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Everything posted by siteunseen

  1. siteunseen replied to grantf's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    On second thought, who needs 2 identical cars? Carpet your yellow car. ACC is 30minutes from me. I'm going to tunnel in and get mine. Seriously, I think they have an outlet on ebay.
  2. siteunseen replied to grantf's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Trade the Marlboros for the Z.
  3. Someone beat you to that. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/thread46330.html
  4. $2500. You would spend another $2k making it something you'd be proud to drive around. Interior & wheels.
  5. siteunseen replied to grantf's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    That looks just like mine. I paid $1400 and it doesn't look that good. Buy it! You'll have the brother and sister staying with you. You'll have your own "Family Photos".
  6. I've ordered this one http://www.amazon.com/Dynomax-24215-Race-Bullet-Muffler/dp/B00029J3KW
  7. What glass-pack if any will you use Blue? I've got that exhaust too.
  8. I pulled my 2.8 motor and manual transmission together with a hoist and a ratchet strap on the rear for changing the angle while raising up. That was an idea I beleive JeffG78 uses and it worked great for 1 person. Now that I've spent alot of time and $$$ on my rebuild I ordered a load leveler from amazon for $25 with free shipping, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004PX4YCI/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i01. It is a great looking tool as I haven't used it yet. The ratchet strap would be too nerve racking fot the reinstallation. Buy a 2" rubber cap at Lowes for the transmission fluid. Or wrap it with plastic bags and tape.
  9. siteunseen replied to siteunseen's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I was wondering if the rear main seal is pushed in too far? It's sitting right on the edge of the beveled lip or chamfer on the rear bearing cap.
  10. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I intended on leaving an 1/8" sticking out and let that plate and the flywheel pull it down to mate with them. When I got through installing the main caps this is what I had, it went beyond the block surface. Will this be problem? Now would be a good time to correct it IMOP. Thanks for any replies.
  11. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I've cleaned up my stock '77 flywheel and was wondering how smoothe the friction side should be. The book I have says use "fine sandpaper" that could be 120 grit or 1000 grit. Should it feel like glass or paper? I have a new Exedy #6009 clutch kit. Thanks for any replys.
  12. siteunseen posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Welding shop wanted $40 per hour. I bought a siphon sandblast gun from sears.com for $16 and a bag of play sand from Lowes for $3.50 plus 2 hours of my time @$.50 per hour so less than $21 to do it myself. After pic is 1st then the before. I like it.
  13. siteunseen replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Exhaust
    I tapped out a gasket and Sharpie-ed it then ground with dye grinder on my intake. I don't know about turning an N47's exhaust port into an N42 though.
  14. I wonder if you could put it in syringe from a veternarian supply or wherever. Squirt it around everything. ?
  15. My Harbor Freight engine stand is the orange one and the welds look like crap but with a handfull of flat washers the block tightend right up and has held up very well. One thing I didn't realize until I saw a post with one, is where the pipe sticks through the back it has about 4 or 6 holes, stick a 3/8" 12" extension through one and you've got a way to rotate your motor without touching the block and another thing was to tie that holding pin onto the stand or you'll be looking for it constantly.
  16. siteunseen commented on sblake01's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  17. This guy has some pretty good info and pictures. Scroll down to the middle and you'll see seats. http://dailydatsun.com/2012/05/
  18. A pain in the a$$ for sure. I've gotten all but the "A" shaped control arms on each wheel and I think a break will be good. When I change out the struts I'll try and finish my box. The grease is the un-greasiest stuff I've ever seen, it's more like silicone and sticks to everything. I'm thinking of lubricating my fuel injector seals with it. I paid $159 for the later 280 complete set so $99 is a great deal. A small bottle jack was the most helpful tool for me.
  19. That'd be great and much appreciated. I'll soon have all my ducks in a row and am going to take a few days off work (and turn my phone off) and put it all together. Harbor Freight has a leveler for $30 so I'm thinking basic motor on the stand then hoist it off, lower it to mount tranny then back up to working level and brace everything in place. Then put all the outside engine on and install with leveler. That's in my head so I'm anxious to see what others do.
  20. Ok I'm re-thinking my thought process. I hope turnip greens will work, we don't eat much spinach around here, but a hamburger today.....
  21. If I put my intake and header on while the engine is on a stand I think it would be better to install tranny 1st then drop the motor in. I've also read to remove the steering rod for header clearence. Thanks for the advice.
  22. So which way was the best? I'm facing the same dilemma.
  23. Is there going to be a Orange's Tech Tips?
  24. I'd bet that the rubber seals come with those. My Standards did and they look exactly like the BWDs. Probably made at the same place. Look at the pictures on post #12 http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/thread45474.html.
  25. I do what Fastwoman does. The towel wrap method.

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