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Everything posted by bonniec75209

  1. bonniec75209 commented on EScanlon's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  2. bonniec75209 commented on steve-o's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  3. I just found this! AWESOME! Thank you, Bonnie
  4. bonniec75209 commented on RB30-ZED's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  5. bonniec75209 replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Sorry, I don't know anything about that radio, but I sure do love your car! Bonnie
  6. bonniec75209 commented on Ken's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  7. bonniec75209 replied to Ed's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Someone told me that synthetic oil could clog up your oil pump. Has anybody ever heard/experienced that? Bonnie
  8. I am kind of in the same situation as far as the rust in the suspension goes. I am going to get a second opinion, because the first one was pretty ominous and I am just hoping that he was wrong or exaggerating or something. He brought up an issue that I had never considered. Say you know the car is not structurally sound and you drive very carefully, but you know, stuff happens - what if someone hits you? From what he said, the car would crumple so badly, it would take alot more than the jaws of life to get you out. You get the picture? I won't put my little grandson in it now, I borrow my sister's car if I have the baby. Also, I live in Dallas, where many people seem to develop some weird kind of road schizophrenia when they get behind the wheel. Just something to think about, I know I never thought of that till it was brought to my attention. Be careful, Bonnie
  9. bonniec75209 replied to bonniec75209's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Well, everything was going smoothly. (WAS being the operative word here). I had made plans with another club member for Saturday to look at the suspension rust and get some input on if it is even fixable or not. (Kinda wanted to go from there, alot hanging on that verdict). Electrical still weirding out, but the car was starting and going ok. Then, last night on the way home I discovered that I had no lights at all, nothing at all worked on the dash except, oddly, the amp guage which was right on the middle mark. Got home, killed the engine and tried to restart it and it was totally dead. The mechanic I took it to a few weeks ago didn't seem to want to mess with it, I am not sure if the rust really is too far gone, or he was put off by my plan to spend 400 a month on the car as long as it takes to fix and totally restore it. I don't care if it takes 20 years even. I think maybe he is used to people coming in there, slapping down 10 or 15 grand and getting it all done at once. May end up getting a loan and doing it that way myself, but I HATE paying interest! Anyway, got kind of off track there. I remembered someone I worked with for a short while this past summer has a friend that works on antique/classic cars. I don't know if he is any good at wiring or has much experience with Zz, but I am going to get his number and see about getting it towed there and see if he can work on it. I will update when I know something. Wish me luck! Bonnie:classic:
  10. bonniec75209 replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I'm all for it! Bonnie:classic:
  11. That car has no personality!!! If I had the 30-some-odd-thousand-dollars to buy one, I would buy a sexy car, the nicest 240Z I could find and I would spend what was left over for road trips. Bonnie
  12. bonniec75209 commented on Rhonda Z's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  13. bonniec75209 replied to bonniec75209's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Hi, I got the car jump started and took it to Wal-Mart's auto center (where I bought the battery less than 2 months ago) and they checked everything out and said that the battery had a dead cell and gave me another one. There is no doubt that the car has a short with all this weird stuff going on with the dash lights and everything. It is an aftermarket radio, it wasn't on though, I took the faceplate off a couple of weeks ago and haven't bothered trying it again because it hadn't been working. Thanks for all the advise, mpurdue lives close and has offered to look at the suspension rust for me, maybe he knows about wiring too. I looked underneath for wiring problems and saw a couple of possible problems but I am afraid to touch it for fear that I will blow it up or something! I am afraid that I have already messed with it too much. It's nice to know what all those ignition wires are! The starter wire was pretty obvious, the rest, I didn't have a clue! I will keep you updated, thanks a bunch! Bonnie
  14. bonniec75209 replied to bonniec75209's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Thanks guys! I will check for shorts and have the battery, alternator, and voltage regulator checked. A few weeks ago the ignition went out and I took the panel off underneath the steering wheel and pulled out the ignition wiring, and have been starting it that way till I can afford a new ignition. Could I have shorted something out when I did that? It has been starting fine till now, do shorts sometimes take awhile to start wreaking havoc? Thanks for the quick response, I don't know what I would do without you guys!!! Bonnie
  15. bonniec75209 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I just tried to start the car and nothing happened. The battery seems to be almost dead. I didn't leave the lights on or anything so I don't know what is going on. A few weeks ago I put a new battery in it, a good one with plenty of turnover power and it has been starting nicely everytime. Could it be something wrong in the electrical wiring? For some odd reason, lately the dash lights only come on when I apply the breaks and the radio won't work. I noticed when I was driving home from work Friday evening that the alternator needle was a little below the midway mark and usually it stays a little above the midway mark, that was the last time I drove the car. Any ideas? Thanks, Bonnie.
