Everything posted by cardogman1
items for sale
Hi victor I have to cover my cost on these covers, however I'll take a $5.00 loss and sell them to you for $95.00 for the pair they are brand spanking new. You will need to get three tiny screws for each one the seller never sent the screws with the covers. I'll pay the shipping. If you want them let me know how you want to do this. Burt
items for sale
hi Carl I paid $30.69 each plus tax from Motorsports I'll sell them for $25.00 each I'll throw in the nuts and the shipping. There brand new in the packaging. If you still want them let me know how you want to do this. Burt
Removing Heater control panel??
enrique don't ypu have to remove the fan knob that goes to the switch along with all the slider knobs to get the face plate off to remove the radio. When we changed the heater core we had to disassemble all of that to get to the core. It would be the same if you had to exchange radios. Burt
items for sale
no problem if it doesn't work out let me know. Please remember though that any radiator you might get from a salvage yard will probably have a blown radiator core. The radiator I have only has a seam opening. It costs alot more to have a radiator recored then a seam soddered. I'm around if you change your mind. regards Burt
many questions need help
Carl, I completely understand that your joking. It's a privilige to be able to talk to you and the other people out there about these things and I sincerely appreciate the feedback. It's difficult to be to philosophical on the internet but I'm kind of like that especially as I get older. You know my wife kept telling me that other then playing basketball twice a week that a 52 year old man should have another hobby and what another hobby I got. But seriously it's fun and what the he-- it's only money and caskets don't have pockets. You can say just about anything you want to me remember I'm from New York. all the best speak to you soon Burt the cardogman1
clock question
I appreciate your help as usual datsunzguy. I'm not concerned about the clock because thats what usually happens, and anyway it's about the hobby. I am reevaluating all of this. You know it's kind of fun talking to all the folks out there about this stuff. I knew that there would be trouble with this car. It's 32 years old and if it had been driven more I probably would have had less problems. So I am on a mission and I will send pics when I can convince my wife to help me figure out how to do it. speak to you soon Burt
clock question
I'm about ready to take the non functioning clock out of the dasboard. I am considering folding down the cardboard in the glove box to do it. Anyother easier suggestions. I purchased another clock,bought it on ebay and i'm waiting for it. The seller seems to be a bit unreliable. Anyway can I test the new clock by hooking it up to the car batterry on positive or is that a positively stupid question. I did see where some of you folks hooked it up to one of those big batteries. What do you think. cardogman1 Burt
many questions need help
Hello Mperdue I already got one but I appreciate the help. Please keep in touch. be well burt
many questions need help
Mr. Bambikiller I completely understand. It's some world today isn't it. all the best burt
items for sale
hi phi22b@ck I have the radiator and I will accept $75.00 and I'll pay the shipping. The only thing thats failed on this radiator is the top seam which needs to be soddered. Email me and let me know if you want it. You will have to send me the money I'll send you the part. I guess you will have to trust me. I'll need your address and I'll ship once I receive payment. I'll give you my telephone number at that time. This radiator is for a manual tranny. Take care Burt
items for sale
hi george 240z man I have the shift boot with the clips brand new I think I bought it for $29.00 and the clips for a few dollars. Send me $22.00 for all and I'll ship you the above and I'll pay the shipping. You'll have to trust me . If you would email me at cardogman1@aol.com and let me know if you want it I'll email you back with my address you give me yours and I'll ups it. I'll also give you my Phone number at that time. All the best Burt
many questions need help
To escanlon, mike administrator and zedrally, See this is what I mean don't you think it's kind of strange that they designed the heat direction this way. Agreed that it has been alot of years gone by and that all cars these days throw heat out the front of the dashboard if you choose. Here I was with the plate off replacing the heater core with the mechanic and he's telling me that there doesn't seem to be anything wrong and that he reatached the cables exacytly how they came off. The owners manual doesn't describe very well . So I guess I don't have a problem gee thats different. I got to get used to this concept. Thanks regards Burt
carb and throttle questions
thank you gary for the help Burt
items for sale
Hi carl they are absolutely for the 240 and they are brand new from motorsport. They are for the corners and I purchased the nuts to go along with them. Burt
All new parts
Victoria British does not nearly have all the parts you need I tried them burt
Polished Wheels for 240/260/280 on eBay
They must be in excellent condition please let me know what you would like for them if there not already sold. email me at cardogman1@aol.com- thanks burt
items for sale
I have the following items available so make me an offer if you want them. 1. Brand new seat mechanisn covers for I believe 72z and up in original nissan packaging purchased for $100.00 for the pair. Very valuable. 2. Brand new leather shift boot for 240-260-280 3. Brand new rear rubber bumper strips for 240 with new nuts to attach 4. Brand new door bumpers for 240-260-280 5. Coming soon a clock that needs cleaning in excellent visual condition. 6. Pet **** or whatever you call it that white thing that screws into the bottom of the radiator that you remove to drain the radiator brand new. How do you like that description? 7. Used 3 core radiator need top seem soddered. 8. Heater core for 240 needs repair to fix leak. 9. Used fuel pump needs repair or rebuild leaking 10. used water pump needs repair or rebuild. all used parts came out this week from my 240 with 14,000 original miles. I am the cardogman1 you can call me Burt Ps the rate I'm going I should have more parts soon if the mechanic has anything to say about it.
