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That Ozzy Guy

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Everything posted by That Ozzy Guy

  1. Lachlan, try http://www.brinkster.com/ They are the best free host you will find. No pop up adds but not sure about PHP. The best way to find one is to go through a Host Search site like http://www.hostsearch.com/ or http://www.tophosts.com/ or http://www.hostreview.com/ There are plenty of host search sites so I'm sure you can find waht you are looking for.
  2. You've just described my car with a few differences. My dream car is something very simmilar to yours by the looks of things but a no frills version. I'd forgo the A/C and sound system and go for performance. The sound and heat of an eight along with the smell of petrol is part of the experience for me. As it happens I've just bought my dream Z (not dream car though, that's a GT500 Fastback). It's very close to what I'd have done to a Z if I had the money. Only a few things need changing to personalise it to my taste. Red or Black 240Z 1 grumpy streetable 350 Chev Custom extractors 1 3/4in Custom dual 2 1/2in pipes 5 or 6 speed manual until the power gets too much then auto Ford 9 in but since that's not possible an R200 would do Custom adjustable suspension Subframes and 10 point cage Wide wide wide tyres. Can't get wide enough. Need that traction. Original dash decked out with Autometer replacement gauges Custom interior in a dark blue/black/grey with comfortable buckets etc etc
  3. Ivan is from NZ but he's probably with his sheep now.:cheeky: Sorry, I can never help myself when it comes to sheep jokes.
  4. And once again we are reminded of the tall poppy syndrome the Aussies posses. I now hang my head in shame. Congratulations Cuong. I'm sure you'll enjoy this new car.
  5. I saw some other photos but did not post them as they weren't that good.
  6. For those unfortunate few who have not seen a real car.
  7. Very nice pics Chris. Thanks for posting them:classic:
  8. Can't beat the old Alt + Tab :cheeky:
  9. Beautiful car toecutter:love: If it were me I'd go badgeless. I've always loved the badgeless look (if done right) on any car.
  10. It's a panic button you press when your boss walks into the office so that you look like you're working. Too bad it doesn't look like an Excel sheet:cry:
  11. I don't know how people use the imperial system. It seems so messy with all the fractions. But I guess I'm saying that because I've not needed to rely on it. Anyhoo, I've got a conversion program that will convert any unit into any compatible unit. It's the daddy of all converters in a compact package. It also lets you add custom units. I've found it to be very valuable and want to share it with anyone who is interested. So if you are, just leave your email here or pm me and I will forward it to you. (165 Kb zipped) Cheers
  12. You already know what I think of this car. Maybe if he halved his price. Then again,
  13. I'm a young lad so many would think that I listen to duf duf dance music. I do enjoy some dance stuff and some jazz, some beatbox, some rock, some pop etc etc. Basically anything that moves me regarldless of style. Most of the time my station is glued to 101.7 who play golden oldies from the 60's & 70's mainly. It seems right in the Z. I carry some CD's too. Atm I've got Prodigy, Lionel Ritchies Greatest Hits, Metallica (all of them but find myself listening to Load more than anything. At first I hated that album but it really grew on me), Rahzel and various singles. However, I haven't been listening to music lately. The sound of the 8 is sweeter than any music I have heard.
  14. Hey Gavin. Wish I could help you but I'm in the same boat as you. I would like one too but the whole light & in new condition. Anyone know where they sell them brand new? Price not an issue. Cheers
  15. Looking very good Cuong. Can't wait to see it ripping up the qtr mile.
  16. I spend most of my time here but am starting to frequent Hybridz more and more for the obvious reasons.
  17. I got my Z registered today and on the rego papers they've put it down as a Sedan and tare weight of 1160. Now the weight was most likely used form the blue slip (didn't get a chance to look at it to confirm this) but where did they get Sedan? :stupid: I know the blue slip said coupe.
  18. I like a bit of the old 50/50. Half Tooheys New and half Tooheys Old. Takes the edge off of the Old which I don't particularly like on it's own. Normally I drink Tooheys New, Heiniken, Hahn Premium. In no particular order.
  19. Geez we make alot of noise. Must be the fact that we have no immediate neighbours so we can shout a bit louder. Either that or you can just chalk it up to our friendly nature:classic:
  20. I'll bet my new Z it'll end up being Taxi drivers. umm, no I will not give you my Z if it doesn't end up being taxi drivers.
  21. Lucky you checked cause the both of us could have ended up there:stupid: I would've given you a run in my Camry:cheeky:
  22. Unfortunately Brett I have to go to Canberra tomorrow. Last minute plans and all so I might not make it. If I'm not buggered I'll be there. btw, can anyway say firecrackers? I'm gonna stock up on them I think. For those unfortunate people who don't live in Australia, firecrackers are only legally sold in our capital city, Canberra. The other funny thing is that they can also sell X rated pornography. All this in our capital city only.
  23. Thanks. Tyres are 18" 225 front and 255 back
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