Everything posted by siteunseen
Header wrap question
280 belly pans are still available and help keep the air flowing through the radiator then over the motor. I can't afford one for my 240. My 280 pulls air like crazy with a ZX full shroud and the OE pan on the bottom.
Fuel Line Leak
I use ramps mostly for simple type stuff. They allow my not so skinny body to get under the car without worrying it could fall. They're Rhino ramps I think, heavy duty plastic that fit together for easy storage. I bought mine at Walmart or a chain auto parts store. Seems like they were $40? Another good thing about ramps is pulling your low Z up on them and getting an extra foot closer instead of bending over doing work on the top side. They help my back when I don't have to bend over as far. https://www.walmart.com/ip/RhinoGear-11914MI-RhinoRamps-Vehicle-Ramp-Pair-12-000lb-GVW-Capacity/19526658
Fuel Line Leak
Under my battery tray on my '72 acid had corroded those fuel lines beneath on the frame rail. Little pin holes but only short 4" or so sections. I cut the bad out with a small copper tube cutter then replaced with rubber fuel line and worm gear clamps. It's not permanent but that was in 2015.
Ready to Experiment
Build a waterless bidet? "ASSY WIPER"
saturday night music thread
- What Would You Do? Long lost HLS30-07631
Agree with the 'get it running' if you can guys. I bought my current 240 for way less than he wanted because I couldn't drive it, hear the motor or anything. He said it was something simple... Turns out it was worth the $5,000 asking price. I paid $2,000.- Why would anybody buy this Bring A Trailer "Display Engine"
I wonder what country wouldn't require the EGR emissions system in 1981? Maybe the Netherlands or Japan?- Why would anybody buy this Bring A Trailer "Display Engine"
Coyote racing? Another desert similarity.- 1972 Z Choke lever
There's plenty offerings of the early style but could not find the '72's??? To keep from breaking your hopefully found new one I have these on both 1972 240s I've owned. Great upgrade in my experience. https://zcardepot.com/products/choke-lever-mounting-plate-reinforcement-240z?variant=19278822637681¤cy=USD&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google+shopping&srsltid=AR57-fBRruFCNVx-G_HLBSpeRIn4zqWSo9vAluQjNCTEAXkYcGnk4DHA41w- Why would anybody buy this Bring A Trailer "Display Engine"
Looks like it has an N42 intake manifold without the egr like '76 and '75s but the fuel rail looks to be '78. Also looks like a ZX head with the electrical plug above the dipstick between #6 & #5 plugs.- N47 Head Exhaust Liners Question
That's what I probably would do too. I think I'd try to figure out where the broken off metal is located now. Being it's exhaust it's probably down in the exhaust manifold? You can buy those bore scopes that use your smartphone as the monitor if you're a worrier. It seems impossible to go backwards and get in the cylinder, but the damndest things happen when you're not expecting it.- AFM Sticky Spot
This might be helpful. https://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/EFI&fuel.htm I bought a '76 that would crank and idle but wouldn't take fuel. $1,000 for a perfect car with faded paint and carpet that had a spider web on the sweeper vain. Cleaned that and ran like new.- N47 Head Exhaust Liners Question
I've got my 9/76 n47 bare bones. I've removed the valve train but I'm sure the liners are good. I'd let it go for next to nothing. I can get some pics over the weekend after I remove the contents of my storage building. It's in the way back section. I've got 6 heads and 2 Zs.- N47 Head Exhaust Liners Question
You could try that junkyard search engine and see if there's a p79 close by. The n47 is the least desirable head. Mine had a spray bar and an oiler cam, 0 oil pressure. I robbed the valve train components and scrapped the aluminum head.- N47 Head Exhaust Liners Question