many questions need help
carl appreciate your feedback and mike you need to come on over here sometime you'll find it mighty unique. speak to you soon thanks again. burt
many questions need help
Thanks 2many You had commented on at least one of my questions before and I appreciate your expertise. Zedrally I agree and by the way I have a rolex and it is a piece of ---------. It never tells the right time even after bringing it into Rolex for a cleaning two months ago. I live on Long Island and you know rolex is in in Manhattan. By the way gentleman as you might be able to tell I am not an expert at car mechanics I am an expert at detailing cars though. I was hoping that finding a car like this I wouldn't have to do much but I am learning that this may not be true. The problem is that there is noone where I live that really knows much about zs. My mechanic fixed these years ago in trinidad believe it or not so he's giving his best effort. I don't think he knows anything about su carbs. So I have a real project on my hands. The car is so beautiful though it's such a work of art. I have a 1999 flawless 911 right next to it in the garage and my Z is in my opinion better to look at., and the porsche is real nice. I guess it's sentiment I had such a good time with my first z in 1973 when I was done with college in boston I just had to get another. Even the way it smells with the typical fumes brings me back to a time that I loved. Well enough ramblind I'm sure you know what I mean. regards cardogman1---- Burt
many questions need help
my 71 240 with 14,000 original miles is giving me headaches. I have questions I need answers please. 1. When replacing antifreeze should i fill the radiator to the top if I don't have expansion tank and should I install one. should I leave a little space like an inch for expansion. 2. Why is it that the heat doesn't seem to be coming out of the correct vents when you put the sliders where there suppose to be. The cables are attached properly and the heat comes out of the defroster vents when the slider for heat is in the off position or something like that. Verrrrrry strange. 3. The idle adjustment screws are the two closest to each carb even though someone told me that they are the air blead screws and the true idle screw is the one on the linkage marked fast idle whats the truth? 4. When at a stop at a light or whatever the idle doesn't come down unless I punch the accelerator pedal with my foot and then it drops back to 650 or so. Whats the deal with that. Is it the throttle arm sticking. 5. The car hasn't been driven much in 30 years although the brakes feel fine should I get a complete brake job and change the master cylinder as preventive maintenace., or should I wait until I notice a problem. 6. Same thing for the fuses should I replace and clean the contacts and clean the contacts at the alternator and starter and stuff. Will I lose a fusible link or am I paranoid. 7. Should I be so obsessive about my su carbs or should I get the car running well and forget about them. 8. For a vehicle that was suppose to be so reliable when designed why does so many people have so much trouble with these cars. It's kind of ludricous isn't it' I can spend all week reading owners troubles with there Zs. Since I have signed on to this club I have become addicted to it in one day. Can anyone help answer these questions for me. I am the cardogman1 thanks burt .
carb and throttle questions
I don't know if this is the correct forum to ask these questions but here goes. Someone just told me that the pictured diagram on the top of the air filter cannister is wrong at least on the 71 Z. The actual Idle adjustment is the larger screw on top of the throttle linkage and the two screws one on each su are airblead screws. Those ar the two screws I believe that are closest to the Carbs. The larger screw on top is labeled fast idle adjustment. The next question is this. The idle doesn't seem to want to come down at a stop. It conyinues up there at around 1500-2000 rpms. Is this due to the valve or some vaccum hose near the front carb. Initially I thought it was a sticky throttle arm. Please help if you can thanks. Burt cardogman1
the Z I own
I think thats what we are going to do lubricate but If I'm not mistaken there is no spring on the linkage of the 1971 Z can you confirm that for me.. Thanks Look forward to hearing from you. regards Burt
the Z I own
to e scanlon, alphadog, Datsun z guy and everybody else how ya doing. I took the liberty of going to some photo galleries. It seems that these bars are installed by cutting the rubber. The bar goes right up against the guard so I guess I'll do that. Got another question for you. The idle in this car when going into neutral at stopping doesn't seem to want to go back down to 650 it stays up at around 1500-2000 rpms. The choke is off of course. I'll punch the accelerator with my foot and then the idle drops down. I think I may have a sticky throttle arm what do you think. I,m pretty sure that it's not the carbs. Because I'll also lift the hood and retract the arm manually and I get the same result. The only thing that I did around that area was to remove a torn throttle boot and install a new one and I did put it on in the right direction. At first I thought that part of the arm was getting stuck on the new boot.Could you check your throttle boot and tell me is affixed to the fire wall or does it lie around the arm freely? If you have any feedback I'd be much obliged. Thanks Burt cardogman1
the Z I own
Thanks again Datsun Z guy and Jeremiah I appreciate the feedback and help. Speak to you soon Regards Burt the cardogman1
the Z I own
Thank you enrique and alphadog I'm getting to like this club. regards cardogman1 from Rockville Centre New York that's on the south shore of Long Island where it's about twenty degrees.