  16. bonniec75209 replied to bonniec75209's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Sorry for the late response Royce, the year is 72 and the wheels are the origional that came on the car, I think 14 inch maybe. I will get all the tire specs and let you know.
  17. bonniec75209 replied to bonniec75209's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Hi 2many, So basically the 5th gear is just for cruising? As far as I know the transmission is good, but supposing that when I take it in, the mechanic says that (among many other things), the transmission will have to be replaced in the near future, would you replace it with the origional 4-speed or a 5-speed? You seem very knowlegable and I would really value your opinion. Thanks, Bonnie
  18. bonniec75209 posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I hope this doesn't sound dumb (I'm just a girl, I don't know much about cars) but if I replaced the 4-speed transmission in my 240 with a 5-speed, would it still be fast on take-off? As it is I LOVE it, I take off and leave everybody like they are standing still. It has a lot of power (takes off easy from standstill in 2nd) and my ex-husband said that it had too much power and needed a 5-speed. (I think he was just mad because I always beat him and his 944 porsche in a quarter-mile.) I really don't want to change it, I am just curious as to what difference it would make because he was always wanting to put a 5-speed in it. I am going to start work on it after Christmas and get alot of things done, but that won't be one of them unless you all tell me that it is the thing to do. I really appriciate you guys letting me pick your brains, please let me know what you think. Bonnie
  19. bonniec75209 replied to bonniec75209's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Thanks for the info guys! The car is parked till after Christmas and then I am going to take it in to Z-World at Irving to be checked out and worked on. In the meantime, I am learning alot just checking out web sites on tech tips, restoration, etc... I really appreciate the help!!!
  20. bonniec75209 posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Woe is me!!!! Does anybody out there know of an HONEST AND DEPENDABLE mechanic in or near the Dallas Texas area that knows anything about 240s? This is assuming that there are even any honest mechanics ANYWHERE on the face of the earth!! #*@!#*^&!!!! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Bonnie
  21. Hi, Does anybody know where I can get the origional official specifications for my 240? Thanks, Bonnie
  22. Help!!! I think my u-joint is going out, but I'm not sure if it is that or something else. When I hit a rough spot in the road, the car almost changes lanes, it feels very unstable. Lately it has been making a noise in the back end, kind of like creaking metal, and sometimes it feels and sounds almost like I am getting a flat tire. Whoever had the car before me raised the back end, and the right front is lower than the left. Any ideas anyone? I would kind of like to know what it could be before I take it to an auto shop, I have had a couple of bad experiences with mechanics.:cry:Any help or ideas would be appriciated!! Thanks, Bonnie
  23. Help!!! I think my u-joint is going out, but I'm not sure if it is that or something else. When I hit a rough spot in the road, the car almost changes lanes, it feels very unstable. Lately it has been making a noise in the back end, kind of like creaking metal, and sometimes it feels and sounds almost like I am getting a flat tire. Whoever had the car before me raised the back end, and the right front is lower than the left. Any ideas anyone? I would kind of like to know what it could be before I take it to an auto shop, I have had a couple of bad experiences with mechanics.:cry:Any help or ideas would be appriciated!! Thanks, Bonnie

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