I've always read it's not a good move to remove. Here's some threads on them. https://www.google.com/search?q=removing+exhaust+liners+n47+classiczcars.com+&client=ms-android-americamovil-us-revc&source=android-home&source=hp&ei=siN5ZKrvMZzcptQPmryb0AE&oq=removing+exhaust+liners+n47+classiczcars.com+&gs_lcp=ChFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocBADMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQqwI6CAgAEIAEELEDOgsILhCKBRCxAxCDAToLCC4QgAQQxwEQ0QM6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoOCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQ0QM6EQguEIMBEMcBELEDENEDEIAEOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToFCAAQgAQ6CAguEIAEELEDOg4IABCABBCxAxCDARDJAzoICAAQgAQQkgM6CAgAEIoFEJIDOggIABCKBRCxAzoGCAAQFhAeOggIABAWEB4QDzoICCEQFhAeEB06CgghEBYQHhAPEB06CQgAEBYQHhCLAzoLCAAQFhAeEA8QiwM6CwgAEIoFEIYDEIsDOggIABCJBRCiBDoFCAAQogRQxw9YtbgBYP7CAWgBcAB4AIAB6QGIAeIpkgEGMC4yOC40mAEAoAEBsAEAuAEC&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp- 1977 280z Light Restoration Project
Yes you can see the difference in color. The old ones are darker. Here's a good picture from @heyitsrama- 1977 280z Light Restoration Project
My n42 had bronze seats. The n47 on my 9/76 build date 1977 has steel seats.- 1977 280z Light Restoration Project
If you replace the head gasket it'd be a chance to pull the front cover off and check the timing chain and guides, tensioner too. Maybe a new water pump since they're available and not very much money. Check the rubber on the motor mounts in the engine bay. Those are fairly cheap too.- 71 Vapor Tank Hoses
I found the right size low pressure fuel rated hose for my vent lines at a local O'Reilly parts store. Seems like 5/8" was the larger size and they had it. Used two 90 degree brass 3/4" PEX for the 180 degree bend. Saved a lot of money and nobody knows but us.- Been absent sorta...
I've learned something very important about end of life. People need closure even it's just a minute or 2. My guy was abducted it feels like and it still bothers me. I can't imagine how his wife and kids feel. Thank you all for your kindness towards me. It has always been comforting to be accepted by smart, thoughtful people that make this forum special to me.- Been absent sorta...
Hey all. The guy I worked for off and on, presently on at the time, past away in his sleep at the end of January. I've gone from a great 30 hour a week job to 55 hours a week by myself running a paint store. He had that and was a general contractor plus 88 two bedroom apartments plus another 10 or so commercial rentals. We lost our best employee when he didn't wake up one morning so I'm trying to help his family which he kept out of his businesses as best he could. I read the site every day but can't reply too much because of how busy day to day is. Making a lot of money is my get out of bed every morning motivation and his family is my family too. Saving up to do things in the future. That P90 head is my next project. I miss participating and chatting with the forum members but I must help the family get all his finances in order. He was a private guy that wouldn't worry us with the behind the scenes going ons. I'll be more active asap. Cliff- resurrecting a 1977 280Z
With those high values a guy could go sideways and commit insurance fraud. Instead of "Bring a Trailer" it'd be "Bring a Shipping Container" www.basc.com.- resurrecting a 1977 280Z
I have Hagerty for my Zs. $40,000 agreed value on my '72. $10,000 agreed on my '77. This year's price was $191 up from $189 last year. A guy came up from Birmingham and valued the cars, took pics of the garage and the locks on the doors. Hard to beat their coverage, prices. I think I have 3 free flatbed tows a year. 3,000 miles a year per car max. I put maybe 500 on the 240 a year so I've built up an extra 10,000 if I decide to drive Route 66 a few times. Get YOM (year of manufacture) tags if your state allows. You pay once and that's it. Here's my '72 with YOM tag.- Z's on BAT and other places collection
Nice tshirts. I stayed on bat.com for an hour after looking at that. Z prices are low too, in my opinion. Good time to buy if you're able.- Separating the Throw Out Bearing from the Collar
I put a new one on my 280 using the old one to drive it down on the collar. It has a noise. I had one pressed on the 240's collar. Crickets... - What Would You Do? Long lost HLS30-07631
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