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Everything posted by siteunseen

  1. Look down to the fourth row of images, there's a connector shown there. https://www.google.com/search?q=280zx+turn+signal+problems&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=JavfUrK-K4nMsQTw2oHABA&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAg&biw=1280&bih=620#imgdii=_
  2. I un tapped mine for you to see. It goes in between the original Datsun connectors, one wire or side only though. If you do it like mine you'd turn it to the right or clockwise to add fuel.
  3. The pot goes inline where the bullet connectors are about 8" from the thermostat housing back towards the windshield. If you make it just like the picture with the male end off the shorted ends on the right and the female off the left side pin it'll only work 1 way. http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/tempsensorpot/index.html Think of putting 3 hose pipes together, the pot is the middle hose pipe. I hope I'm helping and not confusing you. Cliff I think Fastwoman has hers under the dash in the wiring harness to the ECU. I'm talking about plugging it in between the coolant sensor wire from the thermostat where the bullet connectors are.
  4. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Wow, 3 close calls, not in one of your Datsuns! I've always heard "it comes in 3s" so maybe invest in a grow light company.
  5. From "The Ballad of Jed Clampett" ....kinfolk said "Jed move away from there" Said "Californy is the place you ought to be"....
  6. That's exactly who it is, with his wife Janet Leigh. Forhåndsvisning | Scanpix
  7. Your 300 looks great! I hope you get more than enough for it too. That VW reminds me of one of my favorite movies, 48 Hours, they used a higher price named car but pretty much the same car. It looks great and I'm sure your wife loves it too.
  8. I read a little sarcasm? But still want to see the 300.
  9. Have you sold the Lime Green Machine? Looks like you've modernized. Being comfortable and fast!
  10. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I was thinking the automatic transmission is the first and worst offender! Bring back three on the tree.
  11. I like that matte black, are you going to keep it?
  12. I thought about that as soon as I shut down my computer yesterday, your theory. I remember the other Zs I've had with the cast iron exhaust manifold ticking and clicking after I shut them off from the heat.
  13. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    The police aren't helping. They won't stop the small stuff that's so annoying. They like my 80 year old neighbor driving 30 in the passing lane, keeps everybody slow but not safe.
  14. New Standard FJ707T injectors, $30 at amazon.com, ceramic coated 6 into 1 header with OE heat shields. Horizontal shield and the vertical one too, had to trim it for the header runners. Also have a vented hood. 1/2" in and out of the rail, 5/16" to the injectors.
  15. I put 16" x 7" with 0" off- set Rewinds on mine with 205/55s. No rubbing problems.
  16. I've never had that problem before. Actually the fuel rail feels cool to the touch when it's idling, cost $50 to make.
  17. That's the universal FPR I bought only to find out it wouldn't keep the pressure. I almost bought a rising rate Bosch or MSD? like in the picture but tried the coolant temp tweak and it cured my problem. So I just bought a '78 model FPR and put it at the end close to the firewall. EDIT: My problem wasn't hard starting BTW, I had a mid range stumble around 2500 RPM. The higher fuel pressure made it better at the time I was trying to figure out the problem.
  18. If you get bored try pinching off the return line with some needle nose pliers with rubber tubing pieces over the teeth, if you have a healthy Bosch OE pump it will hit 50 psi. Do it quick though or you'll get leaks at that pressure. You may have a slightly clogged filter but those numbers you've posted do not seem bad to me. It should run fine around 30 psi. Have you measured the vacuum at the intake manifold with a vacuum gauge? Auto parts stores will loan you one if they have one, pull off the big line to the brake booster and measure there, should be between 15 and 19 if I remember right and your motor is healthy. Good to hear your progress with this weather we've had.
  19. So that's how you're getting those huge pictures up! I wondered how you did it on the timing chain install thread.
  20. It looks like wood. Try running a sheet rock screw into it and pull it out. Or a decking screw, I always call wide threaded screws sheet rock screws. Use some socket extensions with a 1/4" socket and put a Phillips head driver in it. Then maybe lasso a wire around the screw and pull up?
  21. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Best mower ever! That's the only good thing that came from this. Thanks! I thought the same thing! But had I been in the 240 and things went the wrong way, I'd be in jail. I would've drug him out and beat him senseless. When I got to him he was still on the phone! But I think he was talking to Mom & Dad, they showed up in 2 minutes, then I called the Police. So this one little rubber bumper is going to get me a new front bumper, if there's one out there.
  22. I like Clamato better than V8 but to each his own. Check this out, V8 Z Forums - HybridZ
  23. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Wile E. Coyote too!
  24. Wow! Touchdown on that ride. Looks to be an original car with dealer add on's, wheels, louvers and the side molding. You've found your new best friends on here, welcome to our club. My Dad did some training at Fort Hood before going for the 90 day war with Iraq back in the early nineties. Thank You for your service.
  25. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Kind of like Whitney Houston's bath tub?

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