Everything posted by siteunseen
Recommended high quality fan clutch for my 1972 240z
silicone intake hoses
Here's a lead. Maybe you can work something out? Z Car Depot IncAir Intake Hose Elbow Throttle Body AFM MAF 280Z 280ZXAir Intake Hose Throttle Body AFM MAF 280Z 280ZX - 800-956 (). New replacement black silicone air intake hose.
Air ducts repair 280z
This older but might be helpful.
280z water **** removal sequence
I would just use heater hose from a chain parts store. Isn't that what you have on the others? That braided stuff is original to the car so the rubber you can't see is most likely getting brittle. Just a guess but "why you're there". 😁
280z water **** removal sequence
I would change that lower braided hose for something newer if it were mine.
Anyone tried Race Ramps?
I bought Rhino ramps and use them with my cars and lawn mower for removing and sharpening the blades. They work great for me and cost a lot less. Also they stack together for easy storage.
Warm Summer Valley
Won't this make selling cars a lot more difficult, misrepresentation and all that jazz? @URGELIS could retire a rich man.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Now I click on "2,833 replies" at the bottom right and that takes me to the last post of a nice car up for auction or sometimes a laughable piece of junk. It's an entertaining thread for me but if it is a problem for the forum get rid of it like the music thread and the boobies thread. People looking can go to bat.com and comment there.
Hub caps
Here's a lot of good information on the steelies and the hub caps. EDIT: I added another good one. For some reason I thought they were the same thread....oh yeah, I just woke up.
Rear tie down hooks for originality: Yes or no?
Thanks for the offer! It would be something I could do myself and feel a little accomplishment even though you created the artwork that I just copied. LOL
Rear tie down hooks for originality: Yes or no?
How many timing chains around the Z? That is a great piece of artwork you've made there. I want one!!!!
Z's on BAT and other places collection
$21K and I'll get a warm moist, without anyrust, damsel. 👰♀️
Z's on BAT and other places collection
It's goes good with the spoked wheels. Needs some curb feelers, then it's Huggy Bear's.
Traveling to Japan — any friends, dealers, part recommendations?
Go to the Nissan museum wherever it is. All I have seen were the pictures and it's fantastic. Kats is a pilot so he's probably pretty busy but maybe...? Have fun and try not to spend all your money in the dirty panties vending machines. That's what I'd do.
Vacuum S line 280z
It goes to the bottle I've never paid attention to. Paying attention is like having bullets in a gun. I missed that one though. Damned if I'm not getting old.
Vacuum S line 280z
Vacuum S line 280z
My early '77 doesn't have that bottle, just the charcoal cannister. Anybody Anyone know what year they started using those bottles? @Zed Head the cross out text isn't the same as strikethrough?
Rear tie down hooks for originality: Yes or no?
Rear tie down hooks for originality: Yes or no?
20 years ago. Good memory.
280z water **** removal sequence
I used a wet/dry shop vac to suck all the coolant out and used the vacuum suction on the heater core to check it for leaks,cracks. Then new valve and hoses. I move the controls levers when I drive mine to keep things freed up. My tip to save your back is put a couch cushion on the door sill and use 1/4" sockets. It's one of the hardest jobs I've done that sounds easy. Have fun!
240z Pre-Wired Driving Lights?
Resurrection is better than speculation.
240Z Flywheel ID Markings
Transmission Swap and other things
Here's some threads on that. I never knew it was called a Ron Tyler mount. https://www.google.com/search?q=r%2Ft+mount+installation+classiczcars.com&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1121US1121&oq=r%2Ft+mount+installation+classiczcars.com&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg60gEJMTc2OTVqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Tank to pump hose routing
Did you put the ZX distributor on your 280? I've got one on mine and it fires right up with all that cold start stuff removed. I'll mention it again, how about the valves?