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Everything posted by siteunseen

  1. I agree. It's a "clickity" sound not the "tangity" sound from exhaust leaking. A short piece of hose for a stethoscope would be helpful locating the source. Car looks great! It's been enjoyable for me reading your thread. You know what you wanted and now you have it. Well done!
  2. This is a neat new thing @Mike has done for deranged praise seekers like me. I need to get out more but I'm a happy "safer at home" person too.
  3. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Interior
    This maybe helpful... https://www.google.com/search?q=1973+240Z+odometer+knob+classiczcars.com&rlz=1C1BOFA_enUS494US494&oq=1973+240Z+odometer+knob+classiczcars.com&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i333l2.20117j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  4. Clean/shine up the connections?
  5. Just a heads up on the wide 5 in my 240. It would pop out of gear. Finally figured out the shifter was hitting the tunnel and going completely into some gears. Post #16 shows the nicks on the shift rod I found. Some light grinding fixed me up, no more issues.
  6. Yes, 180 differential with the 5 speed. No problems ripping around town or 2 hour drive on the interstate. Aluminum flywheel is my best modification so far. I'm a rev freak I guess, grew up riding dirt bikes with power bands. It's in my blood.
  7. Backing out of my driveway is the worst few seconds of my light flywheel. Once I get on the street I'm used to the quick up and down RPMs. I love mine!
  8. I have a 5 speed "wide B" swapped in my 240. Original in my '77. Easy to work with, shifter stays the same but I did change the speedo cog from the 4 speed to a 5 on the 240 upgrade. Not sure the color but with 15" wheels in pretty dead on with the MPH on my GPS as the speedometer gauge reads. About 2,000 to 2,500 RPM at 75 MPH through 80 MPH highway. That's my best info as far as constant speed, you see I have an aluminum flywheel so red light to red light and traffic driving is all over the place on my tachometer.
  9. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Interior
    I put 4" Pyles from Walmart in my '77. Less than $50.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/932307927611419?ref=search&referral_code=marketplace_search&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A950f93fe-710b-41fa-b657-7e9b96e7d077
  11. Whoops! you're talking about a 280. My 280 has a straight pipe out of the block. No smaller nipple. Sorry about that, just waking back up.
  12. Mine goes to the stock air cleaner. Actually through that little thing on the side then the air box.
  13. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    You've got a Patcon of painting. Send him a Go Pro and watch him. Excellent teacher, explainer.
  14. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I painted an exterior door what I thought was close to Safari Gold. Boy was I wrong. It looks like a school bus ran into my house and the arse end is sticking out. I'm going to fix it tomorrow. I added more umber and white tint now it looks better in the can. Pictures on completion, it's cold down here.
  15. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    But if it's over specs you should shim. I know if you cut a lot off the deck you have to go with new valve length. https://datsunzgarage.us/engine/
  16. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I would think if you're right at the limit on chain length associated with cam height you could try cam sprocket hole #2 or #3. You want a tight chain but not too tight. The chain tensioner should not show any of the metal from what I remember. Here's mine. There's the rubber washer between the "shoe" and the housing that should be snug. The red circle was something else, disregard that.
  17. You could put these on a Winnebago and fit in the golf cart space. https://www.amazon.com/Camera-Backup-Cameras-Trailer-Mounting/dp/B08T1XHYNN/ref=asc_df_B08T1XHYNN/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=508404639493&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16204837142968101279&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1015254&hvtargid=pla-1216375717113&psc=1
  18. I have Fel pro on my 280. They were in the rebuild gasket kit at a local chain store. Working fine since 2011. Nissan on my 240, also great since 2016.
  19. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I wanted black too but wound up with graphite Rewinds. They look close to black. Discount Tire has some really good deals but you have to get all the discounts and rebates timed right. Looks like they are doing the black Friday thing... These are the ones I have. https://www.discounttire.com/buy-wheels/konig-rewind
  20. This going to be a lot like Atlanta's ZCON. The hotel distance from the airport and track are both about 30 minutes. Sweet tea Alabama.
  21. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    A Harbor Freight boroscope thats images through your phone or "a real computer" like @Zed Head capabilities of his you can stick it down the spark plug hole and give it a look. If that valve moves freely you may get lucky and not have separate the head?
  22. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    EDIT: they could be oem Nissan? I was looking around and the colors are close. Those are Fel Pro valve stem seals too. You'll need one but probably have to buy a set. I'll guess $15 from a chain store?
  23. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    And the lubrication the machinest use isn't made to sit up. I think that's what happened to mine when I replied "sticky". I bought a head that was never picked up by the owner and although it was wrapped with poly and carboard on the valve end it was still tight or "sticky". I ran the oil pump with a drill on LOW speed and thought I had it worked out. Nope, lash pad came off on the first break-in drive. There's no telling what caused that valve to stick but it did. I'll get in trouble for this but if the $100 headbolts just have one torque I'd reuse them. You should find all the pieces if your gonna do it yourself. The valve keepers especially, there are small
  24. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Wanted
    Have you thought about going with the nice shiny ready to mount repops? I bought mine from futofab.com. Others have them, they come out of Vietnam. Oh yeah, he does a Black Friday sale too. Or he did when i bought mine. Shipping is cheaper from him if you live closer to the right coast, MSA maybe for the West. They have sales too plus you get 10% off with your Classiczcars.com nember ID
  25. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I'd just rebuilt one too and a lash pad fell of. Lots of noise but no damage. From what I remember the valve train is "sticky" after rebuilding and things need to commingle for the first few miles. Don't throw in the towel! Speaking as a grandson nothing would mean more to me than my Grandad giving me his pride and joy. I got a bunch of fly fishing gear and a couple of guns but that's nothing compared to a Z car. Hopefully it's something simple. Cliff

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