cam question
Yes I recently acquired p90a head with a new cam, I was wondering if i can pull the cam out and put it in my freshly rebuilt n47 head.
Turbo block for rebuild okay.
I have found a 82 turbo engine for a rebuild. I was wondering if I could rebuild the short block and put all my non turbo engine parts from my 77 L28 on the block?
1977 280z
I have heard several people having ignition problems with the z cars. However, some of the others in this forum could help you with that. My advice, watch for rust! Some cars I looked at had way to much in the normal places or underneath on frame rails. If you could get a compression check on the motor, would greatly benefit you as well. I personally looked at 10-12 different cars before I made my purchase. The more you can drive the better, but sometimes that can be tricky with these cars, my search was over a year due to the limited amount of good cars that are available for sale.
1977 280z
I just got this car about 5 weeks ago and have it running smooth. The car had sat for awhile and I still have odds and ends to fix. Suspension, and some engine work (compression lil low) looks like a short block rebuild. Runs good just not as strong as it should. Just need a 5 speed transmission!
Parts car question?
Hey guys, Im in the process of working on a deal for a solid and complete 79zx parts car for my 77z. Question is, besides the motor block and tranny, can I use the rear diff? Should I seach for a 77 parts car instead? Thanks for any advice.
4 speed to a 5 speed
Thanks for the good info.
4 speed to a 5 speed
I have just recently purchased a 1978 5 speed transmission and i have a 77 with a 4 speed, just wondering if this is a basic swap or will I need a new drive shaft etc..
Prothane kit
I hate to hear that i plan on starting my suspension. Any pointers on the best bushings to get.
Slight back fire and stumble!
Yeah he seems to be very knowledgeable about these engines, too he works on Sunday's. Plus I had replaced all the vacuum lines and most of the fuel lines, new TPS, PCV valve, plugs, distr and rotor button, wires, fuel filter, air filter and cleaned every electrical connection I could get to.
Slight back fire and stumble!
Well, I checked everything out...new vacuum lines and checked all the connections, i mean all, timing and it all checked out. Took the car to a mechanic that works on imports, known him for a few years. Told me it was the themostat or thermotine sensor, said its a very common problem with datsun engines in general. Anyway he put that in and adjusted the valves to smooth out a little rocker arm noise. Anyway cold starts perfectly and runs like a dream, just have to drain the synthetic oil the guy I bought it from put in the engine and I ready to start on the suspension.
Slight back fire and stumble!
Thanks for the information I will begin my work tonight.
Slight back fire and stumble!
Also, i have had the car for 2 weeks, and she has had tons of work done to her...
Slight back fire and stumble!
I am great to the clutch...trust me...It seems to be worse when cold...I have to get in touch with her or him.
Needing 1977 fuel sending unit
Could someone tell me where I can find a fuel sending unit for 77 280? The fuel gauge want show beyond a quarter of a tank.
Slight back fire and stumble!
I am new to the forum and have read tons of great information. But before I start checking everything I thought I would run my problem by a few of you folks first. My 1977 280z runs strong and accelerates as it should, however when I try to accelerate quickly the car sometimes slightly back fires and always stumbles then as the rpm's climb its smooth. If i give it gas say 1200 to 1500 rpm's and ride the clutch out....no back fire and very little stumble. Anyone experience this before?