No Low Headlight Beam Function
I finally located the correct c2 connector the one in the previous thread is actually the c6 connector {easy mistake} they are both black and both have the same amount of pins. The correct c2 connector is located on the passenger side floor area about where their feet would be under a plastic trim panel, at the carpet edge. I found the red wire with black stripe corroded. Problem solved.
Got a welder?
I bought my Millermatic 90 almost 15 years ago. Paid almost $1200 dollars but it was new stuff then for the hobbyist, and that included the 144cu.ft. cylinder, cart and everything. I had just started racing. I couldn't have done anything without it. I have not had a single problem with the unit till last week. My pressure regulator will be back from repairs tomorrow.
Ignition problem.. (I think)
I beleive the part you are looking for is inside the distributor this guy has a web site with a lot of useful information about the distributor good luck hope this helps. http://www.jrdemers.com/280ZX/distributor/distributor.html
No Low Headlight Beam Function
Thanks for the help. I located the c2 connector and took it apart. It was clean and the continuity between the switch and connector is good. I looked at the wiring diagram again. I have been looking at the diagram wrong! The switch doesn't control power. I think it controls ground. Switching between filaments by controling grounds. If I am wrong let me know. If I am correct then I might either have a bad ground in the circut or a broken wire in the low beam circut. Does anyone know where the majority of the electrical grounds are located. It would save me a lot of time and frustration. Thanks James
No Low Headlight Beam Function
Thanks I will give this a look, who knows might be loose or corroded. Thanks I will reply with the results.
Ignition problem.. (I think)
I was looking through the wiring on my 280 and was double checking the fuseable link on the passenger side strut tower and surprise. no radio, no volt meter, no start. You might look at these carefully, check for continuity,corrosion, signs of getting hot, bubbled insulation. Good Luck
No Low Headlight Beam Function
I recently lost the low beam function only on my headlights. The high beam function works fine. I have read throught some of the forums and followed some of the suggestions that seemed related, but no luck.I followed the factory service manual trouble shooting guide by checking continuity on the dimmer, it works fine. The factory service manual shows that a red wire with a white stripe in pin location 16 should be hot in the low beam on position. I have none. The manual shows a connector numbered c2 where it enters in the 2nd from the top pin location. Where is this connector ? I am unable to locate the connector. PLEASE any help would be greatly appreciated!James
Kaminari airdam with custom flares
Dan Juday's Hybrid Z
The "new" engine
Steering tracking problems
I have just developed the same problem, with my 1978 280z. It is word for word the same as yours. I have 215-70r14 goodyears on my car but they have been there for some time now. I have not noticed any play in the steering as of yet. I did replace the front diff mount and torqued all the bolts to spec. This is the only thing since the problem arose. I am clueless to the problem also as yet.
Mustache bar bushing screw up. help?!
I have run into the same dilemma and was finally forced to remove one from a similar Z in a salvage yard. and burn out the old bushings. I think this may be your only recourse? I hope you the best of luck.
Running Very Rich
I got the service manual and went through the system it turned out to be a bad sensor on the rt side of the cylinder block just between the 5 & 6 cylinder. I was able to confirm this by jumpering between the contacts on the harness and the car started and ran just fine (altough better once warmed up). I thank you all for the help.
Running Very Rich
I finally found a factory service manual online and ordered it. It will hopefully be here by the weekend. With;out it I am just shooting in the dark. I did pull of the air pipe behind the Mass Airflow Meter and it ran fair enough to remove from the shop.It would rev and idle but at about 1100 rpm.
Running Very Rich
I took of the plastic cover and didn't see anything right off, I will maybe spray it with some electric contact cleaner. I will look on E-Bay and shop the local pick and pull. Thanks!
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