus when you put in your Member ID # from this forum you'll get a 10% discount, that'll help with their shipping fees.
New member introduction and a problem
Nice car. My air filter housing looks very similar maybe worse.
Yes and you have accumulated a substantial amount of Z points that are worth millions! Please allow us to transfer the funds into your bank. We will need your SS number, date of birth and your mothers maiden name. Gymmie from Nigeria.
Just saying hello.. Looking forward to it all.
I suffer from that too. I call it herpeZZZ.
Buying a 240z. input needed?
I like it. If the motor is good, $2,500 would be fair. But since you can't drive it, offer $2,000 or less.
Help with yogurt cup test please...
When I removed my EGR and BPT valve, I had to plug the hose coming off the bottom of the BCDD that ran to the BPT. Were you having similar problems before you removed that stuff?
240z On Velocity Channel Friday 9/14@9P.M.et.
Is that on Comcast or satellite in Alabama?
240z Tail Light Shroud Color
Thanks Dennis, I'd read about the reproduction strips but mine are in pretty good shape for now. I only broke off a 1/4" of that center post removing them and am hoping silicone dobbs will hold it in place until I am ready to do a full on restoration. After removing them I found that black paint on the red lenses. At 1st I thought it could be soot but it's paint. I don't see the need to re apply it as the strips will cover that area, but if it's needed I'll do it. OK, now I've found where Dr 240Z has his painted, didn't notice earlier when I read his write up, http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/electrical-s30/51111-240z-tail-light-refurbishment.html Thanks again Dr 240Z.
240z Tail Light Shroud Color
Thanks guys, that looks perfect. I think I was taking the "match striker" look too literal. 1 more question though. Mine have a black strip painted on the red plastic. Do I need to do this or is it something a previous owner did? What did you all do? Pictures below. Thanks for your help, Cliff.
Are the rear diffs on these cars a little whinny
Red Line 75/90 got the whine out of my '72. Whatever came out was orange like Sunkist.
240z Tail Light Shroud Color
Question on the Duplicolor #102 Graphite. I've sprayed my rear finisher 2 or 3 times. In between coats I've knocked the sheen off with 0000 steel wool. It looks so good dull I want to spray the matte clear over the lightly sanded Duplicolor. Would that be a mistake? It get's the metallic looking sparkles out but everything I've read says spray the matte straight on the Duplicolor. I'm guessing "it's up to you" will be the consensus but was hoping to hear someone else had done the same. Thanks for any experiences. Cliff
Dash cap issue!
More motivation! I've read that thread 2 or 3 times and am still intimidated with the dash cap install. It's still in the bag, hanging under a wire shelf in my spare bedroom.
Help with yogurt cup test please...
I put my valve cover on upside down once, thermostat side is straighter IIRC. Could it be the EGR tunnel sucking in air somehow?
- Stahl retiring
Dead cylinder #3! Ignition or Fuel?
Standard FJ707Ts are good and not too expensive, $30. They come with the O rings and a clamp. https://www.google.com/search?q=standard+fj707t&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=h_TpU77GIcme8gHfoYG4DA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg&biw=1280&bih=620
Bought some carburetors...
DIY Datsun Script Emblem Repair & Refurbishment
Thanks! I bought 10 from my Nissan dealer Friday. I am just getting around to installing them, I cleared them with Valspar Flat and it looks dusty dirty. I've bought the Duplicolor Matte clear for the rear finisher and will hit the emblems with that. I'm hoping the matte finish will look better than the flat. Thanks again.
Dash cap issue!
Here's good read,http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/interior-s30/48276-full-dash-cover-installation-help.html. 1973 starts at #37, he had the same problems as you.
Dash cap issue!
According to Dashtop's web site it's right, 240Z
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Mine have a pharmaceutical magnet under the drivers seat. What I did today was put the steering rack poly bushings on #918. With the car up on ramps and no weight on the steering or suspension it was simple. I had already prepared myself for unbolting the motor mounts and jacking the front up a few inches, but NOOOO thank goodness.
Transmission Temp
After a good drive my ashtray is hot enough to light a cigarette it seems. I've got the 2.5" exhaust so maybe that's my heat source. My reverse light switch used to leak a little too but it's the same level as the fill plug so I always thought I had too much in there, it has quit doing it. Maybe it's bone dry?
Alternator upgrade...Please help
So where does the plug from MSA go?