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That Ozzy Guy

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Everything posted by That Ozzy Guy

  1. I managed to finish it tonight. A bit rushed at the end but I'm happy with it for now. 14.4mb Motor Ex 2005
  2. Hi all. There is a yearly car show in Sydney called the Motor Ex. Heaps of hot rods, bikes and other classic cars. Anyway, I went yesterday and took a whole bunch of footage so I'm putting a video together. Kind of time consuming considering I'm new to video editing (only started last week). I'm looking for some feedback on my intro. http://www.cys.net.au/vids/showcase/m-ex-intro.wmv cheers
  3. Good luck with your project. It's a long, frustrating and expensive road ahead of you but if you are commited it will be a rewarding one. I live in Australia so any info I might offer you will be right hand drive orientated. Look closer to home for help and in particular here --> http://www.hybridz.org/ Between the guys at hybridz and everyone here you will be fine. This site ( link ) will be a great help to you as well. yes well, the general public is fine. it's the police attention that i don't need.
  4. he he. Well if I tried that there would be some serious explaining to do and the driveway which is very steep would have hurt the car. The car won't be back for a while but once it comes back you can bet those tyres won't last long. Today I finally got my cv conversion fitted and switched to 27 spline outers. It's been a long time coming and today for the first time I have been able to let loose without worrying about the rear end breaking. The unfortunate thing is from one mechanic I had to immediately drop the car off at the other one.
  5. Just bought a digital video camera and guess what the first thing I did was? No prizes for guessing. :cheeky: I just dropped the car off at the mechanics so I'll be playing this video for about two months now... :surprised http://www.cys.net.au/srp/vids/car/050701-240Z.wmv
  6. Agreed. Seen it over a year ago. Very neat and well built car.
  7. Hi Robert, it's George. Spoke to you last week about your bonnet but unfortunately there was no clearance for the radiator. Still, very nice work you have there.
  8. it'll hold if you are gentle with 1st and 2nd gears. no hard launches and beleive me you will be tempted edit: btw welcome
  9. In a few weeks time I will be selling my box. I know it'll be hard to find a suitable buyer in Australia but if anyone is interested contact me via pm. cheers
  10. congratulations hope you have some serious fun with your purchase.
  11. Does anyone in Australia make fibreglass cowl bonnets or would I have to import them? Looking for a 2". If no one in Aus makes them what would be the best place to get one from the states? cheers
  12. question is how much would you pay for a set of genuine Nissan cv's that are in really short supply? buy two sets to get the shorter sides to make one pair. then add custom anodised flanges. answer that question and if you still think it'll be under a grand don't bother calling Stuart. it's not my place to say how much he will charge you but gamble on the AU$1400 mark. mine will cost ~AU$1800 after the 27 spline conversion and additional shortening of the shafts. some of you are probably thinking i'm crazy for paying that and can number dozens of people that have done the job at a fraction of the costs but without seeing them you really have no idea why i'm paying that price. (i'll get some proper pics when my set is ready) my choices are -spend ~$7k for a 4 link - Ford 9 inch conversion -drive the car like a granny and hope the u-joints hold for another couple of months and then replace. rinse and repeat. -pay $1800 for a set of one off cv's not much to think about there. i'm just glad i'm replacing the manual tranny with a c4 in a couple of months time. that combination should serve me very well. i was advised (not much convincing needed) to go for the 27 spline as the 25 would have been my weakest link. road would be fine but on the track there is no way it'll hold with the torque i'm going to put through it.
  13. mine gets to ~20 idling which has me a bit worried. the gauge is as accurate as you can wish. not too concerned though cause it's going in the shop in about a months time. edit: i'm not using the stock gauge so ignore me...
  14. hi Mick Stuart Wilkins 02 4577 2400 will be able to help you. he has just made a batch of them with 25 spline and 27 as well to suit a 240z with r200's. i was there last weekend getting mine fitted when we discovered my control arm has been shortened by 20mm to combat the camber of my setup. sooo, they didn't fit for my car and he is now making a shorter shaft for me. also going to 27 spline while i'm at it. great bloke and great work. these things look so strong. can't wait to give them a workout. i have some pics but they are low quality as they were taken with phone camera. if anyone is looking for an already made set (HR31 with anodised flanges) give Stuart a call.
  15. It's even better in the flesh David
  16. very nice looking but i wouldn't be surprised if lots of chopping was done to this pic.
  17. Yeah I was looking forward to meeting you as well Gav. The bad thing is, even if I did get the days right I wouldn't have been able to go as my friends wedding was a must. So, VIC 2007...?
  18. I was kicking myself that weekend. It pays to prepare. On Saturday I had a wedding which I had to go to. I left it fairly early so I can wake up early on Sunday to drive down and have a look. Well, as my friend was driving to my house all ready with his travel bag full of mags and cd's I thought I'd check the address and to my surprise the show was on Saturday..... Nooooooo! I have no idea why I thought it was on Sunday. edit: great pics Gav
  19. welcome and congrats on your purchase. for any help on carbs that you might need i'd say contact the guys at http://www.sumidel.com who will more than likely send you to CSC on Parramatta Rd in Burwood 9747 - 4066. They do carbs and carburettors and carbies and did I mention that's all they do?
  20. Don't take it personally. It's just a matter of risk when it comes to insurance. High performance modified cars are in a higher risk category. That's all it comes down to. Not because they don't want us driving nice cars.
  21. All you young hooligans pay attention. I've been fined for speeding, had a couple of accidents and have lost my license for a 3 month period for speeding (111 in 60 zone). At the time of the accident and loss of license (happened within a one week period. yeah was an awful week in my life) i was driving a Skyline R33t. Insurance was nearly impossible to find and after calling what must have been all of the companies I came across Famous Insurance. They not only insured me but they gave me a quote that was 1 third of the price of my premium prior to my accident/suspension! Now, your case might be different but my policy was limited to 10,000km and can't park anywhere on the street after 11pm unless it is your residence. Neither bothered me and actually suited me at the time. I am now in my third year with them and on my third car with them. My current policy is for my 240 that's umm, not what you would call original and all the big insurance companies laughed at me when I tried to get a quote. Famous not only gave me a policy right away but they even gave me a discount for being a member of a car club. All up I pay around $700 which for me is a bargain. RB30 isn't really a bargain but you might be able to get that price down if you tried. Good luck
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