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Everything posted by tamo3

  1. tamo3 replied to Jesse Bolt's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    When I study Automatic to Manual conversion, it's not just replacing transmission. I learned that distributor, radiator, starter motor are also different between auto and manual. There might be more... I'm still studying here. Thanks, tamo3
  2. tamo3 replied to Jesse Bolt's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    My '72 240z is automatic. I will convert to manual soon. Not so much fun to drive automatic with 240z.
  3. Thank you for your feedback. KD 3087 seems expensive and not commonly find at store. I will get Blue's recommended one. Thanks, tamo3
  4. Hi, I'm about to rebuild header. I need to purchase valve spring compressor. There are several different type of valve spring compressor in the market. Does all of them works for L28 header? There are 8" and 10" one. Which one works? Thanks, Tamo3
  5. tamo3 replied to GreenZZZ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    NISSAN denied this as official announcement. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.j-cast.com%2F2012%2F03%2F02124175.html I goes to India 3,4 times a year. I see Suzuki, Honda, Toyota, but only few of Nissan's car. In Russia, Mitsubishi is the big name over Honda, Nissan. I haven't heard Nissan is planning to build cars in India nor Russia to expand their market share.
  6. Yes, the video is really helpful. Thanks for Villegeland for posting video onto Youtube. When I research price of rebuild kit, the cheapest rebuild kit is at eBay. Drive Train.com $160.98 http://www.drivetrain.com/parts_catalog/manual_transmission_overhaul_kits/nissan_f5w71_overhaul_kit.html Z Specialties $374.95! http://www.datsunstore.com/product_info.php/pName/trans-complete-rebuild-kit-wsyncros-5-speed-18-piece-7780/cName/drivetrain-z AutoZone.com $161.99 http://www.autozone.com/autozone/parts/Atc-Pro-King-Manual-Transmission-Rebuild-Kit/1977-Nissan-Datsun-280Z/_/N-indg1Z6o2tw?itemIdentifier=884620_23477_5208_6577 eBay.com - seller is acerl $124.95 +CA Tax http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nissan-Car-5-Spd-FS5W71A-Transmission-Rebuild-Kit-77-80-/370407968363?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Make%3ANissan&hash=item563e090e6b&vxp=mtr Looks like I need to find 5th gear black fiber 5th gear "crush style" synchro ring separately. http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php/topic/101424-transmission-rebuild-kits/ I wonder where I can purchase it from. factorynissanparts.com does not allow to search older than 1980 car parts... Did anyone recently purchase 5th Syncro ring? Thanks, tamo3
  7. Thanks Green ZZZ. That's definite information.
  8. Thanks all for the information. I didn't know undercoating will actually stiffing body.!
  9. When I went to junkyard, I found 280z 2x2 with beautiful front fender. My '72 240z has dent and rusted. Also it seems like the steel of 280z fender thicker than 240z. When I lean on the my 240z, the fender seems like vending easily. Does anyone know whether 280z fender uses thicker steel metal than 240z? Also, will 280z 2x2 front fender match with 240z? I know 2x2 is longer wheel base and wonder Datsun use same parts with coupe or not. Thanks, tamo3
  10. I found Youtube video to answer my question. FS5W71B Assembly #1 FS5W71B Assembly #2 I thought I need shop press when pull a part from the largest shaft. It's around 14:53 on the video. Looks like I don't need shop press. Rebuild
  11. I'm thinking about rebuilding 71B 5Speed tranny before swapping with my automatic tranny. In order to rebuild tranny, I'm thinking about buying shop press. http://datsunzgarage.com/borg/ Datsun ZCARS mentioned 12tons press, but I was wondering 6 ton is good enough for it. http://www.harborfreight.com/6-ton-a-frame-bench-shop-press-1666.html I don't want more bigger tool occupied my garage. Does anyone use this tool? Thanks,
