Everything posted by Yellow78
Silvermine Power Steering Install
So I installed a Silvermine power steering unit this weekend, pretty straightforward. But they are very vague on the wiring and you really have to digging their website to find it in my opinion. So Red wire to power Black wire to ground Blue wire two RPMs wire back of tachometer or run a wire to the negative side of your coil White wire to ignition on Yellow wire to GPS white wire I’ll take it out drive it and let her know how it works.
Rerouting spark plugs wire
I have access to a CNC router so I just made the one I need.
Rerouting spark plugs wire
Rerouting spark plugs wire
Yes it does look a lot like there’s but I built my own and also made my own hole holders to keep wires apart.
Rerouting spark plugs wire
Parts for Sale: 280Z Bumper End Caps
View Advert 280Z Bumper End Caps I have a set of all four corners, bumper end caps for 280Z Price negotiable Email me eeeilers@gmail.com Advertiser Yellow78 Date 03/22/2019 Price $1,200.00 Category Parts for Sale
Parts for Sale: 280Z Bumper End Caps
View Advert 280Z Bumper End Caps I have a set of all four corners, bumper end caps for 280Z Price negotiable Email me eeeilers@gmail.com Advertiser Yellow78 Date 03/22/2019 Price $1,000.00 Category Parts for Sale
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
Thank you and all the help Z Car Club members, got the car up running have to set the valves and timing but running well. Sent from my iPad using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
L”. THE NEW Fuel System 1. Brand new in-line AIRTECH fuel pump. 2. Brand new rubble lines 3/8” from tank AIRTECH PUMP. 3. Brand new rubber 5”/15” fuel lines to AIRTECH fuel pump. 4. Brand new rubber 5”/15” fuel lines fuel filter. 5.Brand new rubber 5”/15” fuel lines to Brand new PELLERT rail. 6 Brand new rubber 5”/15” fuel lines out PELLERT rail. 7. Brand new rubber 5”/15” fuel lines out to a FUEl REGULATE; 8. Brand new rubber 5”/15” fuel lines in of FUEl REGULATE; PELLERT. 9. Brand new rubber 5”/15” fuel lines out of FUEl REGULATE; Again thanks for all you HELP
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
I went with theAir tank pump seems to work fine at 40 psi also replaced the fuel regulator car runs like a champ thank you everybody for helping me find Gremlins. Sent from my iPad using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
Thanks for the info I think I’ll go with the AirTech pump. Sent from my iPad using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
Fusion on which pump to get. Will make a decision and keep you all posted. Sent from my iPad using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
That’s the same pump that I got from a different vendor on Amazon and only get 26PSI. AirTech unit does not say how much PSI or GPH. Sent from my iPad using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
I talked to z car depot and they said they sell these to a lot of Z owners and it’s a good price. Plus it has a nice filter before the pump. Can’t find anyone to actually tell me what BOSCH unit would work and is available was not copied crap. This is the first pump besides the stock ones. With everything hooked up correctly I got Carly 2PSI with return lines back to the tank if I clamped off I only get 26PSI. Sent from my iPad using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
With the aftermarket pump that I had on the car was only giving me 26 PSI there was plenty of fuel at 26 PSI coming to the filter under the hood. Of course 26 PSI is not enough to keep the L6 running correctly. At this point I’m sure I’ve got a bad pump from the supplier, I will return it and get a different pump. Thanking of this one: https://zcardepot.com/catalog/product/view/id/2535/s/electric-fuel-pump-and-filter-combo-bracket-efi/category/349/ Sent from my iPad using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
OK I did the electrical just like the video and I came up with around a 2 V drop Sent from my iPad using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
I can check again tonight but I don’t see this being an electrical drop issue I see it being just a pump that won’t pump enough pressure.
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
Yes yes just like the video.
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
Yes it is new . I holds pressure fine at 26PSI To make sure I was doing the check correctly I watched this video.
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
That’s the one I got on there now they had only pump up to 26 PSI. Maybe I just got a bad one. Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
So it is definitely the pump is not pumping up to adequate pressure. I’ve done electrical test with a pump under load and I get less than .02 voltage drop on the positive side and .005 on the negative side. So I’m thinking that BOSCH 69136 would be adequate pump for my 280. Has anyone used the BOSCH 69136. On Amazon for $74 Any feedback would be appreciated. Sent from my iPad using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
So the Bosch fuel pump, I spoke of is the Bosch 0580254044 fuel pump, i’ve read they had a lot of the Z guys use this pump. I’ll check the resistance on the pump tomorrow. Thanks for all your help any other suggestions always welcome.
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
I understand checking the pump under load but what will that tell me? I have checked the wiring with it not connected to anything and I’m getting 12V I like the idea of using a smaller fuel tank to eliminate that is not any fuel tank problem. Sent from my iPad using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems
I get virtually the same reading from both gauges. Currently I only have the gauge above the filter hooked up it only get 26 PSI. I’m going to buy a new Bosch 044 pump. And then I will start the process over again. 1. Check to make sure fuel tank line is clear to pump. 2. New Bosch 044 pump. (no damper) 3. All new rubber fuel lines from tank to pump and from pump to hard line. 4. New rubber fuel line from hard line to new fuel filter. 5. From new fuel filter to pressure gauge oil filled with the T with one of T’s plug for now. 6. If I get 40 PSI then I’ll unplug the T and hook it into the rail. 7. I will plug off or pinch off outflow side of the rail. 8. If I’m getting 40 PSI then unplug the outflow side of the rail. 9. New fuel line from rail to FPR and to hard line. 10. New vacuum line from intake manifold. As a do each step I should me able to find the problem. If you have any other suggestions on steps I should take please let me know. I appreciate all the help. We got to keep the Z’s on the road so young people don’t even know what type of car they are. Sent from my iPad using Classic Zcar Club mobile
Electrical Fuel Pump Pressure Problems