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74 260z distributor on wrong ??
Here's something recent that may help if you read through.
74 260z distributor on wrong ??
That last pic is better, small facing radiator. You need to definately confirm tdc compression. It's not that hard to do if you look back over the threads we've posted. First 2 cam lobes point north west and north east almost like rabbit ears. Get it to true tdc and if the small side of the spindle faces the radiator you should be able to reinstall the dizzy, advance it all the way clockwise and get it to crank. Some of the smarter guys will correct me if I'm wrong. Love those guys!
74 260z distributor on wrong ??
P.s It's very common that happens. Guys that just don't know do it all the time. My pride and joy 240 was bought for pennies from some Ford shop because it wouldn't run. I got on this wonderful forum and bought tom monroe's book and figured it out. Now it's my casket.
74 260z distributor on wrong ??
It's 180 degrees off plus a tooth or 2 off the spindle gear. The small side should be facing the radiator. Your's, the windshield. You have to drop the oil pump to correct this. It's not a big deal just a big pain in the arse being your so close to cranking the motor. Your's The correct way...
saturday night music thread
- saturday night music thread
My God at the Stars on that stage! Never heard this before.- Carpet Fix
Did those cars have vinyl on the tunnel like the 240s? My '77 is "door to door" carpeted.- Carpet Fix
Milo's is good stuff but I don't drink much tea, too sweet for me. I'd rather have a V-8. I haven't been out of Gadsden in over a year now. Safer at home but a nice thick slice of Extra Special sure would be good! And a pitcher or two of beer.- Carpet Fix
Well the Sweet'n Low has finally give me the Alzheimers. My original '72 240 has loop carpet but the original '77 280 is cut pile. Maybe 70 thru 73 is loop and the rest was cut? Sorry. I had to walk downstairs to look.- Carpet Fix
- Carpet Fix
https://www.accmats.com/ That's their website but you can buy way cheaper, about half their price buying from one of their vendors. rockauto.com is where I would buy but their carpets are all over Ebay too. Go to the website and get the kit number after you decide what you want then google that number + auto carpet and see what pops up. rockauto.com is quicker though. Lots of choices to consider. If I remember right the 70 thru 78 have loop originally but then they went to cut pile on the ZX.- 74 260z distributor on wrong ??
I think if you read this you may understand what we're saying. You should pull the dizzy out and see where the spindle is sitting. Get the motor at tdc, explained in this thread, then pull the distributor. It could be something simple but the only way to find out is get out there and try to figure it out yourself. We'll help all we can but there's no shortcuts looking at a screen. When you're at tdc and then remove the distributor this is what you should see...- Float level advice, please.
I accidentally set mine a little higher than my 23mm mark. That was 6 years ago and they've been great. Context... Rude marking using my phone. Red is 23mm scratch, yellow is where the valve closes.- COVID-19
- saturday night music thread
Sorry if I've double dipped but this is a cool song.- 1974 260Z electronic ignition control unit help
Yes! It looks like a left shoe on a right foot.- 1974 260Z electronic ignition control unit help
Here's a good one. It's not as easy as you think.- 1974 260Z electronic ignition control unit help
It's the distributor you'll need to get right. So many threads on installing correctly. https://www.google.com/search?q=installing+distrbutor+classiczcars.com&rls=ig&source=hp&ei=BBm9YNbAC-eIggeL0J_QCA&iflsig=AINFCbYAAAAAYL0nFHXZ6Zx3XvGF89vN8D9oyTk1nKMX&oq=installing+distrbutor+classiczcars.com&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAw6BQgAEJECOgQILhBDOggIABCxAxCDAToICC4QxwEQowI6BQgAELEDOgsILhCxAxDHARCjAjoCCAA6BAgAEEM6CwguELEDEIMBEJECOggILhCxAxCDAToHCC4QsQMQQzoHCAAQsQMQQzoKCAAQsQMQyQMQQzoICAAQsQMQyQM6CAguEMcBEK8BOgoIABCxAxBGEPkBOgcIABBGEPkBOgYIABAWEB46CgghEAoQoAEQiwM6BAgAEA06BggAEA0QHjoHCCEQChCgAToHCCEQChCrAjoFCCEQoAFQ8RlYwI4CYJaZA2gAcAB4AIABvgKIAZ0ykgEJMjQuMzIuMC4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpergBAg&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjW0uC31oPxAhVnhOAKHQvoB4oQ4dUDCA0- COVID-19
Can American banks cash reparation checks from China? I need a sheet of plywood. "In addition, all nations should work together to present China for a bill of minimum USD 10 trillion to compensate for the damage they have caused and that is a very low number, the damage is far far greater. As a first step, all countries should collectively cancel any debt that they owe to China as a downpayment on reparations," he said at the convention.- 1974 260Z electronic ignition control unit help
Your vacuum advance module is at 4:00 o'clock and every Z I've seen has their's at 6:00 o'clock. I think your distributor was installed wrong, maybe the reason for the wires being all fouled up? People move wires around to get one to run when the distributor is off. Could be what the previous owner was trying to do. http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/distributor/8.jpg- 260Z Firing order
- 260Z Firing order
When I was young my Dad rebuilt my '76 280. He was a Chevy man. Car wouldn't fire up and it drove him crazy. Finally asked a friend mechanic and as the firing order is the same Chevy's distributors turn clockwise. Ours turn counter clockwise. He came home, changed the wires around and it cranked right up. #1 plug wire isn't long enough to reach the firewall with my NGKs. Maybe they numbered themselves?- saturday night music thread
Some love for @sweatybettyfor starting this. It's the best way for me to understand/communicate with people now. "Heard it in a love song".- Why the puck?
I've always thought it was to lessen a rough and shaky steering wheel, a shock absorber, plus a quicker way to remove the steering rod.- loose Distributor CAP = Perfect idle
Have you read this? https://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/tps/index.html - saturday night music thread
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