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That Ozzy Guy

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Everything posted by That Ozzy Guy

  1. Welcome again. Nice ride you have there. Do you ever come down to Sydney?
  2. Nice one Welcome to the forum. We can always use more Aussies.
  3. Do what? Change the wheel so it's safer to race with?
  4. He meant this guy. http://www.mcmentertainment.com/demos/images/Andrew%20G2.jpg
  5. Bit of a long one but this is my fav quote from Snatch (movie)
  6. I don't think he'll get that one Lachlan Welcome to the club Andrew.
  7. Welcome to this wonderful community. Hope you have fun with your Z.
  8. Hope you have a fantastic time Rick. Look forward to seeing some pics
  9. Yes they are working. It's a custom fuel tank so it was no problem. http://www.bestmufflers.com/Information/Custom%20Systems/custom_exhaust_system_datsun_240z.htm
  10. No doubt the curves of the arse. So sexy. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=4846&cat=500&page=3
  11. Heh, sure does I have that mag as well. I found it through a member of this forum too.
  12. Well well, this has been a nice roll call. Good to see some familiar and some new faces, or avatars rather. trs, I'd love to take you up on that Old Pac run but maybe another time when I actually have an engine in the car ay. I used to hoon up and down that stretch pretty much every weekend in the summer of 2002. Some good times and some close calls I had a Skyline R33 at the time. I recall one Sunday I was so heavy on the brakes until I lost the left outside pad. It just clean fell off! I couldn't find the correct pad so late in the day so we ended up buying a $10 set of hose clamps and pinched the brake line. Saved me from sleeping out in the bush about 10km from the north end of the highway.
  13. I'll just go ahead and assume you mean the Street Machine published by ACP in Australia and give you that email. If that's not what you're after someone else will help you out with the correct email for the correct mag streetmachine@acp.com.au
  14. Hi there guys Been a while for me Rick. I haven't even had the pleasure of seeing my Z in the garage for over 3 months now. Won't be long before she's back though and I'll be sure to make up for lost time
  15. Bit quiet on the Aussie front. What's been happening?? Summer is coming along and I'm hanging to cruise the Z. God it feels like it's been a year since I last took her out. Aaanyway, hope you all enjoy the coming long weekend
  16. Welcome Dave. Sounds like an excellent Z you have on your hands. Make sure you look after her and have fun
  17. edit: oops. admin/mod can delete this post. cheers
  18. why not? just chuck some retreads on and have a blast
  19. We all like a burnout or two. How about two at a time? Last Saturday the Powercruise 4 event in Sydney held a twin burnout showcase that was very entertaining. I lugged my gear out there and took some footage which I threw together in this 7:12 clip. I am yet to post a decent low res copy so you can wait for that or view the real deal weighing in at 27.6mb now. Sorry, while I do try to keep the size down I don't do compromises Enjoy... Powercruise 4 - 888x500 - 27.6mb
  20. Steven's is one of the few I would even consider putting on my car. Curtis has a nice one though. I think most air dams look out of place tbh.
  21. as the saying goes, all you need is duct tape and wd40. have fun with it. and a great price too
  22. great news indeed. and yes, you were asking way too little imo.
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