Needs radiator for my Z, where and which to buy
Its a 72 with an automatic and missing ac compressor with rust at the usual places. ( http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/album.php?albumid=436 ) I got a quote for $2800 (friend of friend discount) to get the whole car painted and all the rust removed and turn signals, emblems, antenna and rain gutters shaved and covered for the smooth look. i just have to remove everything thats attached to the body (powertrain, suspension, glass, interior etc). anyway, i may just have to go with msa since its the preferred vendor . i'll just sell the rad if i ever upgrade to a different engine/trans (when it dies on me). thanks for the reply
Needs radiator for my Z, where and which to buy
First off, I do apologize for my noob question (i know, so you dont need to repeat it to me). After a month of my z being neglected, i was finally (my mechanic neighbor actually) able to get the engine running. He told me that i need a water pump and a radiator. He got me a water pump for $20 but cannot find a radiator. My question is, living in the inland empire (San Bernardino County California), where temps are regularly at 90-105, what radiator should i get? I've always told myself that I'm only gonna upgrade to something better and modern (since I'm not looking into restoring this particular z) whenever a certain part craps out on me. I'm looking for a local southern california store where i can pick it up personally. hopefully I'll be able to drive it to the dmv this weekend (After i bought it, the last time it was registered was in 92). anyway, thank you and i appreciate everyone's future input
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I gave the frame rails a feeler and i didnt see anything crumble, ( one time, i looked at a z in san diego with a 2162 vin and while i was checking the frame rails, it crumbled so i didnt buy it. saw it on ebay 2 months later and it was bathed in POR-15) the gas tank, i havent checked yet. I do have a question about frame reinforcement and structural rigidity but ima save that for the paint and body section. thank you for welcoming me. i wonder if there are any car meets near LAX or ontario mills where you get proper car guys that help you out and give you advice instead of just being there to show off or generally just be a douche. anyway, thanks everyone
I'm officially an owner
Hi everyone! My name is mike and I need your help. Well, not right now, on second thought maybe I do. Aaanyway, just got my first datsun. Been searching for these for over 2 years now and finally i found what i think is perfect for me. She is HLS30-56677. I wonder if anyone here has tinkered with her, although her last registration was way back in 92. She still has her California blue plates (one of the reasons why i jumped on her) but alas she has a bit of cancer. For the next year, I plan to get rid of all the body rust and reinforce her chassis (which I'm gonna need your help) and get her back on the road where she belongs. Pictures of her are on my profile album. Thanks for viewing and I hope to hear from everyone soon. (Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!)
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