Everything posted by siteunseen
Z Car at Gas Monkey Garage
Datsun Z Series 280z | eBay
Z Car at Gas Monkey Garage
That's a water damaged car in my opinion. Too much interior rust and the whole bottom's got surface rust. Maybe it's been in a flood or something? And that VIN # 005,894 can't be right, maybe a typo? but my '72 is in the 95,000s.
Help in identifying this manifold
Maybe TWM? https://www.google.com/search?q=TWM+intake&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&oq=TWM+intake&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8 - - - Updated - - - Maybe TWM? https://www.google.com/search?q=TWM+intake&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&oq=TWM+intake&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8
Got hit Friday night
Look at my car in the 1st post. It's not hurt, I'm not hurt. Nobody's screwing me over. Live and let live.
Seahawks or Broncos?
After seeing the red head in #3006, I'm pulling for her, he he hee.
car sounds like an unbalanced washing machine
If it rolls in PARK I would think it's adjusted the wrong way, no offense to your mechanic. I take that back! and you should too.
Congratulations to you and your wife on the new baby.
- Got hit Friday night
Got hit Friday night
You're a pretty good troll! I fell for it. Go away from here.
Got hit Friday night
Actually a fellow member on this forum found one on craigslist.com for me. But after the accident I've been thinking about going another route, especially after seeing this picture. Not sure what it'll cost in the end but I've found an MSA 240z front bumper on craigslist and some spoilers, just not the Xenon one that I really want. If I can get a good deal on the pieces it'll be around $500 for the look I want, about the same as an OE bumper. Not safe at all but it looks good! Oh yeah, there's 4 at an old junkyard just outside the city limits I've been robbing parts off of for awhile. When the weather permits I'm going to get the 1 rubber boot that got torn off in the accident and put it on, just to balance out the look of my bumper. It's all that got damaged. Thank you for your reply and hopefully you'll find one of your own soon.
Runs rich and high idle after restart
The AAR is sticking which is causing the fast idle, so I'll clean it out some how, I checked today when it was "fast" idling after warmed up by clamping the hose on either side and it almost died out, so the AAR is not closing properly. I tapped on it with wrench and the idle dropped after each tap so its sticky. Thanks for the help. Mike You're welcome. Please try this $5 fix 1st, http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/tempsensorpot/index.html
Got hit Friday night
After that bump I'm liking those ugly bumpers even more but finding a replacement is going to be tough, and pricey. I need those end pieces too. I'm looking at different options now and in no hurry.
White seats, need covers
MSA has a universal cover,'70 -'78 that looks like a laundry bag pulled over the seats. I am hoping to find some that are tight fitting neoprene. E-bay I guess, thanks though.
White seats, need covers
Could someone recommend a tight fitting seat cover they have and like. I've got white interior and want it to stay as white as I can. Thanks for any replies.
The cheap way to modify my car
Holley 4BBl Performance
That's a pretty neat video! The 4 barrel should be easier to work with.
Reasonable Genuine Nissan parts for Datsun 240z
240Z Tune Up Kit, 260Z Tune Up Kit, 280Z Tune Up Kit, Datsun Nissan 240Z, 260Z & 280Z Parts (S30) 1970-1978 :: Nissan Parts, NISMO and Nissan Accessories - Courtesyparts.com
Runs rich and high idle after restart
From the atlanticz tech tip link: Trouble Shooting If you suffer from a fast idle after the car is warmed up, simply use vise grips to pinch off the hose between the throttle body and AAR. If the idle rpm decreases then the AAR is not closing. Also does your car have a BCDD? It might need an adjustment.
N47 head header QUASTION
What he said. https://www.google.com/search?q=n47+head+exhaust+ports&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=FWXkUt6UBO3gsATH1oDICA&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAg&biw=1280&bih=620
Runs rich and high idle after restart
Oh ok that's pretty new, you can clamp that hose to see pretty quick though. Hopefully it's a bad plug, dirty or loose?
Runs rich and high idle after restart
If it just started the high idle, I'd take the AAR off and clean it. Your '75 has the older routing of the hoses and gets cruddy. http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/aar/index.html Forgot to say you'll not be able to take it apart like in the tech tip, I used spray brake cleaner. Cleaned it right up.
40DCOE-18s installed on 3.1 stroker tends to die upon deceleration
I'd never get any sleep! Noun 1. anal personality - (psychoanalysis) a personality characterized by meticulous neatness and suspicion and reserve
help me find tokico struts for my 240z
I was thinking you bought those used! I would've went nuts when I unwrapped that front spoiler. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/body-paint-s30/51353-new-wheels-lip-spoiler-just-got-here-d.html
Sorry to be Redundent - Help
When I needed mine 20 years later, from back in the late 80's, I called my local Nissan Dealership and talked to the Parts Manager. He knew exactly who I was looking for and gave me the name of the garage he was currently at. Said he comes to buy parts all the time for our L motors. Or you could call an import auto parts store and ask who they would recommend. I hope we can help you figure this out on your own but you may need a valve adjustment and the timing set proper, not that hard but if you don't mind somebody else working on it then that'd be the easiest thing to do.
turn signal problem help
Ok, try this: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/electrical-s30/40533-turn-signal-short-under-dash.html Post #1