Everything posted by bonniec75209
Better to not rush and wait for what you want than get impatient and settle for something less. I hate when I do that and then after I have spent the money see what I wanted in the first place.:disappoin
I am glad to hear that. As far as the car, you will get what you want, just be patient. Gosh, I sound like a female Dr Phil don't I? I can't stand that guy!!
Have you two kissed and made up yet? Remember, the longer you go mad, the harder it is to make up. Take care, Bonnie
240, 260, or 280? Help
Thanks Alpha, I see what you mean. The red 944 looks just like my ex's. I used to lay underneath that thing every 3 or 4 weeks and use a little touch up brush to fix the little paint chips on the air dam!
240, 260, or 280? Help
How similar is that to an 84 porsche 944? My ex has one and I never liked it. I mean it was pretty and all but I didn't like driving it.
How much did you spend for your Z?
Oops, I meant 944. He has a 84, 944.
What makes you drive craZy?
I love classic rock music but when I am in the car I hardly ever turn on the radio. I would rather hear the sound of the motor! I don't drive crazy but I do love to go fast, the faster the better. The car likes to go fast too. I have always had stick-shifts so I thought I knew how to drive the Z when I got it. NOT!! I babied it around and the carbs kept loading up and it ran badly. It took me a couple of months to really get the feel of it and learn how to drive it properly where it runs well. I have all kinds of suspension and electrical problems but the motor is soooooo sweet!!!
240, 260, or 280? Help
Hey 2Many is a 911 RS a 911 Porsche?
Location Poll
Dallas Texas I guess that would be Midwest??
If you own a Zcar, what's your sex?
Hi James, I am sorry you are having a rough time right now. Just wait till you are both over being mad and then sit down and talk and you might find that you can both work everything out. Take care, Bonnie
What A Crappy Day
Be prepared to stand your ground!! !@%&! insurance companies, always trying to rip people off!
How much did you spend for your Z?
I gave $66.66 for my 240. Actually, I bought 3 of them for 200 dollars. There was a 280, a 260, and the 240 (the 260 and 280 were parts cars for the 240). So if you do the math, it comes to 66.66 per car. My ex-husband's son-in-law called one day and told us that a friend of his had this Z project that he was desperate to get rid of (his wife was hassling him about them littering up the yard). We went over and looked at them and I said "WE'LL TAKE THEM!!" Had to tow the 260 and 280 home and I drove the 240 home. Now, the money and labor is a whole other story. When I left my ex, I left the other cars as I had no way to transport them. P. S. Don't feel sorry for the no-good !@#&!@#! ex! I put all the money and 50% of the work (what was done when we were together) into the car. And he had and still has as far as I know his pristine, immaculate 911 porsche along with his daily driver toyota truck and wrecker!!
If you own a Zcar, what's your sex?
Female. It is kind of lonely being a female Z-car lover. The only people I know who understand how I feel about my car are my youngest son (fellow Z-fanatic) and all you wonderful people on this site. When I am talking to anyone else about my car, and let my feelings begin to show, they look at me like I am crazy, and some have said, "it's only a car." They just don't understand. P.S. My car is a stick. As far as I am concerned, an automatic isn't a Z!!
strange engine problem
Hi, I don't know ANYTHING about cars, but my 240 was doing the same thing you described and my son fixed it in a matter of minutes. Something about setting the points, the gap spacing was too close. It was running really sick and 5 minutes later he had it fixed and it was fine. So don't despair, it is probably something simple like that. Sorry I didn't pay more attention to what he was doing, I was busy playing with my grandson, but I am sure that someone here can tell you what to do to fix it if that is what it is.
240, 260, or 280? Help
Welcome to the club. You have come to the right place! I love my 240! Since the first time I ever drove it I have known that it is the only car I will ever want. Well, actually, since I first LEARNED HOW TO DRIVE IT PROPERLY it is the only car I have ever wanted. They are beautiful, sexy, and fun what more could anyone want!!
What A Crappy Day
My sincerest condolences. That has got to hurt!!
So... What's Next?
Wouldn' that be fun to take aaaallllllllll the way down hwy 1 to Key West Florida!!:cheeky: Especially right after a hurricane!!
1972 Datsun 240z - One Owner - $5500
Hi Owen, I like your home page! :classic:
Just call me Grace. HA!!
Great!! I will try that. If I can just get it raised maybe an inch and a half that would be much better. Thanks!!!!!!!!!
Just call me Grace. HA!!
There is only thing that I don't love about my car. It is an absolute impossibility to get in and out of the thing gracefully!!!!! Is there anyway to raise the seat? Of course then, the steering wheel would probably be in the way. Any ideas??
A Sense of Hopelessness
You want to know what really sets me off!?!? When you are trying to find a shop to take your car too, you talk to the mechanic and ask him if he has any experience working on these cars. To which he replies something like "we work on cars, you got a car you want worked on, we will fix it for you." ALL CARS ARE NOT THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!! This really burns me up!!!!!!!!!!! I don't mind driving a long distance if I know the mechanic is honest, knowledgeable, and last but not least loves these cars as much as I do.
The FJ is coming back!!!
Looks like a moon-rover.
Just washed, not yet waxed
Ok, here's the newest Z...
- combined age: 170 years!
I personally would not have a man that I could order around. Of course with my track record, what do I know?!?! - combined age: 170 years!
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