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  1. Big update! thanks for all your help guys i did alot of wire checking and everything you guys told me but all it took was an extra pair of eyes. My dad came over today and we spent a few hours on it and found that the wires going to the pick up coil in the distributor were melted! so we took the wires off the distributor, cut off the melted portion and rewired them and it runs fine now! thanks again for all your help FastWoman, SteveJ, blue, jimbob_racing, and grantf!
  2. if there is something wrong with that sensor. aka bad connection/ wire it would cause it not to start right?
  3. i checked the sensor and fiddle with the wires a bit and lo and behold it started up again. i think i might have a problem there
  4. i was going to but it refuses to start again. and ill take a look blue thanks
  5. up one down another it started (good) now it just idles low then when its reved up it sputters then dies. any advice?
  6. replaced coil and it started up again but its running kind rough.
  7. went through the ee on the fsm and started taking it by sections starting from battery to coil and found that that was good tried for a spark from there and got nothing so i checked the distributor cap and rotor (they were pretty bad) replaced those then i took off the coil and tried to test it and got no spark so trial of elimination huh? for testing it i took it out attached it to a battery pos to pos neg to neg and got a jump cable and rubbed it on ground to see if i could get a spark and nothing (found that on youtube) is that the correct method to test it?
  8. just cleaned the contacts and tried starting it up found no spark so going to change the cap and rotor and see from there.
  9. ok ill take a look at those as well thanks for all the help!
  10. thanks ill start looking
  11. i just recently came across this problem a few days ago and have been scratching my head as to the answer. the car was running fine then all of a sudden sputtered and died completely, i pulled it over checked the wires to see if anything disconnected nothing was so i started it up again and it worked drove a bit longer then it died again. checked once more found a lose sparkplug (it actually separated on the distributor cap) fixed that with my crimps and such. and it would not start after that. any help as to where i should look? im currently waiting on my service manual to come in but have alot of schematics on my comp if any one can help.
  12. ok ill give that a shot @zed only reason why im wanting a new one/better condition is so i can just build this thing from the ground up without having any issues with older parts or the ones that are in it i just purchased a factory service manual so im giong to start hitting it with that
  13. im talking about the full kit and kaboodle all of it is it interchange able and if not all of it what sections are?
  14. are they changable with the 77? or are do they need that year alone?

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