Everything posted by 72 OJ
At The Crossroads of Color - Paint or Sell?
You are a true Z addict , me 2..............I WILL NOT SELL MY Z..........she is my money pit ,,,,so who cares
An early Scarab or an Italian relative to our S30
Check this out ,,,, http://bringatrailer.com/2012/12/13/italian-american-1964-apollo-3500gt/ I love it, this vintage GT is an early HYBRID, Classic Italian sexy lines and an American V8 mill,,,,,,,,,I LOVE IT,,,,,Hey I got my own version
Custom Dash Build
Me 2 ,,,,,,,,,, keep us informed
At The Crossroads of Color - Paint or Sell?
Hardway-- excuse the thread sabotage............tlorber , not in my plans ,but if someone comes with a genuine attractive cash offer or cash plus a nice clean vintage Datsun(510 two door ) trade I might let her go
Hagerty - Trip of Fools Video
A trip on RT66 is on my to do list, hopefully soon..............
Look at this Vintage DATSUN,,,,,,,wow just makes me drool
Look at all the details on this DATSUN......http://bringatrailer.com/2012/12/10/bat-exclusive-300hp-1974-datsun-610-turbo/
New Logo
I like the sugar scoop detail, maybe make it more relevant.............:bulb:
At The Crossroads of Color - Paint or Sell?
My, dos centavos.....1, you have done tons of mechanical work so the next step is the body work and to paint her in your choice color. 2, sell her and make me an offer and I will deliver my Silver Z to you.......
Zcon 2013
Z-Vette and I are getting ready for this event,,,,,,
73 240Z build
Mike that engine bay looks ZWEET, it deserves a personal visit ,,,,, hint, hint
Front end alignment recommendation -- Ohio and Virginia?
Firestone,,,,,Nation Wide Warranty , I have an account with them that is mainly for my baby girl in GA, they have fair rates and back their work. :bulb:
Mecum Auto Auctions reruns ......food for thougths
I don't get it....from a Mecum Auction, iconic Classics Sports Cars, what can 25 G's get now days for a true vintage GT thread to mention a TOYOTA/SUBARU ....is like comparing :stupid:
Remember flowers decals on cars
Mecum Auto Auctions reruns ......food for thougths
This is the point of the thread,Hardway those are very good specimens , the 308 had no bids, the TR looks tempting, the Vette to many at local events,the 912 not a fan. I am planning to go the Florida Mecum Auction this January and will hunt for a new toy These are my targets....http://www.mecum.com/auctions/lot_detail.cfm?LOT_ID=FL0113-142397&entryRow=70&lottype=&startRow=61.............. http://www.mecum.com/auctions/lot_detail.cfm?LOT_ID=FL0113-144175&entryRow=862
Mecum Auto Auctions reruns ......food for thougths
Miss the point, this TOYOTA/SUBARU is not a "Classic Sports CAR'', is a run of the mill car,nice as a new sport car. Again what(turn key) Iconic Classic Sports Car can be on your driveway for 25 G's ?
Mecum Auto Auctions reruns ......food for thougths
I have been watching reruns of the Mecum Auctions that took place in Anaheim CA a few weeks ago, did not see a single Z . That made me realized that for 25 Grand + or - there is not much to grab if you want an iconic Classic sport car. Plenty of late 60's and mid 70's Camaros,Mustangs,Challengers,Corvettes at both ends of the coin as far as original #'s matching and restomoded that demanded well over 25 G's. I feel rewarded that I own a 1972 Z, yes mine demanded more than 25 G's , but she is not like a belly button that every body has one, she is not all Nissan but the LS1 conversion plus all the performance upgrades makes her a very special car. What can 25 G's buy these days for a true sports car that is not a run of the mill car ?
TR6 commanding big bucks these days,,,,Z's should even be higher ,,,,,thougths
I rather have a practical , easy on maintenance , with parts availability at your local NAPA store ''Classic Sport Motor CAR''. I feel that my FrankenZvettestein Z is the best of two worlds, love the iconic looks and the super car performance
TR6 commanding big bucks these days,,,,Z's should even be higher ,,,,,thougths
http://bringatrailer.com/2012/12/06/bat-exclusive-impressive-restored-1972-triumph-tr6/ I have a soft spot for TR6's, but think that Z's are far more a practical classic to own than these also icons from the 70's, as I watch Ebaymart ,CL and Bat prices on TR's are creeping up and Z's $ seem to be dormid :disappoin
Found my water leak by accident ........
I have a minute water leak in my cabin and had me puzzled for some time, it comes on and off making it hard to pin down its source....So by accident it was detected as I was washing her yesterday ..... found out it came from the right corner of the rubber seal on the windshield, water was sipping in between the glass and the seal and not from seal and body(lucky as this would create major damage). A minor repair is in order ,I will add a sealant and in hopes that this leak will vanished,,,,,,,,,,,any sugestions..... :bulb:
What is the most stock-sounding exhaust?
Preparation for long trips
A good looking female co- pilot in my list to add to all the above items is a must on a long road trip,,,,
Oil Pan Removal
Well ,MIke it seems your turbo Z is keeping you occupied these days, but I bet that every minute you give returns tons of smiles
Drool, my fellow Z fans, not a Z but very related to ours
Enjoy,,,,,,http://bringatrailer.com/2012/11/30/many-million-yen-1967-toyota-2000gt/ Back then they sold for 7 grand (1968) now they go for half a mill US$ , truly a nice vintage GT but for some reason Toyota does not jump at me , "DATSUN" gets me jumping... 510, FairLady,Skyline, 240Z,1200,240K..........................
If I had Power Ball money...
A basket case, with lots of potential , at that price point a running Z not a project Z,,,,,,
Don't know if this belongs here or in Boobs.
Now a ''Celebrity Z'',,,,,