Everything posted by siteunseen
Opinions; with pictures
Congrats on 1,000 post Captain, 999 were probably helping one of us. There's a reason everyone needs at least 2, no spare parts. That's a good idea Madkaw.
Opinions; with pictures
I put the original steel wheels and hubcaps on my 240. They need repainting but I like them better. It makes the car look smaller.
Hatch Hinge Seals Painted from Factory?
I just found that old thread with those pictures. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/help-me/12771-rear-hatch-hinge-seals-2.html Seems like the part number goes to 1973. Those pictures are of my '77 280, I'm about to go look at the '72 240. I was WAY off, sorry.
Hatch Hinge Seals Painted from Factory?
I'm confused too. I don't know which gasket your referring to but here are more pictures. Hope that they help. OK, your talking about seals not rubber gasket for weather stripping.
Air cleaner box choke cable holder
Hatch Hinge Seals Painted from Factory?
The 2 sided with the top under the hatch is NOT on my 240 or 280, both are black rubber. Looks like they would have been put on after painting. it has original paint. My 240 looks the same.
Interesting buzz
It does it when downshifting above 3k? Maybe something loosened up on you exhaust? Mine has a buzz coming from the circle Z emblem behind the 1/4 glass, I'll pull it out someday, it's annoying as hell.
- Compression Test questions
1978 280Z 2+2 Cylinder Head Removal
I knew it when she did it. My Mom shouldn't have thrown away my Silly Puddy just because I's eating it. Way to go Miller Time!
1978 280Z 2+2 Cylinder Head Removal
Here's something to look at while TCB'ing http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/engine-drivetrain-s30/46186-installing-timing-chain-when-rebuilding-motor-stand.html Courtesy of Blue.
Ahh Summer time setting
I flipped the switch over today. Seems much more responsive to my foot against the gas pedal.
- Compression Test questions
1978 280Z 2+2 Cylinder Head Removal
There's a lot of people that have had the same thing happen. You or your daughter should google different phrases and click on images too. I've read that you should be careful with the head gasket when removing/replacing the front cover while the head is still on. I would take that inspection plate off first just to see what you can, front of the head with 3 bolts, you might figure out a way without taking off the front cover. Hopefully you might see a way after a few cold dogs and discussing it with your helpful neighbors. We'll be here waiting to help. Blue's the Man by the way, and you've got his attention/sympathy.
1978 280Z 2+2 Cylinder Head Removal
Dale and Boomhauer are your neighbors too? Those beers are better with grease on them. I've read on other sites, where people really blow there own whistles, that it could be put back with a long screwdriver. After putting a new timing kit on when I rebuilt mine I don't think there's anyway to do it but I'm amazed at some things I've seen done to these old cars. Google might find something on that, I could not. That car has found it's Mechanic and vice versa.
Clutches and flywheels
I put this Exedy in mine EXEDY 06009 OEM Replacement Clutch Kit : Amazon.com : Automotive It shifts nice and smooth but I don't know if it's by "design" or not but I can't chirp the tires between 1st & 2nd like my previous 2 Z's would do fairly easily. I have 1500 miles on a good rebuild that runs strong. Maybe it's the cheapest Exedy clutch I could afford at the time? Maybe new tires? Maybe I'm getting old! Whichever, learn from my mistake and spend some extra $$
Looking for post about wood engine cradle
http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/engine-drivetrain-s30/46362-my-datsun-spirit-l28-build-4.html Post #86
1978 280Z 2+2 Cylinder Head Removal
The good thing is the being dis-interested doesn't last long.
Compression Test questions
I use the remote starter on hot valve adjustment, I leave the plugs in though because it does spin too fast without them. I guess I'm the only dumb butt on here that's done it but the first few times I pointed the lobes straight up without considering the engine is leaning to the passengers side. I finally made center marks on the cam towers with a Sharpie to go by. When I did my compression test, spark plugs out now, for the first time I didn't have the throttle plate open then I read it should be so I used a zippy-tie or 2 where the linkage starts on the firewall to hold it open, I guess a brick would've been too easy, it raised my numbers and I'm sorry I don't remember which but it was 10 or 20 lbs on each, probably 10, but like Chas says it's the difference between them that's important, gauges lose their accuracy after you drop them a few times :stupid:. Buy a vacuum gauge while your buying, they are a lot of fun. The remote starter goes straight to the battery and starter, it won't turn on anything but the starter. Oh yea, you'll definately need a 17mm crows foot socket for the valve adjustment. Autozone has a metric set cheap and they also sale the remote starter cheap. I ordered my vacuum gauge from walmart.com, it will tell a lot about your motors worn-outness.
Strut Bar Opinions
Sorry I couldn't find the thread on those. Seems like LeonV talked about one.
Engine and tranny mating
I didn't on mine, just cleaned the flywheel with steel wool and some fine grit sandpaper. Took the shine off the mating surface.
I feel like I just had a beer with you guys. Thank you.
1978 280Z 2+2 Cylinder Head Removal
Here you go, step by step with pictures...http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/articles-our-members/42420-77-280z-head-removal-%5Bstep-step-photos%5D.html
4 Sensors (Thermo, Water, X? and Y?) '75 280Z
On mine there's 3 sensors and a plugged hole, one of the one's your asking would be to the temp. gauge, small wire with a female bullet type connector. here's some pictures that may help...https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=280z+thermostat+housing&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45107431,d.eWU&biw=1280&bih=620&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=AY5mUYuvFor49QSkoYH4BQ#imgrc=_
Thank you Jeff, I don't want to mess with the 240, it's part of my 401K. EDIT: Thank you too Steve, I wasn't sure about the pump. I've got Weber's and will probably get a Holley Blue.
Could I put a carbureted motor in my '77 280 and disconnect the ECU and harness, leaving it in the car? Does the ECU control more than the engine?