Everything posted by siteunseen
Dog riding in hatch, not good!
How sad. Luckily she wasn't that bad and it only lasted for a minute or two. I really hope your dog gets better BGM. Cliff & Jelly
Dog riding in hatch, not good!
It's like the Canary in a coal mine. Advice taken! Thanks.
Dog riding in hatch, not good!
We went to the Tennessee line yesterday, enjoying the sunny weather. My dog loves to ride in the back so she climbed back there and took a nap. It was almost "The Big Nap". Cold weather had the windows up and the fumes got to her after a couple of hours. When I stopped to let her use the bathroom she was slow to get out and when she did she was as high as a kite, not from me it was the fumes, walking sideways and acting lethargic. Gotta remember to crack a window.
Heater control panel
That looks great. I've got a small crack on the bottom of mine and would like to fix it too. Plastex, never heard of that so thanks for the info.
camshafts ?
Performance camshafts for L28?
Black valve covers on 240s
The one I bought has a black valve cover and since having it I've noticed a lot of the others have them as well. Would that be the original color? Does the black reduce the heat somehow? Thanks for any replies.
Hello to all forum members
You're about to go back in time with your new purchase. Glad your here, you're going to be helpful to all of us. Thanks in advance.
" basic settings first gen su " guidelines anyone?
Run, don't walk! You don't want to miss this gem.
Run away.
L-Series engine timeline
I got no help/info but I like what your doing and can't wait to print out the finished timeline.
Anti flow back oil filters
Yes they do make a huge mess when I spin the filter off. The one I took off yesterday, without the valve, didn't. Oil level stayed close enough too. I'm hoping for a quite start up this morning.
ecu float
I get my fuel for my 4 vehicles from the same Gas Station. The '77 280 had a problem that was fixed by putting the potentiometer in line with the coolant sensor. I've actually done this. Maybe "drift" wasn't the right choice for a word so I'll just say it was broken and now it's not.
ecu float
Yea it's drifted out of spec is what I read. Mine ran terrible between idle and 2500 RPM, it wouldn't even spin the tires from a dead stop. I first thought it was the TPS though. I did what Fastwoman and Zed Head suggested, also on Atlantic Z's tips for fuel. I'm so glad I did too, made mine run like it should. Cheap and easy to do, the way I like it! http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/tempsensorpot/index.html
Anti flow back oil filters
I changed the oil in my '87 Hardbody this weekend and have used a Fram Tough Guard filter from Walmart with that rubber flap that keeps the oil from running back through the filter to the pan. They weren't in stock and I wound up buying one from Advance AP without that flap. At start up this morning I heard that old familiar sound again, a short "clackity clacking", valves I suppose. It has 300,000 miles on it and I'm waiting on it to finally quit running before I tear it apart. I didn't put a lot of thought in those flapped filters, kind of a sales pitch thing to me, but I do now! Makes a difference on my truck on cold starts.
Side Decal
Does anybody still sale the factory accessory styled stripe? I don't like the blocked looking one MSA has and one of my rust spots is under the rear of the driver's door stripe.
71 240z water pump bolts
I'd go ahead without that other line up pin. And I think all that grease/oil is because of the oil pump and timing chain being behind all that. They all will do it. Clean it then see how soon it comes back, you could have a torn gasket around the front cover.
Rear Main Side Seals
Tom Monroe "How to Rebuild your L motor" pp.118, "Oil the side seals and insert them into their grooves with the lips pointing toward the block."
Oil recommendation
After the spring oil change I'd use Valvoline VR1 10W30 Racing Oil, not for street use because of the converters, from O'rielly's. Seems like they had the best price and not all of them stock it, but can get it overnight. It's kinda expensive is why I say not for the 1st change.
Z's really can fly, (unfortunately)
Ruger wasn't involved in that crash was he? Sorry to hear your bad news. I broke my ankle in '85 and had the third ankle bone fusion done in 12/'01 and am about to have it done again, in the next few months. They seem to wear out the more active you are. I truly hope yours wasn't too bad, you'll feel that pain every time you take a step. All the best on the re mending and repairing. Cliff
When to stop with "while this is off, may as well fix that too"
That sums it up perfectly! I now get the handle "Hardway".
When to stop with "while this is off, may as well fix that too"
They keep me out of jails and hospitals.
The old Weber/choke question
Ya'll both have helped me. With the pictures especially. Thanks guys for taking the time to share.
17 months later, my restoration is done
That looks fantastic! 17 months is record time for these old cars.
The old Weber/choke question
Thank you for that information Dr. 240Z. I'm just a Candy Striper when it comes to the carburetors. Cliff
The old Weber/choke question
The triple Webers I wound up with only have choke cable connections on the outer 2. The middle one has nothing. I'm hoping the original choke cables will work, like for the SU's.