Everything posted by siteunseen
rear hatch supports
You sir are a classic, lurking in the shadows at it's very best!
mild camshaft ?
Here's a company that does L motor cams. Web Cam Inc. - Performance and Racing Camshafts
Like some comedian said, be glad your not in an airplane when you hear a bump. Cars you can pull over and fix it with a coat hanger.
New owner of a 72 240Z
Datsun L-series ZCAR engine modifications XenonS30 240Z, 260Z & 280Z Parts (S30) 1970-1978 :: Nissan Parts, NISMO and Nissan Accessories - Courtesyparts.com Datsun Z & ZX Parts, Datsun 240Z 260Z 280Z 280ZX Nissan 300ZX Parts Z Car Parts.com -- Motorsport Auto -- Home Tech Tips Datsun 240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 280ZX and Mazda RX7 Auto Parts & Accessories Lots more too. google.com
New owner of a 72 240Z
Datsun L-series ZCAR engine modifications XenonS30 240Z, 260Z & 280Z Parts (S30) 1970-1978 :: Nissan Parts, NISMO and Nissan Accessories - Courtesyparts.com Datsun Z & ZX Parts, Datsun 240Z 260Z 280Z 280ZX Nissan 300ZX Parts Z Car Parts.com -- Motorsport Auto -- Home Tech Tips Datsun 240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 280ZX and Mazda RX7 Auto Parts & Accessories Lots more too. google.com
New owner of a 72 240Z
Yeah that's a nice car, I really like orange with black interior. I have orange with white. Want to trade? I have a dehumidifier that runs 1.5 hours then off for 1 hour, it's plugged in through a timer, and I empty the gallon? bucket sometimes twice a day and it stays about 65%. A pedestal fan keeps the humid air moving towards the appliance. Welcome to your new favorite web-site.
Classic Z Register
They want too much info for me and it's in the Old Country so why bother. I like the one Carl Beck has.
New, old, young guy (it makes sense!)
You've made my day Mr. Beck, thank You.
White milky substance/ Oily coming from hole...
Borrow a compression gauge from a local parts store, AutoZone has them. That will tell you if you need a new head gasket.
Reposted on Ebay
Here's a good search engine for Craigslist and ebay. It'll give you an idea of pricing too. Datsun on SearchTempest
78' 280Z stumbles under throttle application
Sticking a camera under there would give you a look at the filter while the pump is running.
78' 280Z stumbles under throttle application
Make sure the arrow on the clear filter coming out of your tank points towards the fuel pump. Silly I know but I bought a 240z and the plastic fuel filter in the engine compartment was backwards, car ran good until it got down to half of a tank then it started acting weak like it was running out of gas. I caught that and it hasn't done it since but I try and keep at least half full anyway; do not need any damn rust! Looks like the top or larger cap goes towards the pump.
Another misplaced tech tip: 77 clutch master and slave cylinder
That's why everybody here calls them "Blue's Tech Tips", not Atlantic Z's or Zcar's. We all have used them and owe you a big THANK YOU, really we owe you $$$; do you have a paypal account?
auto trans oil drain plug location
I just read if it's not burnt? don't change it, it will cause slippage. Read post 5 & 6 & 10. 280z transmission oil change - Nissan : Datsun ZCar forum :Nissan Z Forum: 240Z to 370Z
Repair to 11/75-76 280z Right Side Seat Mechanism Cover
Thank you for that, I've got one in my glove box that needs reattaching.
l28 carb to EFI swap help!
You'll need an Air Flow Meter I would think, I know nothing about MegaSquirt's system. Google Image Result for http://www.zcarsource.com/uimages/product_photos/fuel_injection/air_flow_meter.jpg Here's some stuff to read. http://www.google.com/webhp?source=search_app#sclient=psy-ab&q=260z+carbs+to+EFI&oq=260z+carbs+to+EFI&gs_l=hp.3...10790.20195.0.21658.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.eWU&fp=9fe61fbe687758b0&biw=1280&bih=620
78' 280Z stumbles under throttle application
Salt vs. humidity I suppose.
78' 280Z stumbles under throttle application
Does it look like this? Mine had that pink Bondo looking stuff on the terminals too, also without boots.
Learning to keep quiet!
I made the mistake of bragging to my Dad how good my '77 gas tank refurbish went and wasn't more than $50. Well he brought me a tank from a '55 series 2 Chevrolet truck he's restoring. WOW! That sum beach was rusted. 2 gallons of acid later it looks nice and clean inside. Tomorrow I'll seal it with Red-Kote because I'm about to drink at least a 12 pack then burn a Ribeye. Cheers!
Connecting With A Member From Canada - Thank you Blue!
All I've ever seen is his hands in his tech tips, now a face! I'll say it again "Blue's the Man".
78' 280Z stumbles under throttle application
You just have to pop the black cover off to get to the spring. Here's something to look at http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/afm/index.html Go down half the page and you'll see FINGERING written to the far left and a picture of a left thumb moving the counter weight. LESS FUEL to the left, MORE FUEL to the right.
Drinks to take on the Road
You mean water? Like in the toilet?
Drinks to take on the Road
I had a "too much information" moment, sorry, but here I go again! I never slowed down just unzipped and and relieved myself in the empty bottle, don't put it back in your cup holder though or you'll be stopping to vomit.
Drinks to take on the Road
I always buy Gatorade, the empties are great port-a-johns. Trips take too long having to stop and pee all the time. Truckers call them "wizz bombs".
Door lock issue, advice needed
Mr Knuckle Duster I have a question about the '71 you've sold. Why the hole on the top at the back of the air box? Those are 2 nice looking cars by the way, superstitions be damned.