Everything posted by siteunseen
Armored Car Shot Up With Ak47
Ha! That's what I was thinking too. Probably a Depends moment.
Armored Car Shot Up With Ak47
Wow! He's got a set of huge macadamias.
Made In Usa Parts Thread
My Standard Motor Products FJ707Ts fuel injectors were made in Greenville, South Carolina. They're headquartered in Hong Kong though. There's also a huge BMW car manufacturing facility there so I guess that's the reason. Hondas & Hyundais built in Alabama too, "bizzaro world".
New Look
Thanks again Mike, it is better every visit! I just figured out where all my uploads were, "My Media".
1970 240Z For Sale - Stunning Restoration
Do the '70s have splash pans? My '77 does but the '72 does not. I'd like to put one on there though.
Question - Wheel Chocks
My '72s have two 1 piece yellow ones. '77 has 2 folding orange chocks.
New Look
When I checked FORUM on the left under NEW CONTENT then bookmarked that page, it goes straight to all the newest post when I select Classic Z cars from my Bookmarks. It's the same now as the older version, opens with NEW TOPICS. I too think we could use more colors than grey though. It all kind of blends in, sorta bland looking.
MSA fiberglass bumpers
Jeff have you made it back? I have put the front and rear in an account on futofab.com and shipping for both all the way down here is only $62.
Chinese Junk rant
Thank's for that side of the coin. I'm about to get new bumpers for my 240 and they're CHEAP but look to be well made. They're supposedly made in Taiwan. China, Taiwan. Six for 1, half of a dozen for the other, kinda thing.
Fantastic Use For The Missing Fast Idle Lever
A cabled back scratcher would be nice also.
My two swiss S30Z Fairlady Restoration build thread
I disassembled my 1st cylinder head and enjoyed the process. It's very OCD friendly, steps done in order and detailed for reassembly. P79 off a ZX motor I bought for $200. I need the cam for a regrinding. Cheap, $15, spring compressor worked good after I pulled the cam towers off.
Birmingham, AL
If you ever come up to north Alabama there's an old junkyard in Ridgeville that has about five 280Zs. Bo Gibbs Salvage, http://www.junkyardlife.com/2012/04/junkyard-tour-gibbs-salvage-in.html.
240z spray bar + sealant?
I used the grey gasket material you buy by the roll. Most of my gaskets are made out of that stuff, I'm very impatient and most aren't stocked anywhere.
1970 240Z For Sale - Stunning Restoration
That's some kind of high performance fuel filter, http://www.summitracing.com/parts/frm-hpg1 More filter area?
83 280ZX won't start, won't fire. Just turns over.
Chas you're like me. I'll ask total strangers for help on here but won't let anybody put hands on mine, they make me nervous.
Birmingham, AL
Here's what I went by to fix one of mine, it's just flipping the rocker plates but it is nerve racking messing with 42 year old plastic stuff to get to it. But you'll have to I guess? http://www.kamikazeracing.org/dl/ZTech/Rebuild_240Z_combo_switch.pdf
1977 280z running rich, troubleshooting help
Second new member from T'town! Post #8, http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/introductions-z-stories/48239-birmingham-al.html
1977 280z running rich, troubleshooting help
Auto parts stores should have a loaner vacuum gauge. Have you checked the Throttle Position Switch on the drivers side of the throttle body, small black plastic box you can pop the cover off and make sure it moves from contact to contact. You could clean all the grounds and the coolant temp bullet connections. Here's a few links that will help. Also could be a clogged up air filter or housing, maybe both. Cleaning the brass,http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/electricalconnections/index.html TPS switch, http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/tps/index.html Everything else on a '77, Tech Tips You'll get it figured out on here.
1974-75 Door panel's,New Member here.
You can click on his username and send a private message.
salem Craigslist looks good
The back seats look nice.
Newbie from Alabama. . .
Hey Brian. Nice car you've got there. I live in Gadsden and come to Anniston all the time, I have family in Saks and friends at Betty's Bar BQ. I'd be happy to help in any way I could, mechanicing or selling. I found mine on craigslist.com. Can't beat their fee. :classic:
"Wink of an Eye"
That's come a looong way since my Mom dropped me off at the hobby shop for the day with my Womp Womp. She kept coming back for me though.
ZCON 2015 dates.
The drive up won't be too bad, leaving the air conditioned Hilton to go see everything is what will be tough. But I'll be there looking out the window drinking a cold dog, like at the beach.
New Member,New(old 280)Project.
That's a sharp car you have! I've done the opposite of what you've done. I had 280s in the late 80s, now I have the 240 bug.
ZCON 2015 dates.
ZCON 2015 | Hosted by the Delta Z Club Mid July in the Deep South, oh boy. :tapemouth