Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
Dennis, Another pearl of wisdom; and just when I thought the SoCal sun might be getting the better of you. Mike
I'm Bringing Back Tha Twin Stacks ^_^ !
Bless you. Jer 29:11
Is it worth replacing old hitachi SU carbs with remanufactured ones?
My opinion: Do not purchase the carbs listed on eBay; too much risk. The seller listed as remanufactured, however, the description says rebuilt. Big difference! Invest in some truly remanufactured carbs from Z-Therapy and you will have a great working pair.
Pervious owner nightmare thread
Not about my Z, however the PO was a governmental agency: Years ago, my brother and I attended a county auction where there was a very nice dump truck up for auction with a "frozen engine". It went cheap, $500, and with no means to get it home, by brother started troubleshooting the problem. After removing the clutch inspection plate, and screwing back in the pressure plate bolt that had "frozen" the engine, he started it and drove it off the lot. MANY long faces from the county workers.
L24 Condensor Question
No need to worry as long as your replacement is automotive grade. .25 vs .22 is well within the normal tolerance of that application. BTW: uF stands for microFarad, a measurement of capacitance. Mike
the winter from hell
I just got home from a trip and had to shovel-out from under 6 feet of sunshine.
Vintage Rubber, still in business??? Epic Service FAIL
Bravo Jim, we all need family.
the winter from hell
Dennis, that is very funny. Actually, I have encountered the warm wind chill; the Sun Downers - the evening warming when the wind compresses when flowing down the mountainsides. Mike
the winter from hell
Aaa, finally an old-guy post. Sorry, but it's been hot and dry down here in SoCal. Please send us some water; we would even suffer the cold to get it. Our normal season provides 18" to 20" of rain; we have had about 1". Mike
MSA Hood to Cowl Seal. Is there better?
Vintage Rubber has it for $35 US. That is probably as good as you can get. They have cross-sectional image on their site.
240Z 4-Speed Transmission Noise
My transmission had the same symptoms. Rear bearing on the counter-shaft; the ball separator was coming apart allowing the balls to re-position within the races.
Re-Chrome Bumper (cost)
Try RestorationChrome.com
Engine will only run above 4000 RPM. Carbs or timing?
Condensers (capacitors) can short-out when a voltage that exceeds their maximum working voltage is applied across them.
It was a beautiful race executed by Greg and his Z. Glad that he was given the win.
transistor ignition module maybe?
Freeze mist is actually a refrigerant in a can (possibly not available in all countries of the World because of the local politicians concern for the ozone layer). This product will cool below zero F so be careful. The concern in the humid South is the condensation on the part when you are finished. So, let the condensation evaporate prior to closing up a compartment.
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