Everything posted by 72 OJ
One more time.......yep, that's 797 on EBAY.
I had a question that said,,,,why did I misspell... THAT SUN....
my hand brake snaped off,,,,HELP
Yep,both are snapped from the assembly,after looking at your picture seems that my assembly came apart/broke or got unglued ...I will check the assembly to see if parts are broken or missing, do you have pic on how it looks when in proper working order,,,,,thanks
my hand brake snaped off,,,,HELP
black gold man,,,,,is not the handle :classic: , is the connecting rods on the Z stock cable rear/emergency/parking brake assembly, that somehow snapped off ....any tips welcome,I need to remedy this ASAP since I have a steep driveway where she sleeps
my hand brake snaped off,,,,HELP
IT SNAPPED OFF, BROKE LOOSE, the threads on each ends of the rods are clean
my hand brake snaped off,,,,HELP
please PM with part info..................I do a little sliding
1976 280z
ksechler......Go the Ebay route , hunt for a California car,,seems that you have 8k$ to play with, figure 800$ + or - for transport and 6k$ +or - for decent Z, good luck in the hunt
my hand brake snaped off,,,,HELP
did the logical search , but no luck......my hand brake cable is fine, the problem seems to be the two rods connection on the center hand brake assembly came loose. I have a Black Dragon catalog and don't see the rods ,these rods both ends have threads and somehow screw to the assembly, HELP,,,,,any tips will be welcome,,,,,,
- New Store Online
He MUST have added an extra zero!
I don't think that he means US$......
DIY: How to Recover Your Z Seats - LOTS OF PICTURES
Thanks for the post, nice work, enjoy...................
Introducing my '73 240z
Welcome to Z land, welcome to the addiction, good luck with your new to you ride.......
- Headers
- Headers
Synthetic Leather Seat Covers on Ebay
Genuine vinylhide
Finally got one...now to make it mine: 1973 240z Refresh / Personalisation
The addiction is in full mode,,,,,that is just fine, I have the same syndrome with my silver Z
Car Shows...what should the ideal car show be Judging-and taking into consideration?
As a judge on an engine swap Z I will reward, the fit and finished look on the mods, the use of over counter components ( meaning a trip to NAPA or a Nissan dealer for replacements parts), a well constructed mod- made to complement the mods mechanics .... electronics, suspension,brakes,sub frame reinforcement,exhaust... and I will give high rewards in keeping the Z to look as close to original..plus it must be a completely operational on the road car.
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
Painting the engine bay...with what?
Good and valid point,me bad,, :stupid:,,,,the satin is the one,,,,
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
In 2005 , Syracuse NY the PO enter her in the ULTRA MOD class , car # 5.........
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
Good news, I for sure be there, wow a whole yr to prep me and my Z
Come on, this will be her debut, enter her........................
Painting the engine bay...with what?
My 2 cents, yes body color is ideal,if it is done properly to match the rest of car, but a flat/mate black color,you could ease do with little care , with a good quality spray can paint , in your drive way or garage and is budget friendly.....:bulb:
Updated pictures of my ride.
http://coolmaterial.com/roundup/classic-cars-that-define-cool/ I came across this, and this is the proper thread ,my Z as a model on this list off Classics Kool Cars... ..... And a recent picture with a Z brother, car was restored in 1996,picture used on list 2007,my pic Aug 2012,she still shines. ..[ATTACH=CONFIG]55898[/ATTACH
Updates to the ZCCA Car Show Judging Rules
It is clear as spring water, right hand holding the name tag on his chest...................................