air leaking around brake MC
So I've confirmedd that air is coming from mate where the brake mc and master vac mate.has anyone had this problem and know which of those 2 should be replaced
air leaking around brake MC
i havent bled the master cylinders yet, and i believe it started happening when i changed the rear left cylinder. I think im going to re bleed the system and the master cylinder and ill let you know if it still has air. this is all without the engine running btw
air leaking around brake MC
So I just finished installing new calipers, shoes and went the bleed the brakes. After bleeding them all i noticed i could still hear air and it was coming form the master cylinder where it connects to the master vac, near the bottom. Is there a gasket that goes there? or is one or both of those broken and needs to be replaced... Also when i pressed on the brakes only the rear would lock up not the front
new front brakes
i placed something under the hub and held one side of the rotor while i beat the sh*t out of the rotor with a mallet, rotated rotor to evenly smack it out, just keep at it and hit it VERY hard
76 280 Shutsdown randomly at any speed.
When does it lose all power, when braking or stopped? or below certain rpm?
Brakelines.Drawings from 73 to 78
thanks!, ill be using this in a few days
HID Headlight Conversion
i just bought about 3.5k worth of stuff from zstore, including a classic projector HID kit, i'll let you know how they look, prob make a video.
Antenna Won't go up
I've seen commercials about this. Try taking some Extendz, from what I hear it gets antennas to go up.
good news and bad news
The smoke is coming near the front, around the temp sensor area but I haven't pin pointed it, it's hard to tell where exactly, it sounds like slight hissing or steaming around it.could it be a coolant hose not on tight or old and cracked a bit? this is the first time its been driven in over 15 years. The dripping noise was very faint had to be dead silent then you could hear a bit.when I had the hood open it didn't smoke.could it be the cold weather with hot enginewhen hood is closed cause it to form water on engine because when I opened hood after running it seemed wet for a few seconds, sort of shiny. Do you know any good ways of cleaning the engine bay really well? I don't know any effective methods .thanks
good news and bad news
The good news is i can drive the car now that i changed the master/slave clutch cylinder so shifting works. The bad news is there is some white smoke on top of the engine for about a minute after i turn off the engine, could this be caused by the dirt on top of my engine? it hasnt been cleaned since I bought it and I don't know what to use because I dont want water getting into places it shouldnt be. Also after I ran the engine and turned it off i heard a very faint dripping sound about every 3-5 seconds, sounded near the bottom of the engine/exhaust manifold side, but there was nothing on the ground. When i let it idle there was no smoke but when i put it in reverse to drive out or 1st to drive back into the garage, when i opened the hood it was smoking a bit. Confused about the smoke and dripping noise. I took a picture of wherebouts i see the smoke coming out, its not too much just want to be careful though.
Hello everyone! Hopeful Z owner.
Welcome! I'm from vancouver too I bought my Z from kelowna, just check out kijiji/craigslist and stuff like that, anywhere thats within bc and the shipping shouldnt be too bad, only costed me about 200$ to get it shipped to my home and there was only 2 rust spots, not bad for $2400 total including shipping.
What are your favorite Quotes?
"If you ain't first, you're last."
harnesses and harness bar?
Anyone know where I could get a 4 point harness and harness bar that aren't overpriced and will fit the 280z? I saw a harness bar on andysauto but I've heard bad reviews about them and I don't know where else to search/ and what the length between the pillars is.
question for new struts
Thanks alot this is good news
question for new struts
if im getting tokico illuminas and springs, i need bump stops.. but what about bump steer spacers? I'm going to be putting 16's on it so not too sure if they are a mandatory thing? If I should get please let me know, very confused right now.