changes from 9/71 diff.
thanks Richard, I shell look under an 1972 z to see the difference. This is still a problem just a few people know. The reason I want to change it is because Iwant to reduce the vibration problem from the differential axles. Thanks a lot for thinking with me. Damian.
changes from 9/71 diff.
Thank you Richard, I can"t find good information or pictures in books. Is there anyone who can show it by pictures? I looked under the car and still wonder how they moved the differential 35mm to the back . with other mountings? But are the hanging points on the bottom the same.? Excuses for my charcoal englisch.
changes from 9/71 diff.
Dear members, Who can give me answers? in 9/71 the differentail was moved back and a 35mm longer drive shaft was required. I know this. But what dit they change ? and is it possible too change it at my car aswell? type HLS30-03091 april 1970. I have all kinds off drive shafts 2x 4speed/2x5speed. Thanks a lot Damian.
the front air dam
the front air dam
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r180 diff bearing problem
hello everyone , I have a little problem I have a r180 dif 3.9 /5speed. and I need new bearings , no problem you schould think but they sent me part nr 32273-04100 it won't fit. can anyone tell me which one do I need? thanks a lot allready. Damian
Door Glass Rubber
hello everyone, Isee there are two party`s at this moment. for bobzcars, Idon`t run a business it`s just a hobby. but the rubber adres in belgum is , carauto hoogstraat 57 9472 denderleeuw belgum telf. (int)-053667442 fax (int)-053671988 I coudn`t find him on internet. I always try to make things myself,before using money. (this is maybe typical dutch. I can start a business and call it M.M.W.O.S. (making money when other people sleep) IT has exist it was a criminal organization. just a joke by damian.
I want original tyres for 1970 240Z
No Ihaven`t these tyres, but I had this information from a dutch road test from RAC or AA . It`s nice to meet someone with such a nice original car. I hope I can finisch mine in a few years . by the way , bridstone is n`t easy to get in japan? I shell look on the dutch tyres site for rd 150 . keep in touch . by damian
I want original tyres for 1970 240Z
dear kats, the one the used in europe where bridgestone radial RD150 175/HR14 . I hope you got your information by damian , holland.
door uppermolding
door uppermolding
it `s about one hour work and will cost arround $10 it will save you $80 nice salary for one hour work.
door uppermolding
door uppermolding
door uppermolding