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Everything posted by Gee

  1. Gee replied to Gee's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I don't think its the crank bearing as I can't here any rumble from the bottom end. The oil is also new and on the full line. I will check the sender.. seems strange that it only plays funny buggers when I idle though :classic:
  2. Gee posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    My oil pressure drops right off when I pull up at the lights (almost down to the bottom of the guage) but then builds back up to 1/2 way when moving along. Is this right with a zed or is something stuffed??? help!!!! G
  3. Gee posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I have a red interior in my 240 - what colour was the carpet originally?? At the moment it's black.. G
  4. Gee replied to Gee's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Not worried about the headers, more concerned that the piper work behind will line up with the brackets under the car. I'm hoping to buy the full system off a guy who is doing a v8 conversion..
  5. Gee posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Will a full 260 (2 seater) exhaust system fit onto a 240 with no mods, i.e. headers+full pipe + muffler?
  6. Gee posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    OK... just bought an auto '73 240z after 9 months looking for a car..phewww!!! Anyway, I have a friend who also has a 73 auto and there are a few interesting differences that have left me confused... Similarities between the cars: Both Silver Both Auto Same year Differences: His delivery date is 2 months AFTER mine and yet the engine number is BEFORE mine in the sequence His speedo is in MPH, mine is in KPH. Mine has red interior, his has black interior. All engine/body numbers match. Any reason why speedo should be different (other than someone changing it at some stage) and the engines/bodies should be out of sequence????? G
  7. Gee posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    If changing a 73 240z to manual will a 280zx box do the job and keep the ratios about right or should I be changing everything, i.e. box and diff? Should the diff be an r200, if so, how do tell if it is??? G
  8. Gee posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    goto www.drive.com.au link on main page.. enjoy!
  9. Apparently you can get 2 sorts of Konis - those which you'd have to take the strusts out to change the stiffness and the other sort which have a dial on the tops. If you get the ones with a dial it is a simple matter of turning the dial at the top until you get the stiffness you want.. That said, the don't strictly make these for zeds and you'd be looking at $800 a pair as they'd have to be modified to do this (well that's what I was quoted)....OUCH!!!!!!! I can't believe zeds aren't listed. I tried a few places for my triumph and came up with no luck until I rang the distributors..they told me a part no. straight away. I'd ring them to find out what the part no is and then shop around..... failing that, ring a zed specialist, even if it is interstate.
  10. Gee replied to ozlime240z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Can I just remind the yanks that "World Series" Baseball ONLY involves teams from Nth America whereas World Cup Cricket ANYONE can get into if they're good enough...
  11. Gee replied to Rogersz's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Replayed 6.30am 5/3/03 also 2.30 pm 5/3/03
  12. Gee replied to halz's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    The rear window has been plated up... I wonder if you could "reverse" this process to take it back to standard???
  13. How rough? What needs doing? I'd prefer not to go down the resto route..and I only need one car!
  14. Still looking.. I've been f*@ked around a few times... Know of any nice ones?
  15. I have enquired about this car, apparently it needs heaps to get it roadworthy.. so a race car it will stay, unless someone has heaps of $$ to throw at it. Nice car Gav... G
  16. Gee replied to Gee's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Thanks for all the help guys, hopefully I have spawned an interesting conversation about boxes! Anyway, to the 240.. I drove 2.5 hrs from MElbourne to go look at this thing so I wasn't mucking around. It was pretty rust free. however the paintwork would have been about 5/10 in my book - not bad, but certainly in need of a respray in a few years. Orange (non -original) colour that DID NOT match the red engine bay. Car was formerly on gas, the only tell-tale sign a hole in the rear panel under the rear bumper. No sunroof, 5spd. Unoriginal centre console and recarpeted doors + top of dash. Asking $8,600. Personally, for that money I'd either buy one in Melbourne or get an awesome 2+2. Genuine early car(00131), without matching no's on the motor. If people have questions or want the guy's ph. no. give me a private email. Gareth.
  17. Gee replied to Gee's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    So is the skyline box ok? Can anyone see any possible problems?
  18. Gee replied to Gee's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Thanks for the help guys, I mean bolts as in "nuts and bolts" not the pneumatic lifter that holds the tailgate open. I think an anorak has already gone over the car because the seller could confirm things that he didn't know before people started looking at it.. i.e. 20mph speedo etc. Still, it's been owned by an older guy for 15yrs or so, so hopefully it hasn't been thrashed TOO much :classic:
  19. Gee replied to Gee's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Apparently the car is #131. I thought the first 500 went to America? Interesting... Anyone got any interior shots of the 432 zeds/different exterior features? Better still, anyone know of any really nice zeds for sale in Australia (2 seaters only)???
  20. Gee replied to Gee's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    You are in Oz as well? Why does your location say UK? Where do I get these VIN details so I can check the car when I look at it? I know nothing about the "anorak" side of things (i.e part numbers etc), but I do know how important it is when buying a car. The dash is apparently cracked and the centre console is missing. It also has an unoriginal rear bolt (or something) and instead of having one (as the early cars have), it has two. It also has 260 seats and the clock has been replaced with a non-original part - all things I guess I can easily replace over time. It does have a high-compression motor - was this different to "standard" motors?? I believe that whilst at the moment originality is not as important as it is say, for an Austin-Healey, MG, Triumph etc. it probably will be in the long run and I'm attempting to get the most original I can for the money, hence these annoying questions!!
  21. Gee replied to Gee's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Throwing a curve-ball in.. the car is in Australia. I actually wonder whether zeds were sold in Australia in 69.. but that's another thread I guess. Any way of telling whether it is a genuine 69? I gather these tend to be worth a _little_ more, but I really don't care - I just want a good one!!! I am concerned that it may be hard to get mounts etc for this box further down the line and that when the box has had it, this might result in me having to change the propshaft etc as well.. It seems that finding a STANDARD car in Australia is nigh on impossible, I have looked at so much crap in the last 6 months!!! G
  22. Gee replied to Gee's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Any way of looking at the box and knowing whether it is skyline/ original zed?
  23. Gee posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I'm looking at an early 240 (1969) this weekend and apparently it has a skyline box in it. According to the guy they bolt straight up without modification. Does anyone know if this is right? Are there any inherent problems with this mod?? Help!!

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