  12. Make sure to prepare Manual transmission starter and solenoid.
  13. Thanks LeonV for your advice! I really appreciated! I will grab Manual mission dizzy!
  14. Zforce, Bingo! My '72 240z is currently automatic. I got 5speed 71B from '78 280z to swap it later. I did not know automatic and manual transmission has different dizzy. Thank you so much to identify this. By the way, do you have any idea if I change dizzy to manual one and install this "Pertronix Ignitor 1761" will works with automatic transmission? Regards, tamo3
  15. Just got Pertronix Ignitor 1761 and try to install onto my '72 240z factory dizzy. I try to follow other thread "Pertronix Ignitor 1761 install and coil evaluation", but when I open up my dizzy, it looks different from 280zx dizzy. I could not figure out which wire I should remove. Could someone give me an advice? Thanks, tamo3
  16. One of the private shop used to sell similar quick shift in Japan. http://www6.airnet.ne.jp/~magic-as/transmissionfestival/SuperQuickShift/4907.jpg http://www6.airnet.ne.jp/~magic-as/transmissionfestival/SuperQuickShift/4909.jpg http://www6.airnet.ne.jp/~magic-as/transmissionfestival/SuperQuickShift/4912.jpg http://www6.airnet.ne.jp/~magic-as/transmissionfestival/transmissionfestival081022.html
  17. tamo3 replied to tamo3's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Thanks Blue for your advice. I will order that too. Colortune @ Amazon is way expensive. I found on ebay much cheaper price for reference. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Gunson-Color-tune-tuning-tool-Ford-/190566793223?_trksid=p4012.m444&_trkparms=algo%3DPI.WATCH%252BCRX%26its%3DC%252BS%26itu%3DUCC%252BSI%252BUA%252BLM%252BLA%26otn%3D8%26po%3D%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D6077593677176949587
  18. tamo3 replied to tamo3's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Thanks all for the quick response. I never heard colortune before. I will try with STE-SK syncrometer at first. Color Tune Uni-Syn
  19. tamo3 posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Hi, I was wondering which tool should I purchase to tune up balancing for my '72 240z SU carb. Later on, I'm planning to upgrade to triple Carb. Thus, I would like to use both carb with one tool if applicable. Should I get SYNCHROMETER http://www.piercemanifolds.com/product_p/ste%20sk.htm or Edelbrock Uni-Syn Carburetor Balancing Instruments http://www.summitracing.com/parts/EDL-4025/ or any other alternate suggestion. Also, I will be appreciated if you can recommend good website to purchase. Thanks!
  20. After put it back to original coil and resistance, the symptom was same. It takes time to start up engine and I need to jump start with hooking up battery with other car. Once engine get warmed up, I swap back to MSD Blaster 2 coil with resistance. Now it works!! The problem was just cold air temperature. I guess I need to study more about how to setup SU carb in order to quickly start up engine. By the way, distributor to spark plug ins connected to 1-5-3-6-2-4 in counter clock order. Thanks!
  21. Wow! Thanks for the quick reply Zed Head, steve91tt!! 1. Condition of plugs, wires, cap, rottor, distributor Before swapping coil, it everything was functional. All of them looks OK, but not sure. Especially I'm not sure how to diagnostic distributor condition. 2. Is your car stock or has anything been added or deleted? My 240z is original no add, no subtract, no modification. 3. Have you done anything to check the tune on the carbs? Float levels, vacuum leaks etc. No, not yet. Still studying how to now. 4. Other than being hard to start when cold was the car runnning well through the rev band before the addition of the coil? Before swapping coil, once engine is running the idling was stable. After swapping coil, when I step on the gas pedal, it will misfire when RPM goes beyond 1500. 5. Did you change anything else when you swapped the coils? Could the plug wires have gotten switched? When I installed MSD Blaster 2 coil, I also install 0.8 ohm ballast resistor that comes with 8203 package as Zed Head mentioned. Thanks!
  22. Hi, I just got '72 240z with rounded SU carb. Since cold start takes time, I also got new MSD Blaster 2 coil 8203. After installed this coil, idling get unstable. I'm new to 240z and still studying SU carb setting. Before, the factory original coil, it takes time to start up engine, but idling was stable. Do I need to upgrade distributor also? or can I just adjust SU carb setting to make idling stable? Thanks for your help in advance!

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