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  1. After replacing 2 senders,substituding all the wires (power,ground & sender),trying another known good gauge,it turned out that the 2 "NEW" senders and old one were all bad. Ordered 3rd new one from Motor Sports screwed & pluged it in tonight & BAM with the key on it moves to zero & after engine starts it starts to read oil pressure (what a novelty!!) So thanks Beerman,Steve & Others for your help!! Mahalo Plenty
  2. I though of that and thats why I substituded the yel/blk wire completely,whats wierd is that the gauge goes striaght to 140 when just the ignition is turned on and then to zero as soon as engine is running and stays there. The only thing I have not tried to sub is the gauge (don't have another one). Still looking for one. Thanks
  3. Ok got home this afternoon with 2nd new sender (different brand),gauge still goes straight up to 140 with key on!!,Substituded new wire from sender (yel/blk),subed ground direct from n/bat to ground on gauge and subed pos from bat to gauge.Sitll the same!!!! MUST BE GAUGE!!!! Anyone got a know good gauge for sale?? LMK,Thanks Z Bill
  4. Ok got home a little early tonight,using simple test light between neg on bat and probe in end of yel/blk to sender,key on,gauge will read to about 3/4,and at about 1/3 the test light starts to pulsate on/off,will not go to 140lbs. Then when grounding yel/blk sending wire,gauge will go to 140lbs but either way it is slow steady climb. My voltmeter is not working well to test resistance of sender,Im either going to look for another new sending unit or borrow another meter. I really appreciate all your input and help,Thanks alot!! I'll let you know as soon as I can get back to it.
  5. Replaced sender (new),How can I test the gauge??
  6. I have checked power & ground to gauges,w/temp works,yel/blk wire is good from gauge to sending unit,swapped out sending unit. With key on gauge sweeps to 140lbs,with engine started gauge slowly drops to below zero and stays there. Is it the gauge?? and if so,can I change only the oil press side?? Appreciate any advise on this problem,Thanks,Aloha from Honolulu

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