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Everything posted by Bojanglez280

  1. Update: Pulled the slave cylinder this afternoon (While carpet was being installed upstairs in my house), and found that the hose was toast.....as was the clutch fork boot. Both have been purchased and I am waiting on ALL of my parts to come in. Should be a busy weekend as I should have a lot to put on. Jamie
  2. That was my thinking on it, but he thought otherwise. I'm thinking I am going against his advice on this one and dropping and repairing the tank instead. Not sure when I will get around to it, but that's the direction I will be going. Plus, taking it off will make it much easier to replace hoses and clean up down there etc... Thanks for the input, Jamie
  3. Here are two pictures of the gas tank as it is. Have not messed with it yet to know if it is silicone, JB Weld, or whatever it may be....
  4. Update: Last night I purchased NGK Plugs ($2 each), NGK Wires ($23 set), and a new air filter ($7). Now I just need to wait for them to come in. I talked with my father in law tonight, who is a retired mechanic, and asked his advice on the leak in the gas tank. His advice was to try and find another tank. I love his advice, however I get on here and see people repairing tanks left and right. I feel like since I have a tank to work with what do I have to lose in trying to fix it, compared to giving up already and dropping who knows how much on a new tank. I hate being a novice in so many ways, but love the process of learning all the Z tricks and trades. I will be placing my order for new clutch master cylinder and slave cylinder tomorrow. I will also will be ordering my upper/lower radiator hoses and the replacement heater hoses. Wish me luck as all of this comes in and goes on! Jamie
  5. Bump for an old thread, as I would love to know if anyone has an answer to this myself...
  6. I appreciate it... Jamie
  7. Looks like a good read and great down the road reference. Thanks!
  8. Not saying I won't come back to this thread at some point, but for closure on it for now.....I installed new fusible links and the problem has been solved. Keep up with my progress in other threads. Thanks for all the help! Jamie
  9. Hate to bring up something that has been answered, but for clarification purposes.....I can just get generic heater hose from the parts store for these? Or do I need the direct replacement from MSA. I have looked into both. Jamie
  10. Autozone has a clutch master cylinder rebuild kit, made by Duralast (with piston, circlip, boot, and spring) for $15.99. The slave cylinder kit comes with piston, spring, and boot for $13.99. Would these be worth the purchase? It is cheaper than MSA's $29 slave and $71 master.
  11. I figured that was the case, but was not for certain. Would it be better suited to replace both slave and master cylinders? If not, where can I get a good rebuild kit. There are two offered by O'Reilys. One does not have the replacement piston and one does.
  12. Alright, what we did today. 1) Pour'd some gas into the tank to be able to drain it and see if any rust came out. To my surprise very little chips came out. The bad news was in filling the tank, I discovered that the PO did a silicone patch over a leak which apparently did not fix the problem. There will need to be some work done on the tank. 2) New fusible links were installed and i now have power inside the car. GOOD NEWS! 3) Due to the "original key" having cracks and showing signs of breaking in half, I had a new key made. Not an original but it provides peace of mind that it will not break off in the ignition. 4) Bled the clutch system. We got about a cup full of black thick nasty fluid out of the system. However, the clutch still has no pressure at all. Not sure where to start......master cylinder is my initial thought thanks to some other threads having similar situations. After that if the problem still exists I would look into the slave cylinder as well. There are no evident leaks from the exterior of the slave of master, however there is a "slushy/squishing" type sound that comes from the master cylinder when the clutch is pressed. Thanks for reading and as always, feedback is looked forward to and appreciated. Jamie
  13. Appreciate all the comments. I will keep everyone up to date on the long project as I go. I will not make as quick of progress as does everyone else. I am a solo income marriage as my wife is in doctorate school (not cheap), so I kind of have to pick and choose my purchases on a monthly basis. O yeah, and I am a school teacher. We are known for making LOTS of $$$.....
