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72 OJ

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Everything posted by 72 OJ

  1. It never cross my mind to sit beside a car and have people asking questions , but it did. I came to the hobby some 5 yrs ago, 510's , had a super nice 4 dr , for a while till I blew the motor and sold it . Got a time capsule Orange 510 2 dr with period mods and the Z bug bit me. Hunted for a Cali Z for close to a year, then traded two cars for my current Z. She is a "SUPER CAR'' the work done is worth showing her. So I have entered her in local established car shows. My advice, go there with a humble attitude , lost of trailer queens there and cars detailed to the max , yours is just one more. My experience this past spring/ summer was great. yes I washed and wax her for the event but in no way to the level as most in the show. Went to 3 events and Z-VETTE got the attention from the judging panels in these categories : TOP 50 in a show with over 300 cars, Best Import Modified, and Nicest Foreign..............
  2. You want to move to my subdivision or close to my house and take some Z projects.......
  3. 72 OJ replied to 72 OJ's post in a topic in Introductions
    Let me share this Happy Z Days ,this spring / summer I attended 3 local established Car Shows, my Z got the attention from the judging panels , she got an award at each show...........
  4. 72 OJ replied to Decoy12's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Well I respect your personal opinion , the original knob/stick and steering wheel replacements are very popular mods from day one, I never liked the truck like stick shift( sits to high ) or the skinny steering wheel ( no grip ) we do to them what we like
  5. 72 OJ replied to 72 OJ's post in a topic in Introductions
    Mike on post # 46 can you delete the link url, since you merge the info, thanks
  6. 72 OJ replied to 72 OJ's post in a topic in Introductions
    The day is getting closer for her hibernation , she will be stored in a facility close to me , just 11 miles away. Hate that I can not enjoy her year round, harsh weather will do severe damage to her sensitive skin...........................:disappoin......
  7. Extra fuses, ........................
  8. 72 OJ replied to Decoy12's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    This is the proper shift knob for a Japanese Classic Sport Motor Car
  9. On the same topic, I see a lot of nice Z's on this site, from refreshed to total restored examples . Besides the annual Z event , do you take your pride and joy to other gatherings, beyond the local am coffee meet or club meet ..............
  10. 72 OJ replied to Decoy12's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I got this one for my old Z and it was very nice :bulb:
  11. 72 OJ replied to Decoy12's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    That is Vincent Joseph Dooley..................
  12. 72 OJ replied to Decoy12's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Almost is almost , the OP ask for help, so I clearly put FWIW on my response , no need to scream my GA Bulldog Fan. BTW the pictures are not at the same scale , that particular knob has the same size as the one that came from Nippon
  13. 72 OJ replied to Decoy12's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    The Ebay knob is almost identical to the above as per the original OP.......... and 39$ , real wood, no delay plus a perfect fit , BTW the vendor has good feedback
  14. 72 OJ replied to Decoy12's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-Z-240Z-260Z-280Z-NEW-NOS-Shift-Knob-5-Speed-Walnut-Wood-8mm-/150923062868?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2323b72e54&vxp=mtr HERE....................FWIW ,,, not 200$ not 150$ not even 50$ ,,,,,,,,,,,39$ in your car same week
  15. This summer I attended 3 established local car shows and my Z got recognized , there were some super nice rides/multi awards winners and ''Z-VETTE " got the attention from the judging panels. Happy Z Days
  16. 72 OJ replied to mjr45's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    There is no insertion/listing fee for a low volume seller( six items in one yr ) , so you can test the waters(for nada 0 $) and you can remove the reserve if item/car gets hot. That will cost 125$ ( for a 5K + item) for a completed transaction.....not bad for the exposure that Ebay gets, if the deal gets sour there are no fees,,,,,,,,,FWIW
  17. 72 OJ replied to mjr45's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Put it on Ebay. With a reserve on it you have control on the auction, FWIW
  18. CHECK this out...........http://www.ebay.com/itm/110965426302?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 My Z has a set and I get tons of complements
  19. 72 OJ replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Tom ,,,,,,you mean the late Fred Jordan( Heritage Datsun Museum )
  20. 72 OJ posted a post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Complete dash for a GRAND or so ..... :tapemouth http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-240Z-Dash-Nice-COMPLETE-70-71-72-73-74-/190676276328?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D2803748874503318263%26pid%3D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D190676276328%26....it comes with patina , original gauges and two center cracks
  21. Check this little Datsun,,,,,,Tempting http://bringatrailer.com/2012/10/16/bat-exclusive-original-paint-1971-datsun-1200/
  22. 72 OJ replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I have Mr.K and Pete Brock autographs on my silver Z inspection lids..........,,,,,,
  23. 6hrs to go and this little truck is at 13,600.00 ..real mula
  24. Look at this little gem..............http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1978-Datsun-620-Pickup-only-50k-Original-mi-1-Senior-owned-California-Barn-Find-/160898325216?forcev4exp=true#ht_68871wt_1078,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  25. 72 OJ replied to ra240z's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    Back in 1981 I saw a white Scarab while visiting family members in San Diego CA, that car lives in my memory bank. Today I own a Z with an LS1 conversion ,she brings me lots of smiles.........................Enjoy your V8 Z in Scania

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