Everything posted by siteunseen
Slowest car forum on the internet - CZC.com
I'm learning new stuff. "Faraday cage", "Spinal Tarp" and "land line". I'll google this and be smarter.
Exhaust Manifold Help 77 280z
There's some good info on here about header flange thickness, straightness and bolting down properly. I have 2 MSA ceramic 6to1 on mine and love them. If I were you and you live in a state without smog testing I'd come up with a plan and do away with the egr stuff since you're basically killing it off anyway. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning and will post up some searches I remember being helpful when I did my '77 while I sit out in my car waiting. Damn covid! I fart in it's general direction but I'll do whatever to protect my family.
A little rust
EDIT:This stuff is a little more than you need after seeing your car. I think @psdenno has the easiest solution for what you're doing. I used this stuff on the rear deck of a 240 I had a few years ago. It had sat out and the rust was bad. This stuff killed the rust and turned it black. I painted over that with the cars color then found a good 240 with very little rust. Sold the rusty one, kept the better one. I bought mine at a local auto paint supply but you can read about it on amazon. A lot of people like it. I think it has some type of acid mixed in with it. I remeber it had a strong smell. https://www.amazon.com/SEM-69504-Rust-Mort-Quart/dp/B000HI690U/ref=asc_df_B000HI690U/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312105316935&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14786446358275635632&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9012728&hvtargid=pla-491175288209&psc=1
Slowest car forum on the internet - CZC.com
It is slow to load on my phone's ISP but normal on my laptop. I just open another tab while I wait. We're not saving lives. Grateful to be included! P.s fyi Do not search Warby Parker eyeglasses.
Oil leaking out of spark plug hole?
Another easy thing would be swap the plugs around to see if it stays on that same hole. I'd do plugs and wires no longer than it'd take. Best of luck, hoping it's something easy. That crush washer could be "crushed"?
Seat Upholstery Kit
3 emotions... Happy Sad Thanks, for paying it forward
- L20b Cody's Goon
- L20b Cody's Goon
No Doubt About It
A little humor in these miserable times I think. My insurance agent is a Ford but drives Toyotas.
Inflatable Paint Booth
I think you could build one for a lot less money. Make it wide too so you'll plenty of room. Give it to your wife as a greenhouse attempt?
Speedometer Cable O-Ring Size?
In my experience o-rings are like horse shoes and hand grenades. Close is good enough but always go bigger rather than smaller.
Passenger door does not fully latch
It looks like it sagging or low. See if the main hinges are tight then you could carefully jack the bottom of the door up some. Is it an ongoing gradual thing or all of the sudden? I've had good luck with a piece of 2x4 and a floor jack under the door to raise it but you should go slow and stop when it latches.
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Need some Z time?
If you have a project that requires a few days of uninterrupted time (no one will get near you) print this out or PM me your number and I'll send it via text message. When you're finished get a negative test result and resume the hustle and bustle we all live with. You're welcome!
Inflatable Paint Booth
Here's one for sale on Marketplace. Guy says he never used it, it was too small. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1304245386718361/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_top_picks&referral_story_type=top_picks
Speedometer Cable O-Ring Size?
The Nissan seal is in here, next day thing from your local dealer. And I took the old o-ring to to Lowes and found a new one.
starter issue, wiring?
I've always used that clamp as a "clip on to the hood spring holder".
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
That's an awesome Fairlady, way better than what we've seen over here. I too thank you @kats for the photos and am really glad to hear from you. We've all missed you!
starter issue, wiring?
I bought a new alternator and didn't have it checked before installing. Found out after many problems it was back charging and popping my fuses. Went back to Advance and it tested bad. Got another one and tested it before leaving the store. All good since then.
Clutch slave cylinder
"3. Slave cylinder: If it leaks replace it. If you buy a new one, strip it apart and clean it before installing it. The new units often have metal shavings left over from manufacture and that can destroy the new seals."
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Oh boy! That's just like the first one I ever drove, wheels and all.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
They were $1,000 beaters in the late '80s up until 2010 when everybody got all nostalgic about stuff. Damn internet! Ruined cute local girls now Zs.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
- Engine Swap or Rebuild?
Putting in a replacement L-28
I used 1/4" drive sockets with the smallest open-end wrench I had to turn them. Took the seat out and laid some foam and a pillow over the door sill. I still ended up sore as ever for a few days. Pain meds helped me through it but your a pilot so no, no for you. Are you replacing the valve and hoses or the whole thing? Your pictures shows a leaky valve for sure. @jfa.series1 was a big help with all his photos. Good luck!