Everything posted by siteunseen
Camshaft help needed
Turbo oil pump spun with a Dewalt cordless drill on low. Love that high flow oil pump even better now!
Camshaft help needed
Please update us with that motor. I can hardly wait to see what you say about it. I've read up on that cam and it looks good to my unknowing eyes. I have an E31 without the cam and rockers but the larger valves and an F54 with dished pistons. I hope I could make a decent running spare motor with what I have plus the cam kit.
Fuel Line Question
On my '77 it's 3/8" coming out of the tank to the pump, or something metric that's close to 3/8's. From the pump foward it's 5/16". Here's something to read and then do. Z Car Tech Tips Fram G3 Filter Installation
78' 280Z stumbles under throttle application
The high pressure is after the pump. Go ahead and put the G3 between the tank and the pump.
78' 280Z stumbles under throttle application
I would take the whole bracket off the car, after removing the hoses, put it on a bench and use a good pair of Vise Grips. 2 10mm bolts hold it on.
I have this saved in my links and it's the first thing that hit my mind, Motorsport! Performance Camshaft, Stage III, 70-83 Z/ZX Non Turbo - The Z Store! Nissan-Datsun 240Z-260Z-280Z-280ZX-300ZX(Z31/Z32)-350Z-370Z Parts I'm used to common sense thinking people, me being from Alabama, not engineers, so once again I'll apologize...
Buying parts from RockAuto - risks?
Yeah retailmenot.com has great coupon codes for advanceautoparts.com
78' 280Z stumbles under throttle application
I'd bet the fuel filter is clogged. Walmart has one that's close to Nissan's for about $10 if I remember right, it's a Fram. I used one on my '77 for a couple of months when I first bought the car.
Reflector strips on Taillight Panel?
Add some Yosemite Sam "BACK OFF" mud flaps and the reflective tape. Or just drive faster.
How does your fan clutch resist spinning? If the fan spins too easy (motor not running!) you may need to replace that. There only about $20. You've not told us is this something new to your car or has it been reading that temp?
Need some paint help
Right click in the picture then select "Copy Image", then paste in your pictures file. Then when making a post go "Advanced" then select the file and upload it then drag down to the bottom row and click "Done" in the bottom right corner. I think I got that right, I'm celebrating Father's Day without any kids!
When I first bought my 240 that's the same spot it ran at, worried me because my other car ran cooler. I put a new water pump on and a Nissan thermostat, they have bigger openings, and now it stays in the middle. A small change for some small $$ but it was worth it to me.
Cool Pics
Northern Lights, that's good stuff.
Getting Close with my 71'
That's great, Woo Hoo x 2!
I'm sorry Leon, I was speaking of their size and fitment.
Motivation - or the lack thereof...
Am I missing something? My '77 has a drain plug on the passengers side. You could get one of those plastic containers that fit under beds for storing thing, X-mas decorations etc. Here's one: Z Tech Tips Ball and Socket Compression Rod (AtlanticZ.ca) Click on it. It's not about ball sockets.
1978 280Z Need Help Identifying Cut/Disconnected Wiring
Here's a '76 for free, http://sridout.com/datsun/76circuit_COLOR.pdf Has all the tools to enlarge it too.
I've got the "B" internal oiled cam on the N47 and an "A" stamped spray bar oiled cam from the E31 I suppose as it was not attached the the E31 head when I bought that car with the extra engine (almost complete extra engine). They both are E30 stamped too. I'm guessing he took it off for the new valves that were put in it, the E31. So as soon as it rains I have some reading to do to see what I think I should do then I ask all of you what to do and it'll be 180 degrees different I know. Well I already know now that cams '70 through '83 are the same except the turbo. So I could use the "A" spray bar cam on the E31 head. Only problem now is what Jeff said, all the rockers and lash pads are in Gatorade bottles, mixed up.
Water pump
GMB was started in 1976, GMB
AutoZone and crap from China
Ah come on now. They could be Korean hand pumps.
Getting Close with my 71'
Happy Anniversary. OCD & high anxiety gets things done and bills paid on time (gets me out of bed every day) but it can slow me down when I get overly obsessive, I put my pistons in 3 times, dimples up 2nd time then gaps at 10, 2 and 4 o'clock 3rd time. I got excited and couldn't remember or drank too much beer (most likely). I'm my own worst enemy.
Water pump
My 2 aren't anything like that.
AutoZone and crap from China
Without buying Chinese made stuff all I would have is my dog. Sadly even the American money in my pocket probably is counterfeit from over their. There's a little Far East in everything now days. Anti-freeze for sweetener even.
I do now. :bulb: Captain Obvious I'm not sure of the stamp on mine but it is internally oiled and also had a spray bar that was barley there when I bought the car. I'm going to get it down this weekend and see what's what and I'll let you know if I need it. Thanks for the help. Cliff
Thanks Jeff. I could use that cam and if I didn't like I could always spend some $$ and get a new cam kit. I want to try and put a spare motor together while I'm paying off the 240 I bought. I need a feeler gauge to see if I have any money in my wallet right now, it's that flat. That N47 was just a boat anchor until now. thanks again.