  14. Well I have a couple of terrible pictures from my Ipod just to let you know what it looks like. More will come hopefully this weekend. I just made my first parts purchase, as I bought new fusible links from MSA. I guess the project has now officially begun. Sorry for the quality...I am getting addicted to this website!
  15. Well....I won't be buying a camera. I just need to charge up my wife's and go to work on taking pics. I took a bunch with my iPod but understand now why it is known for music and not taking photos. Not very good quality. I will get pictures up soon. I would say it is nothing elaborate to look at, but I would be lying. Every Z is worthy of looking at
  16. Got a $3,500 check today for insurance repair on my '03 4Runner. I do not anticipate sending it to a body shop. AKA hello money to work on the Datsun!!!
  17. Thanks Blue, I found them last night and took a look. May be some time before I get around to them, as I am the lone income in the household, but one day.....one day
  18. Sounds easy enough. Thank you for your help.
  19. Blue, How much did the pans and rails cost you? I removed carpet tonight, and WOW....discovered I'm going to need to start price shopping and learning how to weld. My project just got a little longer and more pricy, not that that comes as a surprise
  20. As you will find out, I am not afraid to ask questions if it assists me in getting closer to hearing my Z turn over for the first time. Some of you may have read in another section that I drained the coolant yesterday, flushed the radiator, and refilled with new. Not until I had put the new coolant in did I realize there was a hose or two that were leaking coolant straight out. Wish I would have plugged the system back up and filled with water to check for leaks, but aren't we all smarter looking back. Whether it be due to dry rotting, or whatever I do not care...I am just unsure what hoses I need to purchase. I have searched and found nothing so far. Here are pictures of them, and yes they have been disconnected and taped in an upward position as to not let coolant run all over my garage floor. Thanks again for all the help! I can tell this forum is slowly becomming an addiction of mine. This is towards the front of the car. The leak is coming from the braided hose, but on the firewall side of the engine bay. I am just trying to clarify which hoses I am speaking of. Another shot of the same hose. It runs down the block just below the spark plugs. Lastly, this is the 2nd hose I spoke of. Yes, my friend cut through the one hose rather than undoing the clamps. I apologize for his method of attack.
  21. Wow....thanks for the detail and I will get information back to you as soon as possible. However, I wanted to let you know the headlights DO WORK!! I hadn't thought to check that. I got excited, but could be too early cause for all I know that may be a bad thing and mean my problem is bigger ?!?! Thanks again
  22. Here are two pictures of the fusible links. I apologize for the poor quality photos. They were taken with my iPod in a poorly lit garage. One of these days I will use my wife's digital camera. You will notice in the first photo that there are only 3 of the 4 fusible links plugged up, and in the second you will see the "4th" fusible link below the fusible link boxes. The PO apparetly cut the fusible link from the box for an unknown reason and spliced it to itself. I am guessing this has a part to play in my electrical issues. Thanks for all the input. One of these days, I will be a proud owner of a running Z.
  23. I know there is a section for this, but since you guys advised me on things to do before starting the car, I thought you may want to keep up with me. I would love to have the car running by Christmas. Not sure how possible that is, but it is a goal. Today I got around to: 1) Draining the radiator (that was a pretty green and brown chunks mixture) 2) Refilling the radiator with new coolant, which introduced me to a nice dry rotted hose that started leaking. (Need to replace) 3) Pulling the drain plug on the gas tank only to find out it was literally bone dry (as in not a drip of any liquid came out) 4) Removing the driver seat to remove the dry rotted carpet and vaccum up the floor/seat pan (which will one day be replaced) 5) Installing a new battery (which introduced an electrical issue, currently being discussed in the electrical threads) 6) Draining the oil, removing the oil filter, and replacing both
  24. Won't know until later on.....but thanks to many threads being read this evening from people with similar problems...I am leaning towards thinking my problem may be the infamous fusible links. The PO did some rigging that I should have posted pictures of earlier that would have helped, but I'm beginning to think that may be my problem.

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