Everything posted by siteunseen
I went to change my oil and the filter canister was dented on the bottom
Your mechanic friend's guy got over zealous looking at your avatar. I apologize if that's your wife but she has pretty teeth.
I did my yogurt cup test from the air filter side of AFM
I have a very slight leak, when I blow air into the brake booster bung, around the AFM boot, from the throttle body to AFM, it curls up on the ends from those dang Datsun 2 wire clamps. Since it is before the throttle plate should it affect the manifold vacuum? I could get wide hose clamps and stop it probably but if it doesn't matter what does it matter? It's the connection from AFM to throttle body accordion hose that won't seal. It's been a long morning, sorry.
Gravity, it's working against me.
The engine and transmission. The exhaust is what is giving me such sore arms. And I lied, it's not fun it's satisfying.
Muffler suggestions
Magnaflow and Flowmaster are the same?
My Engine Build
I second that book and the nice folks on this forum. I rebuilt a whole motor reading that book and asking opinions on here. I sat that book on the towel rack in front of the toilet so it was always fresh, it's step by step and unlike most books he doesn't ever say "Do the reverse of step # so and so". It's $20 at amazon.com.
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
That's the old raise the radiator cap and back another car under there and lower the cap. Just kidding! Those new injectors should really help. Put a Fram G3 fuel filter from walmart, $4 bucks, between the tank and the pump and keep all the new goodies nice and clean. Nice work, do it right the first time.
Gravity, it's working against me.
Taking these things apart are a whole lots easier than putting them back together. Still it's fun.
All's I need....
Motor's back where it belongs. Nothing bent or scratched. Didn't even break the plastic hood rod clip on the radiator support. My Dad came over and we where getting it in just fine when my nosy neighbor and his father in law got involved. "What do you need? up or down, front or back, left or right?" Drove me nuts like a pirates wheel. Next time I'm shutting the garage doors. I guess I got lucky and I do have skinny arms but it was no trouble removing the bellhouse bolt that I used as a rear lifting point. All's good in Alabama. I will crank it this weekend. Thanks for everyone's help.
Carpet kits
I'm picturing Aunt Bee patching up uniforms for the band concert.
All's I need....
My hesitation is simple. This is the 3rd 280z I've owned and all of them had a serious leak on that particular stud. I'm sure it's a coincidence but I will err on the side of caution this time around. Thank you for the kind words Johnny Haywire. When I bought the car it would pull like a tractor and then fall flat on it's arse. I knew the potential was there and after looking around the www.com and reading everything I could, I started removing the engine. I've found all kinds of small problems that would have gone unnoticed had I continued driving the car. Now I know I have a good strong heart beat I can start putting lipstick on my little blue pig.
All's I need....
I'll try and figure out something else, maybe a sling of some type. I'm kinda nervous picking up the engine with the rear exhaust stud. I don't like the idea of putting all that weight on the head. Thank you for the warning, I would never have considered that.
All's I need....
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
I've taken some pictures to show what he's talking about. That's the cold start injector hanging down in the mouth of the intake manifold. It'd be more like a garden hose sprayer compared to the 6 injectors which would spray a finer mist like a kitchen sink sprayer. The other picture shows how close it is to the mouth of the throttle body and the tendency to flow with gravity down into the air filter which I think would be dangerous for your son to drive. As hot as it is at Road Atlanta this time of year you should just unplug it and tape the connector up real good. When it gets cold in January it might take a couple more seconds to crank. Ahhh January.
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
I apologize for the glib remark. If your Fuel pressure regulator is bad it would dump fuel through return line to the gas tank, no way it would effect the throttle body. Here's a picture and a source for another. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=280z+cold+start+valve&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=644&tbm=isch&tbnid=zXb1Gi5k31XIXM:&imgrefurl=http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/11-3430&docid=aEzH7nAVAFfe4M&imgurl=http://www.thezstore.com/store/graphics/00000001/large113430.jpg&w=320&h=247&ei=WpIVUJGDIoS08AT164GoAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=818&vpy=149&dur=126&hovh=197&hovw=256&tx=125&ty=93&sig=103913282402571895353&page=1&tbnh=141&tbnw=214&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:84
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
In a very nice way ZedHead fixed your problem. Google "280z cold start valve" then click images. They're still available too. Use that Google thing again.
O rings from Felpro kit
As long as it doesn't belong on the crank or flux capcitor I'll be able to sleep tonight.
Good looking candidate for simple refresh (71 Z in Greeneville, TN)
Isn't it odd when they don't post interior pictures. That's half the car's value.
O rings from Felpro kit
I've got 2 o rings left over and I'm hoping the small one goes under the oil cap but can't figure out the bigger one. Any ideas? Oh and I'm not using any EGR stuff so could it be part of that? Thanks in advance. It's the Felpro gasket set for '75 to ?
Do Speed Bleeders work?
Thanks guys. I'll get them for sure now.
Do Speed Bleeders work?
I try and do my work without bothering other people because I'm weird and hate to be bothered myself. So if these bleeders do what they say it would be great for 1 man work. Any personal expirences? I would appreciate your thoughts.
A Little 240z Friday Humor
There's your Turdymobile Z, 72 OJ.
Gasket sealant?
"Can't do any harm" is wise.
Bad noise comming from valve cover.
Doesn't it suck having to work for Z money? You could make gaskets for a living though, those look really good.
run as is or have removed
So if the bolt is broken at the base wouldn't that allow it to turn or twist slightly? And wouldn't that bind the cam? Or wear out the bearing? I'm just guessing as usual.
Wheel and Tire supplier listing
I'm about to get these fromDiscount tires http://www.discounttiredirect.com/direct/findWheelDetail.do?bp=4-114.3&pc=73392&counter=1&wd=16&rw=7