Insurance really pushed me off the edge. I was paying $3500 at the time and just had an at fault accident which would have increased the premium. I did everything within my power to try to keep that car but my loan was increasing instead of decreasing so I had to get rid of it. That moment when I decided to sell it would have to go down in history as the most sensible thing I've done. I figured I'd still have the car for a few months as it was getting hard to sell them (try offloading a Skyline now, near impossible) but it was gone within the week. I've figured that I've blown way more than $100,000 in less than 7 years and still have nothing, absolutely nothing but a huge loan to show for it. You know what though. I couldn't care less and I've got huge plans for my current car, the chosen one, the one that is to be a keeper. Muaahahahahaha. Ok, so I'm getting delirious but... ...well, i've got no excuse.:cheeky: