Everything posted by 72 OJ
Newest addition to the garage.
This is a Zuper nice Z, again thanks for sharing
Nice Norcal 240Z on CL
Mike, my old Orange Z has change hands and every time she is adopted she brings in more $$$$$. I got her for 6 G's, had her transported from CA to MD for 750$, added the ZX wheels, enjoyed her for while, got 9 G's in trade for my current Z. She was resold (with a 200$ detail job) for 10 G's and went to PA. Last week she was sold again for 11,500( with suspension mods) and she is now in Delaware.............Cali cars on the East Coast corridor are hot,,,
Nice Norcal 240Z on CL
Looks a lot like my old Z, wheels and all,.............wish I have gotten that kind of $ for it :disappoin
Is this a 280z brake booster
I am not an expert, are the mounting holes the factory ones or was it modified. Mine is a 72 and she came with a 71 booster, a 72 booster will not fit on my Z existing holes, a 280Z booster is a popular mod but does required re-drilling mounting holes................FWIW
Newest addition to the garage.
That is pure Z porn,,,,,,,,,lost of details........ fantasZtico WOW
interior panels?
They do pop up on Ebay, here you go http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nissan-240Z-260Z-280Z-Interior-Tail-Light-Panel-70-78-/190576522722?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Model%3A240Z&hash=item2c5f3ef5e2&vxp=mtr it might take you a few visit to get them, happy hunting
That's my 1970 for sale...
madkaw...............to fix or not to fix, just go with the traditional looks, make it road ready/safe, clean/detail to the max , tons of good pictures and a killer ad , these are my ''dos centavos''
Updated pictures of my ride.
Not sick after all, as I am getting ready to put her away from harsh weather, doing all the prep such as fresh oil / coolant / gas treatment and a wax job . I realize that I have driven her in the last four months a total of 3.868 miles with at least 2 thou smiles
Not Ebay but a Ba t exclusive offering
An interesting Z ,with good comments http://bringatrailer.com/2012/10/10/bat-exclusive-blue-plate-1972-datsun-240z/
Christine's Z
Likes it.................more pics
ShIft knob won't come off.
I glued a shift knob on my old 510, with a metal looking compound , check to see if it has been glued by PO.....:disappoin
That's my 1970 for sale...
..............It pop up a few days ago.............http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47515&p=412097#post412097 ............. The best of luck on the sale and enjoy the new toy
What colour of paint is best for restoration re-sale:
Silver as above, is the color that IMO shows the feline sexy lines on the Z to the max
Good luck on the sale, very nice and honest presentation
Repair theology --- All at once or one step at a time.
PREVENTIVE.........to me is key. Do it right from the get go, get the best replacement parts if all possible
Video: Jay Leno visits Japan and drives a Fairlady 240Z-G!
Is the light blue Fury/Coronet a CLASSIC :sick:.....................Please lets ask for the Z to be displayed with proper vintage sports cars
Here a nice set, for a good price................http://www.ebay.com/itm/320949413635?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
73 240Z build
Mike, lots of progress my friend, keep the wrenching and good luck...............wana race me
Almost there but not yet!
Nice- you did good, enjoy her to the MAX...................
Where can I get interior paint
Paint has been secured, so this will be the weekend mini project plus since the door panels are coming out to do the touch up refresh , power window kit will be installed
Where can I get interior paint
tlorber, Tman , thanks for the tip
Where can I get interior paint
Chuck, thanks for the info, to the NAPA store I go..................
Where can I get interior paint
Thanks for the response , is there a paint code mix for the RED interior on the S30. I will like to get as close to the correct color :bulb:
hello out there in z land. big thumbs up to the so cal z's. and a hurdle.
Welcome to the addiction, pictures are welcome.....
Where can I get interior paint
Is there a source for interior RED paint, can spray type, I need(actually want to)retouch/repair some minor sun damage on my door panels, any info/tips welcome