Everything posted by siteunseen
saturday night music thread
I downloaded some songs off Napster in the late 90s of "Josh Homme in the Desert", that's all it said. You could hear generators in between songs running the equipment. Turned out to be one of my all time favorite bands. Another fluke band that turned out to be a favorite, Kings of Leon. A bunch of brothers, I think from Kentucky maybe, their Dad was a preacher if I remember right. They were meth heads.
Restoration of BringaTrailer 240z - HLS30-35883
Black diamond works good on steel but the round glass beads are best for aluminum in my opinion. Both I bought from tractor supply. I put my parts in a big plastic storage tub and that in the middle of my tarp. Bought a big strainer from walmart and reused the cleaned material. Worked good and saved me money on blast supplies.
I wonder if new floats from ztherapy would make the fuel level in the chambers be at the correct 23mm down from the lids? Seems like they would. Has anybody bought these and what were the results if you don't mind sharing? $50 would be a drop in the bucket compared to the year of frustration I dealt with trying to set mine the "easy" way of .55" measurement.
New gas wont start
That's where I bought mine. Still working since 2015.
- Float-Sync
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I'd chat with her! Love those dimples.- New gas wont start
I found my bowl lids were loose and the carbs were sucking in air. No vroom vroom. Make sure those Phillips head screws are snug. Have you pushed a WD-40 straw down the vent bung to push down on top of the floats? If it's bouncy there's fuel, if not they're dry.- Ads
It's clickbait stuff. I see it on my work computer that I won't sign in on. What about the funny tshirts ads? I get flogged with them.- Z's on BAT and other places collection
That guy has some cool cars.- Hatch hinge seals
From what I've read they figured another, way maybe better design weather stripping? Seems like they quit using them about the same time as the smaller spare tire and larger fuel tank, raised hatched floor and I believe they added anothet hatch lifting strut rod. Not sure on anything but my 9/76 doesn't have them but has the other stuff I mentioned. These cars are like adopted pound dogs. There's a lot of uncertainty that makes them special.- saturday night music thread
- resurrecting a 1977 280Z
That filter right out of the tank should be full just from gravity. Take the gas cap off and see it gets full. You can also blow air in the filler hole by covering it with your hand and sticking the air wand between fingers. That force a little pressure on the tank.- resurrecting a 1977 280Z
You have the smaller return like @Captain Obvious shows in that thread up top. It's in the fuel rail, the FPR (fuel pressure reducer) You could take the input side from the fuel tank and put it in a jug, run the electric pump and see what comes, volume wise. Hell suck on it. you'll see the filter fill up before you get a mouth full.- New gas wont start
But that would clog the PCV hose. There's 100s sitting in storage buildings that will never see daylight again. I would check ebay or ask members on here.- Float-Sync
I wanted to say if you did what that dvd shows, turn the lids upside down, you'll never get close. You can by lids right side up, blow through the fuel in bung and measure until you get it to shut off at .55". You'll need to do it in front of a mirror and it's still hard to do. The new needle valves we get today aren't able to hold the floats weight upside down like the Grose valves did when they made that video. I got halfway up Cheaha mountain when my front bowl ran out of fuel. It was running on 4 5 and 6 cylinders. I rolled it backwards perpendicular to the road and spun it until the bowl filled back up. Had to do that 3 times maybe until I got to the top of the mountain. I was so mad when I got home, finally, I figured out a way to mimic the carb float bowls and got them dead on. I try to get it to run bad but no way. Carbs that are right are unbeatable. This is what I read that gave the right ideas...- New gas wont start
Zeddsaver.com https://www.zeddsaver.com/collections/carburator-parts/products/datsun-240z-fuel-pump-spacer- New gas wont start
Thats the one with phillips head screws on top. I've been trying to get one for years but I can only get the "ufo" looking stamped metal one. They work good but I'm on #2 since 2015. Both from o'Reilly. They were the only local pickup I could get. I beleive your's is a GBM maybe? It's the closest to OE I've seen. Ztherapy.com will have the spacer you need.- Float-Sync
- Port gasket on throttle body 280z
Okay. Option #1.- Port gasket on throttle body 280z
You can buy gasket paper at chain stores but a good idea I learned from here, cut one out of a cereal box.- Barefootdan's 280z Build
If it was slower I'd say stripped groves in the plastic cog but being twice as fast??? I'd pull the connection/housing out of the transmission and give it a good look over. That's the easiest thing to do that I can think of. Good luck. And it's the same height as the fill hole so you won't loose any fluid. Jack it up from the passenger's side to move the oil over even further away.- Still struggling with car at idle after 8 years
Make sure your dipstick numbers on the side start with an E. That's the right length for the 240. The 280s start with P. Oh yeah! Back to the first. Do you add oil before an oil change? If so it's using oil. Fill it to the FULL line at the top and check it every week to see if it's lower.- EFI Datsun Z - only runs with throttle slightly pressed
Normally efi isn't effected by the gas pedal on start up. Not like a carbed car. I wonder if the light gas peddle push is enough to open the throttle blade allowing more air? I'm not sure how ported/nonported effects starting. If it had already been talked about you need to try opening the big phillips head bypass screw in front of the dashpot. It's got a spring around the threads.- Still struggling with car at idle after 8 years
Your numbers look good to me. My first thinking was lower spark on #4 but you've tried everything. The valve clearance on #4 may be off. The locking nut could be bad or something with that one valve? When I fouled plugs all the time on a 2 stroke dirt bike I had we put an anti foulet on and helped from what I remember. It was a 1982 motorcycle too. I do not know if they work on cars? Maybe someone else can explain? https://www.google.com/search?q=spark+anti+fouler&source=lmns&bih=449&biw=320&client=ms-android-americamovil-us-revc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiu6ZqO08X9AhUFrIkEHfBMAxcQ0pQJKAB6BAgAEAU - Ads
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