[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Ugh! Got a call from my mechanic - the 1983 280zx 5-spd transmission I picked up isn't the right one... It was from a 280zx TURBO! Anyone in the Bay Area got one? Ugh!
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Pop'd on new side view mirrors on the 280z. eBay; plastic; not quite a value buy; still looks decent. About a 15-30min job. At least I'm not worrying when my side view mirrors are gonna wobble out of sight. I did a full write up on my blog, DailyDatsun.com
Modern injectors, new fuel rail - no heat soak problem
Hey all! this is great info - thanks Zed Head. I have a '77, have experienced the rough idling when re-starting, heard of this "heatsoak" issue, but honestly never looked into it! Now I'll certainly check out which model injectors are currently in there, and try one of the others mentioned. I always thought replacing the fuel rail with some beefier, finned, aluminum one would have worked, but seeing as the injectors probably have never been replaced, if I can try this solution, that'd be great.
Catalytic Converter suggestions..
Yeah, hear you all - California just is... Anyways, thanks for the suggestions. After a chat with rcb280z, I'll put in a new cat and change out those spark plugs. I'll note back if it passes and the results.
Catalytic Converter suggestions..
Thanks Leon and rcb! Yeah, one of the first things i did was break out the AFM adjustment manual just to see if that can do it, since higher CO levels correlate to fuel richness. But even if i adjust the mix, my cat is crap anyways so i'll have to change it out (California...sometimes...man!). CO levels are as follows: MAX AVE MEAS 15mph 1.36 0.17 2.03 25mph 1.16 0.15 2.66 so not too bad out of range. my guess is that a new cat will fix that CO level. Thanks for the suggestions too rcb, i called local shops, and you're right, it'll between $200 - $275. "Don't change out your header" - really? oh no! can't use the MSA exhaust header and muffler for some perf / auditory goodness?
Catalytic Converter suggestions..
A roadblock kinda day - failed smog on my 1977 280z. Bad catalytic converter (no numbers on it), and high CO%. Short story is it passed fine two years ago, and now it doesn't. Per this thread i'll drive around for 30min on 87 gas before testing. But i'll still need a cat! A couple of parameters: 1) it has to be a california approved cat 2) it's gotta mate to the MSA 3-2 header system (might as well replace that while i have someone replace the cat). any suggestions? What have you guys had good / bad experiences with? what's the price you paid?
[2013] What did you do to/with your Z today?
failed smog today bad cat, and CO is over the max limit. ugh... time to search the threads....
[2013] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Nice! Tis the season for Z's! Today i fixed my door handle... now that door opens and closes so nice...
[2013] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Yesterday we stopped by the Historic Japanese Car Gathering event in San Leandro, CA. Great to see all the cars! There were a few Z's representing! The other day I also finally finished making a mating plate to connect the 280z horn pad to a 240z steering wheel. Came out great.
[2013] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Finally installed a windshield washer reservoir unit! It's been missing this whole time! Since the new tank isn't OEM, I made a metal bracket to fix it into place. BEFORE: AFTER:
[2013] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Mgood - looks like a million bucks in there! super awesome. Yesterday I finally installed a 240z bumper! loving it. Front bumper! | the DAILY DATSUN
Video: San Francisco Skyline
[2013] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Nice metal work e-tek! I worked on my 240z bumper brackets yesterday. So that means today, mounting the bumper today!
[2013] What did you do to/with your Z today?
i HAVE the door bumper strips installed. the chip is just above the door handle. I figured it out - the car is low enough that the lower arc on the rear door of an 90's Explorer will hit above the strip. Additionally, i was driving down the highway and a guy in a 300C honked at me.... and gave the thumbs up!
Datsun Dealership
Me too! can't wait! i've been stalking this thread literally twice a day for that LIST! :] excited. it's gonna be a NOS-fest, for sure.