Rear Brake Woes
With the kind assistance of Mike McGinnis @ Banzai Motorworks in MD, I seem to have a solution. I was working with the left rear brake. Mike points out that the left adjuster inner part has a left hand thread. With a little force in the right direction, the inner part broke loose. Both of my adjusters have anti-seize on the inner threaded part, keeping them from threading in and out without force . That obscured the solution.
Rear Brake Woes
The adjuster turns until in full contact with the shoe. I will try for closeup pics,
Rear Brake Woes
I recently replaced the rear wheel cylinders in my 1972 Z. I have been fruitlessly trying to adjust the shoes. The center part of the adjuster (with the slot the shoe fits into) does not thread in or out when the knurled outer part of the adjuster is turned. Both of the adjusters that came with the OEM wheel cylinders seem to have the the center fused to the outer. Did I get the the wrong part or am I missing something? Thanks for any advise.
brake line leak diagnisis
Thanks. Is there a way to confirm short of dissembly?
brake line leak diagnisis
The fluid level in my MC front reservoir drops over time. I tried the 30 minute on the brakes with cardboard under the car w/o any visible leaks. Any other diagnostics I should try to narrow this down?
low fluid level rear brake reservoir 72 240Z
I topped up the fluid level in the rear brake reservoir about a month ago. Today, it's down about 3/4" (about halfway between the low and high marks). I removed the rear wheels- no obvious signs of leakage. I traced the brake line forward to the tranny and from the engine back- no leakage apparent. It's too greasy around the tranny to tell anyway. The rear brakes were completely redone about 2 years ago, new wheel cylinders, shoes, etc. the pedal feels the same as usual. It has been some months since I had the Z out on the read. Any ideas? Thanks.
Rebuilt my combination switch today
Many thanks for the write up and photos. What were your symptoms? In my case, when the t/s is engaged after the brake lights are on, the 2nd filament of the brake light bulbs goes out and the remaining filament flashes, but dimly. My z doesn't get driven much, so I'm guessing corroded contacts.
Early Z parts for sale:
I might be interested in the cowl. U are talking about the sheet metal between the hood and windshield? Bob