Everything posted by siteunseen
Clutch Replacement Suggestions Please...
I use a Craftsman motorcycle lift for my transmission work. It has 2 flat rubber coated lifting points that the transmission fits right down in between. Another helpful thing I've found is a rubber cap for the transmission so the fluid won't dump out all over you. That one on the shifter ears is for nothing, I put it on before power washing. I used an Exedy clutch kit on mine but will buy a Nissan kit next time.
2014 - The Year of the great Zed Rebuild
Is the Maxima flywheel a 225mm, or something better? Just curious.
HellFire Status & release date annouced
Bill Paxton as Chet! My favorite movie of the 80s.
Well... starting from stock.
That's my #1 tool, a hammer. If it don't work right give it a tap.
Z car for daily driver?
Yeah, DO IT! Park it at an apartment complex, they love rain.
Removing glue from vinyl trim and interior surfaces - What works best?
91% alcohol from a dollar store or Rosonol Lighter Fluid. Goof Off is mostly lighter fluid, I've met the guy that invented it at a paint and hardware show in Atlanta.
Replacing the old fluid with Red-Line 75/90 made a huge difference in the noise mine made at highway speed. The old fluid was orange, like Sunkist. My Dad said if it wasn't hot it was OK but he was surprised too after the fluid change.
Hello from South Florida!
Oh no, they're not that bad. I had to wait 2 weeks to install my 1st rebuild is what had my blood boiling. They're like the admitting folks in an E.R, we have to deal with them but when it's all done with you're feeling better.
Z car for daily driver?
A Crown Vic to a Z? DON'T DO IT.
Hello from South Florida!
I always call and talk to somebody with the name last Sorkin, Alan or John or close to that. I had problems with their online account too. Where you put in your email to look up your account it always comes up with nothing. I've spent at least a grand with them and probably 20 emails back and forth because they don't prepare their shipments for coast to coast shipping, double boxing would've been great. 2 ceramic headers were damaged in shipping. End of rant.
1969 HLS30-00182 on Ebay
Those pics Galaxybj posted show the "other side of the story". Maybe that's the reason for the URGENCY!!!!!
It'll be close for me. OE bumpers are off and waiting on fiberglass ones to be painted to match the spoilers. Car's running better than ever and has all new brakes, though, so maybe just maybe.
Z car for daily driver?
If you won't have a spare car DON'T DO IT. Like Ross says, they're old.
RPM is dropping from 1,100 to 600-500
I don't see a fuel filter. There's 3 on my 240. Clogged carburetors cause a rough idle.
My Restoration Project
He did a complete paint job. Probably had the motor out too. I'm new to the 240s too and will be anxiously watching for your post. You scored, 1970!
76 Z starts but will not idle.
More clues. The Z.S.I unit will get you figured out!
76 Z starts but will not idle.
I put my valve cover gasket on upside down once and had a hiss around those injectors, vacuum leak. The flatter side up front on the gasket goes on the thermostat side.
1974 Z vs 1975 Z
- Pumpkin Update: SHE'S HOME!
Why Cheap Pressure Gauges Fail
I took mine out too after fixing my issue, CTS potentiometer tweaker. More cracks in my boat that could leak.
Let there be light-----!!!!
I've bought 2 of those dome lights from my Nissan dealership, 26410-E4101. Can't wait to quit using flashlights to find my belongings after a twisty road run.
Hello from South Florida!
Here's where I get most of my part numbers, Datsun Fairlady 240Z/260Z Engine L24 & L26. You can google the part and then use google images and usually you'll see a pic with the part numbers, or just ask us, we like to help. Skim words are a way of making some money to pay for this wonderful forum. You can turn them off by clicking on SETTINGS at the top right of the page, then go halfway down that page and on the left there is a GENERAL SETTINGS under MY ACCOUNT, click it. Then at the very bottom of that page you can disable SKIMLINKS. Your next project should be figuring out how to upload pictures. Click GO ADVANCED, then MANAGE ATTACHMENTS, ADD FILES, UPLOAD FILES then drag them down to the bottom box retailmenot.com has all the coupon codes. Rock auto will only do 5% and you have to put the code in a box that says"How did you hear about us". Nissan dealers won't keep our parts but can get them in a couple of days, I've bought lots of stuff for my '72 from my local dealership.
Stumble at WOT + Starting Issues
Fun, fun fun! Z Tech Tips Ball and Socket Compression Rod (AtlanticZ.ca) Awe damn it, that's Blue's tank removal not "Ball and Socket"
Ramp recommendation?
I have to remove that "cup" on my floor jack so there's nothing but a flat square on there, pump it up a few times before shoving it under the car. The rear is even tougher but I've done it so many times it's routine now. I use ramps as much as I can because with stands there's no weight on the suspension so the bushings and tie rods don't look too comfortable to me. I raise mine up to keep from bending over so much working on the motor, back aches a lot less.
Interpart spoiler
Mine must be an Interpart too. I removed it a few days ago to have a chipped place fixed and painted. The underside was raw fiberglass and gel coat, unfinished at best. After a little research online the only difference I could tell was the BRE has a longer path for the brake cooling ducts.