Everything posted by siteunseen
Happy New Year 2024!
They most likely sandblast or dip into a cleaner beforehand, like powder coating I'd think. Taking Mikes off and having them coated would be a job for a busy man, unlike myself. I'd suggest double stacking the manifold gasket, 2 gaskets can't hurt. My 6 to 1 on my 280 has a leak with felpro gasket. The 240 has Nissan metal around the exhaust ports but I've noticed a small amount of soot around #2 runner but no noise. 280 sounds like a diesel to my ears and I hate it but I'm sorta lazy so let it ride until I get older and even more lazy. The Nissan gasket is the ticket and I'm pretty sure they are still available from Nissan dealer parts department.
Happy New Year 2024!
If he decides to go through the trouble of getting his installed header coated, these folks do MSA's work. http://www.embeeperformance.com/ they're a little closer. Ask me how I know??? This was on my front porch, damaged. I contacted Joseph at MSA and we figured out that Embee sent them the coated headers in a flimsy box by the pallet load. His shipping guys weren't re boxing them and sent mine across the country in pretty much a paper bag. So good communication worked again, problem solved. I got another one shipped ASAP without anything but sincere apologies. Great Z supplier!
1977 280z Odd Tapping Noise
Hows the pressure gauge reading when it does this? They cylinder head shop may have put weak springs back on your head. Just guessing from far away.
1977 280z Odd Tapping Noise
Z Cars On TV And In Movies
920 Safari Gold
I was thinking about your Safari gold wall art. Then you popped out there.
Fuel rail alternative on a 1973 240Z?
Here's my only guess. Judging by the fuel rail, it looks like @Zedyone_kenobi motor but it seems like he has the triple carbs on his engine now. Just a shot in the dark. Maybe he'll see this?
Spell check
But spell check? Auto correct? They're like those first Texas Instruments calculators. No superb education needed just a good 9 volt battery.
Fuel rail alternative on a 1973 240Z?
That's not my motor, I used the image to show the fuel rail to a guy that was having "vapor lock" symptoms on his 240. It looks like a K & N that was engraved with Datsun to me. There's no telling where it came from or how old it is. The zstore or zcardepot could have sold it? You might find one on ebay. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful. I can look around tomorrow when I'm home with my laptop. Cliff
Spell check
Google has gone to crap recently. All the ads and pop-ups they used to block aren't blocked on my end anymore. I may try Fire Fox soon. The internet has gotten worse for me. I have better user end through my smartphone. Sad days, unfortunately for EVERYTHING. The Unabomber was right.
saturday night music thread
- saturday night music thread
This is for Phillip, @240260280. I think about him every time I hear this song.- Indentifying Wiper Arms
I have the 240 two wire type on my '77 as well as the '72 240. I like the stainless look best, no faded black wipers on my cars.- Used Aluminum Brake Drums
I believe he's taking about friction part thickness, how much meat they have left that can be cut smoothe to go next to the drum brake shoes. OE aluminum drums are hard to find that do not have broken fins.- Stereo tape in 280z (Clarion Radio Connector)
When I bought my orange 240 it had a Jensen cassette radio. When I got it home and went through every nook and cranny I found the OE Hitachi under the driver's seat. Oh how happy that made me. Don't throw the metal thing away in these pictures if you have one. It holds the OE radio in place.- Seat upgrade -350z seats
I bought a big Kobalt twin piston similar to your's. Left it on the pallet but put a rubber mat under the pallet to keep it in place. I didn't want to bolt it down. A couple of moisture traps and a brass drain off the bottom that empties into an old coffee container. Made sandblasting much easier. Also a small moisture trap with fittings to use right before the hvlp spray gun and the sandblast gun. Made things very much easier for me. I think @grannyknot has a small coolant condenser in line with his. One day I'll try and do that. Our humidity is horrible down here pretty much year round. Very nice pump you have there.- Window glass alignment in the channel
Researching water spot removal I imagine you came across some info for spots on paint. Anything that you liked from reading similar to the eraser gel? I have some water spots I can't get gone. Anyone else have a recommendation, possibly? Thanks- D Washers for fenders
What about a local paint/body shop or auto paint store?- Wiper Woes
Beautiful cats, tell them I'm very sorry. I knew it was a mistake as soon as I hit submit. A lot of members have cats so apologies to all. It's a ping pong ball I think.- Wiper Woes
I had a cat hanging there but it started to smell.- Wiper Woes
- Wiper Woes
- [2023] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
That road salt makes a good "dirty margarita" apparently. You all are a wee bit loony! Damned if I would take a picture of this mowing job. I can cut straight lines falling down drunk.- First three cylinders are lean,,,, but not sure why?
This is the easiest way I've found to get an idea if the floats are off. Small clear hose from hardware store is all you need.- saturday night music thread
Messing around with your Z, you have to... ...or you'll loose something important. - saturday night music thread
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